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P. 2
Friday 6 November 2020
Judges dismiss Trump claims in Georgia, Michigan
Democrat, said in a CNN
interview the Trump cam-
paign’s lawsuit was “more
a political document than
a legal document.”
“There is transparency in
this process. The counting
has been going on. There
are observers observing this
counting, and the counting
will continue,” he said.
The Michigan lawsuit
claimed Secretary of State
Jocelyn Benson, a Demo-
crat, was allowing absen-
tee ballots to be counted
without teams of biparti-
san observers as well as
challengers. Michigan
Democrats said the suit
was a longshot. Poll watch-
ers from both sides were
plentiful Wednesday at
one major polling place in
question, the TCF Center in
Detroit, the AP observed.
Trump’s comments to sup-
porters at the White House
early Wednesday about
taking the undecided race
to the Supreme Court were
Chester County election workers process mail-in and absentee ballots for the 2020 general election in the United States at West
Chester University, Wednesday, Nov. 4, 2020, in West Chester, Pa. hard to decipher, but they
Associated Press evoked a reprise of the
court’s intervention in the
Continued from Front But Trump campaign offi- The Pennsylvania and Trump campaign filed in 2000 presidential election,
cials accused Democrats Michigan complaints large- Michigan and Pennsylva- which ended with a deci-
In Pennsylvania, mean- of trying to steal the elec- ly involved access for cam- nia on Wednesday called sion effectively handing
while, the Trump campaign tion, despite no evidence paign observers in locations for a temporary halt in the the presidency to George
won an appellate ruling to anything of the sort was where ballots are being counting until it is given W. Bush.
get party and campaign taking place. processed and counted. “meaningful” access in But there are important
observers closer to election Trump campaign manager The Georgia case dealt numerous locations and differences from 2000 and
workers who are process- Bill Stepien, in a call with re- with concerns about 53 ab- allowed to review ballots they already are on dis-
ing mail-in ballots in Phila- porters Thursday morning, sentee ballots in Chatham that already have been play. In 2000, Republican-
delphia. said that “every night the County. It was dismissed by opened and processed. controlled Florida was
But the order did not affect president goes to bed with a judge after elections of- The AP’s Michigan call for the critical state and Bush
the counting of ballots that a lead” and every night ficials in the Savannah-ar- Biden came after the suit clung to a small lead. Dem-
is proceeding in Pennsylva- new votes “are mysterious- ea county testified that all was filed. The president is ocrat Al Gore asked for a
nia. ly found in a sack.” of those ballots had been ahead in Pennsylvania, recount and the Supreme
Biden campaign attorney Trump campaign spokes- received on time. Cam- but his margin is shrinking Court stopped it.
Bob Bauer called the Re- man Jason Miller said ad- paign officials said earlier as more mailed ballots are To some election law ex-
publican legal challenges ditional legal action was they were considering simi- counted. The state had perts, calling for the Su-
meritless. expected and would be lar challenges in a dozen 3.1 million mail ballots, and preme Court to intervene
“I want to emphasize that focused on giving cam- other counties around a court order allows bal- now seemed premature, if
for their purposes these paign officials access to the state. Vote counting, lots received in the mail to not rash.
lawsuits don’t have to where ballots were being meanwhile, stretched into be counted until Friday if A case would have to
have merit. That’s not the counted. Thursday. In every election, they were postmarked by come to the court from
purpose. ... It is to create “We will literally be going results reported on election Nov. 3. In Pennsylvania, a state in which the out-
an opportunity for them through every single bal- night are unofficial and the Trump campaign com- come would determine the
to message falsely about lot,” he said of the count in ballot counting extends plained Tuesday that its ob- election’s winner, Richard
what’s taking place in the hotly contested Nevada. past Election Day. This year, server could not get close Hasen, a University of Cali-
electoral process,” Bauer Trump’s campaign has also states were contending enough to election workers fornia, Irvine, law profes-
said Thursday, accusing the announced that it will ask with an avalanche of mail to see the writing on the sor, wrote on the Election
Trump campaign of “con- for a recount in Wisconsin. ballots driven by fears of mail-in ballot envelopes, to Law blog. The difference
tinually alleging irregulari- Stepien previously cited “ir- voting in person during a ensure that the envelope between the candidates’
ties, failures of the system regularities in several Wis- pandemic. contains a signature and vote totals would have to
and fraud without any ba- consin counties,” without Mail ballots normally take an eligible voter’s name be smaller than the ballots
sis.” Biden said Wednesday providing specifics. more time to verify and and address. Ballots with- at stake in the lawsuit.
the count should continue The Associated Press called count. And results were ex- out that kind of information “As of this moment (though
in all states, adding, “No Wisconsin and Michigan for pected to take longer this could be challenged or dis- things can change) it does
one’s going to take our de- Biden on Wednesday. The year because there are so qualified. not appear that either con-
mocracy away from us — AP has not called Georgia, many mail ballots and a Pennsylvania Attorney dition will be met,” Hasen
not now, not ever.” Nevada or Pennsylvania. close race. The lawsuits the General Josh Shapiro, a wrote.q