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A6   U.S. NEWS
                   Monday 7 august 2017

            Ivy League schools brace for scrutiny of race in admissions

                                                                                                   gation. At Brown University,  classes  of  students,”  Har-
                                                                                                   the  inquiry  was  a  topic  of  vard  spokeswoman  Ra-
                                                                                                   discussion last week, school  chael  Dane  said.  “Har-
                                                                                                   spokesman Brian Clark said.  vard’s  admissions  process
                                                                                                   “The courts have held that  considers  each  applicant
                                                                                                   colleges  and  universities  as a whole person, and we
                                                                                                   may  act  affirmatively  to  review  many  factors,  con-
                                                                                                   achieve  the  educational  sistent  with  the  legal  stan-
                                                                                                   goals  at  the  core  of  our  dards  established  by  the
                                                                                                   academic        excellence  U.S. Supreme Court.”
                                                                                                   at  Brown,”  Clark  said  in  a  Despite  the  growth  in  the
                                                                                                   statement.  “Through  our  nonwhite  student  popula-
                                                                                                   race-conscious  admission  tions, the schools acknowl-
                                                                                                   practices, Brown assembles  edge  their  diversity  efforts
                                                                                                   the  diverse  range  of  per-  are aimed largely at draw-
                                                                                                   spectives and experiences  ing students from underrep-
                                                                                                   essential for a learning and  resented races and ethnici-
                                                                                                   research  community  that  ties, a category that often
                                                                                                   prepares students to thrive  includes blacks and Latinos
                                                                                                   in  a  complex  and  chang-  but  not  Asian-American
                                                                                                   ing world.”                  students.
                                                                                                   Word  of  the  investigation  Princeton’s  Eisgruber  said
                                                                                                   startled some who thought  the  last  decade  has  seen
             In this 2012 photo, a tour group walks through the campus of Harvard University in Cambridge,   the  affirmative  action  de-  a significant increase in the
            Mass. Word of an August 2017 Justice Department inquiry into how race factors into admissions
            at Harvard University has left top-tier colleges bracing for scrutiny of practices that have boosted   bate  was  settled  after  the  number of Asian-American
            diversity levels to new highs.                                                         U.S. Supreme Court last year  students on campus, while
                                                                         (AP Photo/Elise Amendola)  upheld     race-conscious  growth  among  other  mi-
            By COLLIN BINKLEY            “They’re pulling the scab off  the  demographics  of  an  admissions  at  the  Univer-  norities  has  been  “more
            Associated Press             a wound that was healing,”  increasingly diverse nation,  sity of Texas. That case was  modest.”  The  trend  has
            CAMBRIDGE,  Mass.  (AP)  said  Anthony  Carnevale,  but  the  schools  also  con-      brought by a white student  been  similar  across  the  Ivy
            —  A  Justice  Department  who has studied affirmative  sider  race  for  reasons  in-  who  contended  she  was  League, where U.S. minority
            inquiry into how race influ-  action programs and leads  cluding a desire to reverse  rejected  from  the  school  students  other  than  Asian-
            ences  admissions  at  Har-  Georgetown      University’s  historically  low  numbers  of  while  black  students  with  Americans  made  up  only
            vard  University  has  left  se-  Center  for  Education  and  minorities  at  elite  universi-  lower  grades  were  admit-  24  percent  of  incoming
            lective colleges bracing for  the  Workforce.  “This  could  ties that in some cases be-  ted. In the Harvard case, in-  students  in  2015.  By  con-
            new  scrutiny  of  practices  erupt in a bunch more cas-  gan  admitting  nonwhite  vestigators are looking into  trast, those minority groups
            that have helped boost di-   es.” At the eight Ivy League  students only in the last 75  a  2015  complaint  brought  made up 35 percent of the
            versity  levels  to  new  highs  colleges including Harvard,  years.  “We’re  aiming  for  by a coalition of 64 Asian-  U.S.  population  last  year,
            across the Ivy League.       Yale  and  Princeton,  the  diversity  on  our  campus  American  groups  that  al-    according  to  Census  esti-
            Harvard  and  other  top-tier  number of U.S. minority stu-  and  we’re  achieving  it,”  lege the school uses racial  mates.
            colleges  closely  guard  the  dents in all incoming class-  said  Christopher  Eisgruber,  quotas  to  admit  students  Some  who  oppose  race-
            inner  workings  of  their  ad-  es grew by 17 percent be-  president  of  Princeton  Uni-  and  discriminates  against  conscious  policies  have
            missions  offices,  but  they  tween 2010 and 2015, while  versity. “Universities have a  Asian-Americans  by  hold-  said  they’re  encouraged
            defend  approaches  that  overall  enrollment  in  those  compelling  interest  in  pur-  ing  them to a  higher stan-  by  the  Justice  Depart-
            consider  an  applicant’s  classes  grew  by  less  than  suing  diversity  in  their  stu-  dard.  The  Justice  Depart-  ment’s  inquiry,  while  sup-
            race  among  other  fac-     2  percent,  according  to  dent bodies through a ho-     ment  said  it’s  revisiting  the  porters  see  it  as  political
            tors as a way to bring a di-  the  latest  federal  data.  By  listic assessment of factors.”  case  because  it  was  left  posturing by President Don-
            verse mix of perspectives to  2015, minorities accounted  Eisgruber said he is not sur-  unresolved by the previous  ald  Trump’s  administration.
            campus. While the schools  for more than 43 percent of  prised  by  the  “continuing  administration.               Still,  some  advocates  fear
            believe they are on firm le-  all incoming students in the  political controversy,” but it  Harvard  said  its  practices  there  could  be  a  chilling
            gal ground, experts say the  Ivy League, up from 37 per-  would  not  be  appropriate  are legally sound.           effect among schools that
            investigation  could  inspire  cent in 2010.              for him to comment on the  “Harvard  remains  com-        will  wonder  if  they’ll  face
            new challenges.              The  trend  partly  reflects  Justice Department investi-  mitted  to  enrolling  diverse  scrutiny next.q
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