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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 6 November 2020
            Counties with worst virus surges overwhelmingly voted Trump

            By  CARLA  K.  JOHNSON,                                                                                             voters  described  the  pan-
            HANNAH  FINGERHUT  and                                                                                              demic  as  completely  or
            PIA DESHPANDE                                                                                                       mostly  under  control,  and
            Associated Press                                                                                                    another  47%  said  it  was
            U.S. voters went to the polls                                                                                       somewhat  under  control,
            starkly  divided  on  how                                                                                           according  to  AP  Vote-
            they  see  President  Donald                                                                                        Cast,  a  nationwide  survey
            Trump's  response  to  the                                                                                          of  more  than  110,000  vot-
            coronavirus     pandemic,                                                                                           ers  conducted  for  the  AP
            with  a  surprising  twist:  In                                                                                     by  NORC  at  the  University
            places  where  the  virus  is                                                                                       of  Chicago.  Meanwhile,
            most  rampant  now,  Trump                                                                                          82%  of  Biden  voters  said
            enjoyed enormous support.                                                                                           the  pandemic  is  not  at  all
            An  Associated  Press  anal-                                                                                        under  control.  The  pan-
            ysis  reveals  that  in  376                                                                                        demic    was   considered
            counties  with  the  highest                                                                                        at  least  somewhat  under
            number  of  new  cases  per                                                                                         control by slim majorities of
            capita,  the  overwhelming                                                                                          voters  in  many  red  states,
            majority  —  93%  of  those                                                                                         including  Alabama  (60%),
            counties — went for Trump,                                                                                          Missouri  (  54%),  Mississippi
            a rate above other less se-                                                                                         (58%), Kentucky (55%), Tex-
            verely hit areas. Most were                                                                                         as  (55%),  Tennessee  (56%)
            rural areas in the Dakotas,   In  this  Nov.  3,  2020,  file  photo,  workers  count  Milwaukee  County  ballots  at  Central  Count  in   and  South  Carolina  (56%).
            Montana,  Nebraska,  Wis-                                                                          Associated Press  In Wisconsin, where the vi-
            consin and Iowa.                                                                                                    rus  surged  just  before  the
            Taking  note  of  the  con-  reframe  their  messages  who aren't taking the same      "I  think  there's  the  poten-  election, 57% said the pan-
            trast,  state  health  officials  and aim for a reset on pub-  stance"  on  mask-wearing   tial  for  things  to  get  less  demic was not under con-
            are pausing for a moment  lic  sentiment  now  that  the  and  other  control  mea-    charged  and  divisive,"  he  trol.  In  Washington  state,
            of  introspection.  Even  as  election is over.           sures, said Dr. Marcus Ples-  said, adding that there's a  where  the  virus  is  more  in
            they  worry  about  rising  "Public health officials need  cia  of  the  Association  of   chance  a  retooled  public  control  now  compared  to
            numbers of hospitalizations  to step back, listen to and  State and Territorial Health   health message might unify  earlier in the year, 55% said
            and  deaths,  they  hope  to  understand  the  people  Officials.                      Americans  around  lower-    the  same.  Voters  in  New
                                                                                                   ing case counts so hospitals  York  and  New  Hampshire,
              Is it safe to stay in hotels during the                                              won't get swamped during  where the virus is more con-
                                                                                                                                trolled now after early surg-
                                                                                                   the winter months.
              pandemic?                                                                            The  AP's  analysis  was  lim-  es, were roughly divided in
                                                                                                   ited  to  counties  in  which  their assessments, similar to
                                                                                                   at  least  95%  of  precincts  voters nationwide.
                                                                                                   had  reported  results,  and  Trump  voters  interviewed
              By The Associated Press                                                              grouped  counties  into  six  by  AP  reporters  said  they
              Is  it  safe  to  stay  in  hotels                                                   categories  based  on  the  value  individual  freedom
              during the pandemic?                                                                 rates  of  COVID-19  cases  and believed the president
              In a recent travel update,                                                           they'd  experienced  per  was  doing  as  well  as  any-
              the  U.S.  Centers  for  Dis-                                                        100,000 residents.           one  could  in  response  to
              ease Control and Preven-                                                             Polling,  too,  shows  voters  the coronavirus.
              tion  makes  it  clear:  Stay-                                                       who  split  on  Republican  Michaela Lane, a 25-year-
              ing home is the best way                                                             Trump  vs.  Democrat  Joe  old  Republican,  dropped
              to protect yourself against                                                          Biden  differed  on  whether  her  ballot  off  last  week  at
              the coronavirus.                                                                     the  pandemic  is  under  a polling site at an outdoor
              If you do travel, the CDC                                                            control.                     mall  in  Phoenix.  She  cast
              says,  sharing  a  rental
              home  with  people  from                     Associated Press Illustration/Peter Hamlin  Thirty-six  percent  of  Trump  her vote for Trump.q
              your own household is saf-
              er than staying with friends  scrubbing floors and other  hanced  cleaning  proce-
              or  family  who  aren't  from  surfaces  with  soap  and  dures,  for  example,  and
              your  household  or  stay-  water;  washing  linens  on  are  encouraging  social
              ing  at  a  hotel  where  you  high  heat;  disinfecting  distancing in common ar-
              would  encounter  more  high-touch items like door  eas.
              people. The riskiest option,  knobs;  and  ventilating  You can also use disinfec-
              it says, is a hostel or other  rooms.                  tant  wipes  to  clean  the
              dorm-like  lodging  with  Rentals  might  also  have  surfaces  that  are  most
              shared sleeping areas.      more  access  to  fresh  air  touched, like light switch-
              Try  to  find  a  rental  that  than  hotel  rooms,  Tuznik  es  and  faucets,  Tuznik
              guarantees a 72-hour buf-   said.  But  she  said  there  said.  And  consider  omit-
              fer  between  guests,  says  have  been  very  few  re-  ting  housekeeping  servic-
              Dr.  Natascha  Tuznik,  an  ported  coronavirus  out-  es to ensure fewer people
              infectious  disease  expert  breaks  connected  to  ho-  enter the room.
              at  the  University  of  Cali-  tels.                  Outside the room, experts
              fornia,  Davis.  Airbnb  will  If  you  stay  at  a  hotel,  suggest  avoiding  com-
              require  hosts  to  commit  check  to  see  what  safe-  mon areas and taking the
              to  enhanced  cleaning  ty  steps  it's  taking.  Many  stairs instead of the eleva-
              by  Nov.  20.  That  includes  hotels  have  adopted  en-  tor if you can.q
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