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SPORTSTuesday 8 March 2016
Manning jokes, chokes up during retirement remarks
ARNIE STAPLETON Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning, center, joins head coach Gary Kubiak, left, and 2011 season and led the
AP Pro Football Writer team general manager John Elway after Manning’s retirement announcement at team head- Colts to cut him.
ENGLEWOOD, Colo. (AP) quarters Monday, March 7, 2016, in Englewood, Colo. Team president Joe Ellis
— His voice cracking with told Manning, “If there is a
emotion, Peyton Manning Associated Press list of achievements need-
said good bye to the game ed to attain greatness
he loved at a news confer- month, said the timing was you’ve checked every
ence packed with friends, simply right to call an end box. ... We will miss watch-
family and laughter. to his 18-year NFL career. ing you play quarterback.
He threw in some Scripture, “I thought about it a lot, You have been a joy.”
some fond memories and prayed about it a lot ... it Elway was equally emo-
even a dig at Super Bowl was just the right time,” tional when he walked
50 MVP Von Miller, whom Manning said. “I don’t away from the game after
he thanked for taking a throw as good as I used to, winning his second cham-
break “from your celebrity don’t run as good as I used pionship in 1999, and on
tour to be here today.” to, but I have always have Monday he said, “Having
He ended it with his signa- had good timing.” been through it, I know it’s
ture “Omaha!” and then He came to Denver on a hard day for him.”
posed for pictures with March 20, 2012, for the Indeed, Manning choked
more than a dozen of his chance to win another title up several times, especially
former teammates with in the twilight of his career when he listed all the things
the Indianapolis Colts and and GM John Elway had he’d miss about football,
Denver Broncos, each of the blueprints. the flights home after a big
whom he helped win a Su- Four years later, he hobbles win, his teammates.
per Bowl. away a champion just like Coach Gary Kubiak talk-
Manning, who turns 40 this his boss did 17 years ago. ed about how Manning
Elway thanked Manning missed six weeks with a foot
for coming to Colorado for injury and how he worked
the second chapter of his his way back to regain his
brilliant career, saying he starting job in time to lead
made his own job easier, Denver on its historic play-
noting that with Manning off run.
living here, free agents Manning said if there’s one
were basically asking El- thing he learned in his most
way “where do I sign?” trying season was how to
Manning went 50-15 in be a good teammate in
Denver, leading the Bron- trying times. He said it’s
cos to four AFC West titles, easy to be a good team-
two Super Bowl trips, one mate when you’re the
championship and in 2013 starter and things are go-
guided the highest-scoring ing well, but when you’re
offense in league history trying to regain your health
— all after retraining him- and your starting job it’s
self to throw after a series tougher.
of neck fusion surgeries Manning declined to ad-
forced him to miss all of the dress in detail a recent re-
hashing of a sexual harass-
ment claim from his days at
“This is a joyous day and
nothing could overtake
this day. I think it is sad that
some people don’t under-
stand the truth and the
facts. I did not do what has
been alleged. And I am
not interested in relitigating
something that happened
when I was 19 years old.
Kind of like my dad used to
say when I was in trouble,
‘I can’t say it any plainer
than that.’ So, this is a joy-
ous day. It’s a special day.
And like Forrest Gump said,
‘That is all I have to say
about that.’”q