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                   Friday 6 November 2020
            China opens import expo under anti-disease controls

            SHANGHAI (AP) — Chinese                                                                                             The  epidemic  is  both  a
            leaders are conducting an                                                                                           challenge  and  an  oppor-
            import  fair  under  intensive                                                                                      tunity for our meat compa-
            anti-coronavirus controls in                                                                                        ny," said Zhou.
            their  latest  effort  to  revive                                                                                   China has relaxed most an-
            the world's No. 2 economy                                                                                           ti-disease controls but trav-
            while the United States and                                                                                         elers  and  visitors  to  public
            Europe  struggle  with  a  re-                                                                                      buildings  still  are  checked
            newed surge of infections.                                                                                          for fever and must show a
            Few  exhibitors  came  from                                                                                         smartphone  app  that  re-
            abroad for the third China                                                                                          cords  whether  they  have
            International  Import  Expo.                                                                                        been  to  areas  with  recent
            Most    were   represented                                                                                          infections.    At  the  import
            by  Chinese  employees  or                                                                                          expo,  exhibitors  and  visi-
            managers who work in Chi-                                                                                           tors were required to show
            na. Beijing has eased curbs                                                                                         proof they had a negative
            that  barred  foreign  visitors                                                                                     virus  test  within  the  past
            to  China,  but  new  arrivals                                                                                      week. Crowds are limited to
            are required to undergo a                                                                                           30% of the normal capac-
            14-day quarantine.                                                                                                  ity  of  the  National  Exhibi-
            China, where the pandem-                                                                                            tion  and  Convention  Cen-
            ic began in December, be-                                                                                           ter.    China  held  this  year's
            came the first major econ-                                                                                          first  in-person  trade  fair  in
            omy  to  begin  the  struggle   Visitors wearing face masks to protect against the coronavirus look walk past a display from the   September  in  Beijing.  Ex-
            to  restore  normal  activity   U.S. Grains Council at the China International Import Expo in Shanghai, Thursday, Nov. 5, 2020.    hibitors from abroad at the
                                                                                                               Associated Press
            after the ruling Communist                                                                                          China International Fair for
            Party declared victory over  The  expo  does  nothing  to  its  industries.  They  say  the  many that already operate  Trade in Services took part
            the virus in March. Econom-  address  complaints  about  ruling   party   improperly  in or sell to China.          via the internet.  The same
            ic growth turned positive in  China's  trade  record  that  supports  its  fledgling  com-  Tyson  Foods  Inc.  is  at  the  month,  authorities  opened
            the three months ending in  helped to spark its tariff war  panies  in  technology  and  expo  for  the  first  time  to  the  Beijing  auto  show,  the
            June.  Retail  spending  has  with  Washington  and  fuel  other  promising  fields  and  showcase its pork, beef and  first  major  trade  show  for
            edged  back  above  pre-     tension with Europe, Japan  shields  them  from  compe-   pet  food,  said  Zhou  Qian,  any industry since the pan-
            virus  levels.  "By  hosting  the  and other trading partners.  tition.    The  approximately  the company's public rela-  demic began. A handful of
            expo in these difficult times,  Other  governments  com-  2,600  companies  at  the  tions  manager  for  Greater  foreign visitors arrived early
            China  is  demonstrating  its  plain  Beijing  violates  its  six-day  expo  that  opened  China. Tyson has been sell-  to  wait  out  a  quarantine,
            resolve to keep the global  free-trade commitments by  Thursday  in  a  cavernous,  ing  chicken  in  China  for  but most brands were rep-
            economy on track," the of-   hampering  access  for  for-  1.5  million  square  meter  two  decades  and  has  six  resented  by  Chinese  em-
            ficial  China  Daily  newspa-  eign companies that want  (16  million  square  foot)  factories in this country.    ployees or executives who
            per said Wednesday.          to  invest  and  compete  in  convention  center  include  "2020 is a very special year.  work in China.q

            Ivory Coast's Soro calls on military to disobey president

                                                                      to push ahead with a tran-   were  brought  against  him  dum  passed  in  2016.  The
                                                                      sitional government of their  that his supporters say were  78-year-old  president, who
                                                                      own  after  Saturday's  elec-  politically motivated to de-  is  popular  with  internation-
                                                                      tion.  "I  ask  you  to  disobey  rail his candidacy.     al donors, has said he was
                                                                      the  illegal  orders  and  join  He was later sentenced to  motivated  to  run  again
                                                                      the  National  Council  of  20 years in absentia on em-   because  of  his  love  for  his
                                                                      Transition.  To  the  defense  bezzling  public  funds  and  country. He also has said it's
                                                                      and  security  forces,  I  ask  money  laundering  charg-  unlikely  he  would  seek  re-
                                                                      you to look in the mirror, in  es. Several opposition lead-  election again in 2025.
                                                                      soul  and  conscience,  and  ers  in  Abidjan  have  had  There  have  been  wide-
                                                                      act to stop the killings. You  their homes surrounded by  spread  fears  of  post-elec-
                                                                      must act to restore our con-  security  forces  since  Tues-  tion  violence  erupting  in
                                                                      stitution to its former glory,"  day  when  the  electoral  Ivory  Coast,  where  more
                                                                      Soro said.                   commission  issued  results  than  3,000  people  were
                                                                      "Alassane  Ouattara  is  no  showing Ouattara had won  killed  following  a  disputed
            People, alleged detained, are seen in a police truck in Abidjan,   longer the President of the  another term with 94.3% of  vote a decade ago.
            Ivory Coast, Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2020.                       Republic  of  Ivory  Coast.  the  vote  after  an  opposi-  Soro  said  Wednesday  that
                                                     Associated Press   Put  an  end  to  the  specter  tion boycott.           a  "nascent  tyranny"  was
            By TOUSSAINT N'GOTTA and  President  Alassane  Ouat-      of  civil  war  that  threatens  Ouattara has been in pow-  forming in the country and
            KRISTA LARSON                tara  after  he  was  allowed  our country, you know me,"  er  for  nearly  a  decade.  he called on opposition ac-
            Associated Press             to win a controversial third  Soro said, directly address-  He  initially  said  he  would  tivists  to  continue  civil  dis-
            ABIDJAN,  Ivory  Coast  (AP)  term.   Soro's   comments  ing  defense  and  security  not run again this year but  obedience efforts.
            — Prominent dissident Guil-  via  his  Facebook  account  forces.  Soro, a former rebel  changed his mind after his  "We  must  stand  up  and
            laume Soro, a former prime  put  him  on  a  direct  crash  leader who went on to be-  party's candidate died sud-  block  the  former  presi-
            minister  who  was  blocked  course with his former men-  come the president of the  denly in July. He maintains  dent,  Alassane  Ouattara,
            from running in Ivory Coast's  tor,  and  align  him  more  National Assembly, was un-  that the country's two-term  who has taken the country
            presidential      election,  closely  with  two  other  op-  able to return to Ivory Coast  limit  for  presidents  does  hostage,"  Soro  said.  "Let's
            called  Wednesday  on  the  position leaders still in Ivory  from France earlier this year  not  apply  to  him  because  stand  up  to  say  no  to  the
            country's military to disobey  Coast  who  have  pledged  when    criminal   charges  of  a  constitutional  referen-  dictatorship."q
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