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Friday 6 November 2020
Arubans Mario Michael Gonsalves and Valentino Angela:
First film production at the famous Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam
pandemic- was their best year so far. To- rio attended the University sterdam, where it was lo-
gether with a crew of 50 under their guid- of the Arts (HKU) in Utrecht, cated in the Paleis op de
ance they were able to wrap up their first majoring as a film director. Dam. The first purchase,
production, which took place at the Rijks- While studying at HKU Ma- De Zwaan by Jan Asselijn,
museum in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. rio has worked on multiple was bought for 100 guil-
projects for established art- ders and is still considered
The project took three months of prepara- one of the highlights of the
tions, and had a peak live viewer count of Rijksmuseum. In 1808 the
almost 2.000 people in the museum world collections were moved
from the Netherlands, Suriname, Curacao by order of the new king
and other islands. This was the first ever Louis Napoleon to Amster-
live event organized by the museum itself. dam, which became the
Gonsalves is a Dutch-Caribbean film di- capital of the Kingdom of
rector born in Almere, the Netherlands on Holland. The artworks and
April 11, 1992. His parents moved to Aruba objects were housed in the
with him when he was only three years old, Paleis op de Dam, the for-
his mother is Aruban. In 2011 Mario started mer Amsterdam town hall.
his own YouTube show and gained atten- There they were united
tion from various art institutions in Aruba. with the city's most impor-
These art institutions gave Mario a funding tant paintings, including
to further expand his knowledge on film- Rembrandt’s Night Watch
making as the island of Aruba didn't have Rijksmuseum photos by: John . Because the collections
any educational programs focusing on Lewis Marshall are constantly growing
film at the time. and museum insights are
Rijksmuseum photos by: John Lewis Marshall Mario's first introduction to the profes- ists and record labels all constantly changing, a lot
AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS — Arubans sional world of filmmaking was in Maine, around the world such as of work has been done on
Mario Michael Gonsalves and Valentino USA where he followed cinematography Sony Music, Universal Mu- the Rijksmuseum building
Angela always dreamed of breaking bar- classes given by cinematographer Rober- sic, Disney Music and more. over time. During the last
riers in the creative industry such as in art, to Schaefer, ASC. From there on Mario got While developing himself renovation, the building
culture and the media industry in general, additional scholarship funding from the art as a music video director got back the original struc-
but the resources to do this in Aruba are institutions in Aruba to further develop his he got more interested in ture of Cuypers. The build-
very limited. With this in mind, they man- knowledge of film in Los Angeles where he the art of storytelling and ings have disappeared
aged to open their own creative agency attended NYFA & USC taking classes in 'in- started directing more nar- from the courtyards. Paint-
in Amsterdam two years ago called ‘Re- troduction to filmmaking' and 'music video rative work. ing, crafts and history can
cent’ and this year -despite the global production & business'. Later in 2015 Ma- Valentino Angela studied no longer be seen in sep-
at University of the Arts arate parts of the build-
(HKU) in Utrecht and is a ing, but together show a
Graphic Designer and Art- story about Dutch art and
ist. history in one chronologi-
cal circuit. The building
About the museum has also been modern-
The Rijksmuseum first ized in all kinds of other
opened its doors in 1800 areas, while at the same
as a National Art Gal- time it has become more
lery. It was then located in like the Cuypers building
the Huis ten Bosch in The on the inside: 'Verder met
Hague. The collection con- Cuypers', is what the Rijks-
sisted mainly of paintings museum calls this. The new
and historical objects. In Rijksmuseum will thus be a
1808 the museum moved wonderful museum for the
to the new capital Am- visitor of the 21st century!q
Rijksmuseum photos by: John Lewis Marshall