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August 24, 2017
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In this May 9, 2017 photo, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke rides a horse in the new Bears Ears National Monument near Blanding, Utah. Conservation groups are airing TV
ads, planning rallies and creating parody websites in a last-minute blitz to persuade Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to refrain from reducing or eliminating large swaths
of land across the country that have been designated as national monuments, Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2017.
(Scott G Winterton/The Deseret News via AP)
Tribal Coalition Joins Blitz to Save National Monument Areas
By BRADY McCOMBS Secretary Ryan Zinke from ing a four-month review of webpage Tuesday that rights.
Associated Press downsizing or eliminating 27 sites ordered by Presi- explains the cultural impor- “At a time when the United
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Con- national monument areas dent Donald Trump. tance of lands consider sa- States feels anything but
servation and tribal groups that cover large swaths of A tribal coalition that cred to them. united under the shadow
are airing TV ads, sending land and water from Maine pushed for the Bears Ears They also posted a letter of Charlottesville, Virginia,
letters to President Don- to California. National Monument in sent to President Trump tell- please hear our voices,”
ald Trump and creating The deadline for Zinke to Utah, designated by Presi- ing him that part of “mak- wrote Willie Grayeyes,
parody websites in a last- announce his recommen- dent Barack Obama in De- ing American great again” chairman of the coalition.
minute blitz to stop Interior dations is Thursday follow- cember, unveiled a new is honoring tribal history and Continued on Page 4
Trump Preaches Unity to Vets after Fiery Political Speech
By JULIE BYKOWICZ “We are here to hold you up as and devotion as veterans. widespread condemnation of his
Associated Press an example of strength, cour- The messaging zig-zag appears response to violence at a Charlot-
RENO, Nev. (AP) — A day after a age and resolve that our country to reflect the president’s real-time tesville, Virginia, protest organized
searing speech tearing into the will need to overcome the many internal debate between calls for by white supremacists.
media and members of his own challenges that we face,” Trump moderation and his inclination to At the Phoenix rally, he read from
political party, President Donald told the veterans, speaking in let loose. his three responses to the racial-
Trump returned to calls for unity measured tones and adhering to Trump had opened his Tuesday ly charged violence, becoming
and love as he spoke to veterans his prepared remarks. rally in Phoenix much the same more animated with each one.
Wednesday at an American Le- He said all Americans must learn way — but quickly erupted in an-
gion conference. the same work ethic, patriotism ger, blaming the media for the Continued on Page 3