Page 15 - Aruba Today
P. 15
Tuesday 8 March 2016
Every Thursday Fresh Oysters are on Tap at Papillon
PALM BEACH - From now tattoo on his chest, the about Oysters.... grigio, chenin blanc and bly.”
on, Papillon is offering Frenchman was the first fume blanc (sauvignon
their guests fresh oysters convict to escape from 1. To taste the nuances of blanc) are all well suited”. For reservations: reserva-
on Thursdays. Surely some- Devil’s Island, something an oyster’s flavor, chew “Of course, some people
thing that Henri Charrière that nobody had ever it rather than swallow it like them with a little bub- Or call: 586 5400
“Papillon” would have done before. Charrière’s whole. Try eating it plain or
loved! thrilling, gripping autobi- with just a couple of drops
Henri Charrière, one of the ography has been the of fresh lemon juice to bal-
world’s most famous pris- concept behind Papillon ance the salinity, we rec-
oners, would surely have Restaurant. The décor, the ommend.
had the time of his life at decorations and especially “If you want to really expe-
Papillon Restaurant in The the restrooms wink at the rience the oyster, you need
Village, across from the Hil- thirteen terrible years Papil- to taste it naked.”
ton. lon spent in prison in French
Nicknamed Papillon be- Guyana. 2. Dry white wines pair
cause of the butterfly Some Pearls of wisdom well with oysters. “A pinot