Page 22 - Aruba Today
P. 22
SPORTSTuesday 8 March 2016
Manfred waits on Reyes decision, explains lifting Utley ban
MIKE CRANSTON In this Aug. 13, 2015, file photo, Major League Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred speaks to ing,” he said. “I don’t talk
Associated Press members of the media after the owners meetings in Chicago. about the substance of
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. (AP) — those other than to say we
Baseball Commissioner Associated Press got a nice early start, and
Rob Manfred won’t decide that’s a good thing for ev-
on discipline for Jose Reyes take you can make here is out, I think we’ll be in a po- to have a great grasp of erybody.”
until after the domestic vio- to make a decision quickly sition to have access to all the facts quite yet. I think The commissioner said the
lence case involving the and then have additional the facts and be in a posi- we’ll be in a much better new sliding rule played a
Colorado shortstop plays facts come out afterwards tion to act quickly,” Man- position once the legal pro- role in the decision to re-
out in court. and undermine the quality fred said. cess plays out.” scind the suspension of
Speaking Monday dur- of that decision.” Manfred explained each Manfred indicated he’s Utley, originally penalized
ing the Rockies’ exhibition Reyes is scheduled for a domestic violence case is preparing for frequent two games for a hard take-
game against the Chi- trial April 4 on a charge he different. “And they’re not meetings with the union on out slide that broke a leg
cago Cubs, Manfred also abused his wife at a Hawaii just what you think the facts a new labor contract. of New York Mets shortstop
said he met with the play- resort on Oct. 31. Reyes has are, it’s also what facts you “We’ve had one meeting Ruben Tejada during last
ers’ association last week pleaded not guilty. can prove,” Manfred said. already, and they will con- season’s NL Division Series.
to begin collective bar- “Once that process plays “We’re just not in a position tinue during spring train- The penalty was put on
gaining for an agreement hold while Utley appealed.
to replace the one that “Given that you can’t go
expires Dec. 1. He also said back to the World Series
the decision to rescind Los and alter him playing or
Angeles Dodgers infielder not playing in that World
Chase Utley’s two-game Series, it seemed like a
suspension stemmed from good result to move on
the new sliding rules an- and focus on the new rule
nounced last week. going forward.”
Manfred placed Reyes on Manfred also said his office
paid suspension ahead of consulted with the union
spring training under the before submitting a pro-
domestic violence agree- posal to the U.S. Treasury
ment reached last August. Department that would al-
Last week, Yankees closer low teams to sign Cuban
Aroldis Chapman agreed players without them hav-
to a 30-game suspension. ing to establish residence
“It depends on the circum- outside the communist is-
stances of each case,” land nation.
Manfred said. “I can “We did have a conversa-
imagine a scenario where tion about it. It’s pending,”
you’re able to get all the in- Manfred said. “It’s really in
formation and put yourself the government’s hands at
in a position to make a de- this point, and I don’t nec-
cision. On the other hand, I essarily expect quick ac-
think the single-biggest mis- tion there.”q
Brad Keselowski passes Kyle Busch late to win at Las Vegas
GREG BEACHAM in nearly a full year since day. Keselowski gambled into Chase Elliott in a late Kenset couldn’t explain
AP Sports Writer Fontana in March 2015. on fuel to win. He also per- wreck that sidelined both what caused his wreck
LAS VEGAS (AP) — Brad This is really, really great,” severed through a lurking cars, with Elliott, but he noticed
Keselowski passed Kyle Keselowski said. storm that blew gale-force Kyle Busch confidently the wind gusts picking up
Busch with five laps to go “It seemed like there were winds and light rain onto stayed in front off the re- off the restart.
Sunday and surged to his plenty of challenges, the desert track. start with 35 laps to go.
second win in three years whether it was pit road or But Busch reported prob- Kenseth, who said he
in the NASCAR race at the the weather or cautions. The wind regularly blew lems with his wheel, and “spun out before I had any
Las Vegas Motor Speed- They threw everything they debris into the drivers’ the Team Penske team- idea what happened,”
way under weird and had at us today ... but we grills, getting pole-sitter mates calmly stalked him continued his rotten run
windy weather conditions. were able to fight them off Kurt Busch and Kyle Larson before Keselowski surged of luck in a season that he
Keselowski got past team- and get to Victory Lane.” in the opening laps. in front to stay. began by losing the Day-
mate Joey Logano and Logano finished second Later, the wind picked up “(Kyle Busch) had a really tona 500 on the last lap.
then tracked down Busch, and Jimmie Johnson sharply while an appar- good short-run car, but it All three manufacturers
whose right front wheel came in third. ent dust storm rose on the fell off on the long run,” have a Cup win through
vibrated and struggled Busch finished fourth in the outskirts of the track, ob- Keselowski said. the first three races: Toyo-
down the stretch. Kesel- opener of NASCAR’s three- scuring the view of nearby “That is part of this new ta and Joe Gibbs Racing
owski, week Southwest swing, fall- Nellis Air Force Base and (low-downforce) pack- won at Daytona, while
who overcame an early ing a few laps shy of com- briefly dropping more rain. age. Some are good on Johnson paced Chevro-
speeding penalty, drove pleting a weekend sweep. “I guess that’s the Wild short run and some are let and Hendrick Motors-
his Team Penske Ford to his The defending Sprint Cup Wild West, right?” Logano good on long run, and we ports to victory at Atlanta
first Sprint Cup Series victo- champ dominated the asked. “It was just dusty, had a really good long-run before Keselowski won for
ry of the season and his first Xfinity Series race on Satur- grainy, windy. Crazy.” car today.” Ford and Team Penske at
After Matt Kenseth spun Las Vegas.q