Page 19 - Aruba Today
P. 19
Tuesday 8 March 2016
Sharapova Indian Wells, which begins
face a one-year suspen- this week.
Continued from Page 17 sion. Several athletes have
The ITF’s anti-doping pro- tested positive for meldo-
“I take great responsibility gram announced in a nium since it was banned
statement that Sharapova in January, including two
and professionalism in my will be provisionally sus- Ukrainian biathletes and
pended starting this week- Russian cyclist Eduard Vor-
job, and I made a huge end while her case is ex- ganov. Earlier Monday,
amined. Russia’s Ekaterina Bobrova,
mistake,” Sharapova said. WADA spokesman Ben a European champion ice
Nichols said the organi- dancer, told local media
“I let my fans down. I let zation “will refrain from she had tested positive for
commenting further until meldonium.
the sport down that I’ve a decision has been is- Sharapova said she be-
sued by the ITF. Following gan taking meldonium for
been playing since the age that, WADA will review the “several health issues I had
reasons for the decision back in 2006,” including
of 4, that I love so deeply.” and subsequently decide a magnesium deficiency,
whether or not to use its in- regular influenza, “irregu-
Meldonium, also known dependent right of appeal lar” heart test results and
to the Court of Arbitration early indications of dia-
as mildronate, is a Latvi- forSport.” betes, of which she has a
Sharapova said she tested family history. Sharapova
an-manufactured drug positive in an in-competi- and her attorney declined
tion test at the Australian to say where Sharapova
popular for fighting heart Open, where she lost to Ser- was put on the drug or In this Jan. 20, 2016, file photo, Maria Sharapova of Russia
ena Williams in the quarter- where she gets it now, cit- reaches for a backhand return to Aliaksandra Sasnovich of
disease in former Soviet finals on Jan. 26. Sharapo- ing the ongoing process Belarus during their second round match at the Australian Open
va hasn’t played since with the ITF. tennis championships in Melbourne, Australia.
Union countries. Meldo- then while recovering from Sharapova and all play-
a forearm injury, and she ers were notified of the Associated Press
nium treats ischemia, or had already dropped out changes in the WADA
of the BNP Paribas Open in banned substances list
lack of blood flow, but can shortly before Christmas,
be taken in large doses as but Sharapova said she sold particularly in Eastern
simply missed the change, Europe,” he told the AP
a performance-enhancer failing to click on a button in a telephone interview.
that listed the new sub- “You can almost get it over
that increases exercise ca- stances in the email. the counter. For stronger
“I have to take full respon- versions, you might need
pacity. sibility for it,” Sharapova a prescription. There has
said. “It’s my body, and I’m been a whole rash of these
Sharapova’s penalties responsible for what I put cases since the 1st of Janu-
into it.” ary when it appeared on
could range from a mul- Reedie said he was un- the banned list. This might
aware of Sharapova’s not be happening if ath-
tiyear ban to a minimal case until she announced letes would be taking more
it at the news conference. care of the things that are
sanction with no suspen- “I understand the drug is on the list.”
sion if officials believe she
made an honest mistake.
WADA President Craig
Reedie told The Associ-
ated Press that any athlete
found guilty of using mel-
donium would normally