Page 18 - Aruba Today
P. 18


SPORTSTuesday 8 March 2016

Mushers set off from Alaska Kane steers
town as Iditarod race begins  Blackhawks to 4-1

                                               win over Red Wings 

Four- time Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race champion Lance Mackey prepares his sled ahead of the                                          The Associated Press             Chicago Blackhawks right
official start of this year’s race on Sunday, March 6, 2016, in Willow, Alaska. Mackey said his pain                                  CHICAGO (AP) — Patrick         wing  Patrick  Kane  celebrates
level has decreased a little from last year, when blood circulation problems made it difficult for                                    Kane scored his 38th goal      after scoring his goal dur-
him to finish the race.                                                                                                               on the first shot of the game  ing the first period of an NHL
                                                                                                                                      to steer the Chicago Black-    hockey game against the De-
                                                                                                                    Associated Press  hawks to a 4-1 win over the    troit Red Wings Sunday, March
                                                                                                                                      Detroit Red Wings in the       6, 2016, in Chicago. 
MARK THIESSEN                   the fierce winds along the      dogs’ fault. This team, in my                                         National Hockey League
 Associated Press               Bering Sea coast.               opinion, and I know what                                              on Sunday.                                        Associated Press
WILLOW, Alaska (AP) —           He said there are “a lot of     kind of dogs it takes, this                                           Jonathan Toews also
Eighty-five mushers set off     really good teams, there’s      team has what it takes. It’s                                          scored for the defending       against Calgary 24 hours
to conquer the toughest         a lot of people who could       up to me now to show the                                              Stanley Cup holders as         earlier.
terrain this nation has to of-  win. There’s a lot of people    world, and they deserve it,”                                          the Blackhawks (41-21-5)       Kyle Palmieri scored his 25th
fer, vying to become the        that maybe should win that      he said.                                                              joined the Dallas Stars on     goal of the season for New
first to reach Alaska’s west-   won’t. That’s actually why      Also in this year’s race is                                           top of the Western Confer-     Jersey, which played with-
ern coast with their dog        we go run the race, and         two-time champion Rob-                                                ence with 87 points.           out injured All-Star goalten-
teams.                          we’ll figure it out in a cou-   ert Sorlie of Oslo. He leads                                          “We’ve got a lot of division   der Cory Schneider, who
Scott Janssen, an under-        ple of weeks,” he said.         a large Norwegian contin-                                             games coming up,” Toews        had limited Pittsburgh to six
taker from Anchorage who        Besides Seavey, there are       gency among the mushers.                                              said. “Those aren’t going to   goals in the last six meet-
is known as the Mushing         six other former champi-        But Mats Pettersson will tell                                         be easy ones. It’ll be good    ings.
Mortician, was the first to     ons in the race, including      you there are eight Norwe-                                            preparation for the end of     Lauri Korpikoski scored the
leave across Willow Lake in     four-time winner Lance          gians in the race, and not                                            the year.”                     winner late in the second
the staggered start to the      Mackey. Last year, Mackey       nine.                                                                 Antoine Roussel scored the     period as the Edmonton
Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race    struggled to finish the race.   “I feel a little bit lonely,” he                                      go-ahead goal late in the      Oilers edged the Winnipeg
Sunday.                         The cancer survivor also        said because everyone be-                                             third period to lead Dallas    Jets 2-1.
Dallas Seavey was only          has a condition which af-       lieves he’s Norwegian, too.                                           past the Ottawa Senators       Patrick Maroon also scored
wearing a long-sleeved          fects blood circulation in his  “I have to tell every guy I’m                                         2-1.                           for Edmonton, which
shirt as he packed his sled     hands, and he had prob-         Swedish.”                                                             Jason Spezza also scored       moved out of last place in
under blue skies and warm       lems caring for his dogs last   Adding to the international                                           for the Stars, and Kari        the Western Conference
temperatures. He said it felt   year. His brother, musher       flair of the race is Kim Frank-                                       Lehtonen made 23 saves.        — one point ahead of Cal-
just like another day for him   Jason Mackey, helped with       lin, a 49-year-old musher                                             Zack Smith scored the lone     gary and tied with Winni-
and his dogs, doing their       dog care so Lance could         from Herts, England.                                                  goal for Ottawa. Andrew        peg with 59 points.
thing.                          finish the race.                This is her second race to                                            Hammond turned aside 23        Jori Lehtera, back follow-
That could be bad news          When asked Sunday if his        Nome, but she’s still con-                                            shots in the loss, which left  ing a three-game absence
for the field as Seavey has     hands were good, Lance          sidered a rookie after be-                                            the Senators six points be-    after being hit in the face
won three out of the last       Mackey said, “Well, to a        ing withdrawn at the Rohn                                             hind the Red Wings for the     by a puck, scored in his re-
four races.                     degree.”                        checkpoint in 2008. She                                               final wild-card spot in the    turn to the lineup as the St.
“If we have a good race,        He has had continued            had to qualify for the Idi-                                           Eastern Conference.            Louis Blues held on to beat
we should have a good fin-      treatment on his hands,         tarod last winter.                                                    In New York, Cal Clutter-      the Minnesota Wild 4-2.q
ish. If we can maximize this    including a surgery last        “It sounds like it’s going to                                         buck scored the tiebreak-
team, we’ll get there fast,”    month that took out a nail      be a hard, fast trail and it’s                                        ing goal with 1:28 remain-
he said of the dash for the     bed on one finger. He said      going to be a rough start to                                          ing in the third period as
finish line under the burled    the pain level has been re-     the race, I think,” she said,                                         the Islanders defeated the
arch in Nome. The winner        duced a bit, and he was         adding her goal is to keep                                            Rangers 6-4.
is expected in about nine       ready to get the race start-    everything under control.                                             Johnny Boychuk had two
days after traveling over       ed.                             “I just want to run a slow,                                           goals for the Islanders, Kyle
two mountain ranges, the        “If we don’t have a good        steady, safe race,” Franklin                                          Okposo had a goal and
Yukon River and battling        run this year, it’s not the     said.q                                                                an assist, Brock Nelson also
                                                                                                                                      scored and Frans Nielsen
                                                                                                                                      added an empty-netter
                                                                                                                                      with 1:01 remaining.
                                                                                                                                      Across the Hudson River,
                                                                                                                                      Evgeni Malkin scored two
                                                                                                                                      goals as the Pittsburgh Pen-
                                                                                                                                      guins took advantage of a
                                                                                                                                      couple of defensive lapses
                                                                                                                                      by the New Jersey Devils to
                                                                                                                                      win 6-1.
                                                                                                                                      Matt Cullen, Nick Bonino,
                                                                                                                                      Bryan Rust and Scott Wilson
                                                                                                                                      also scored. Backup Matt
                                                                                                                                      Murray made 17 saves as
                                                                                                                                      the Penguins rebounded
                                                                                                                                      from a dismal performance
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