Page 4 - MIN JUS - MAY 19 , 2015
P. 4


U.S. NEWSTuesday 19 May 2015

Charges filed against 170 motorcycle gang members in Texas 

N. MERCHANT                    ports of rival bikers going   and eat barbecue,” Swan-      day issued a seven-day sus-                                             tained in the hours after the
D. WARREN                      elsewhere to continue the     ton said. “They came here     pension of the restaurant’s                                             shooting were seen wear-
Associated Press               fight. Those at the conven-   with violence in mind.”       liquor license, but owners                                              ing leather vests that read
WACO, Texas (AP) — About       tion center were later tak-   Twin Peaks — a national       had the option of reopen-                                               Bandidos or Cossacks.
170 members of rival motor-    en to jail.                   chain that features wait-     ing to serve meals.                                                     McLennan County Sheriff
cycle gangs were charged       It’s too early to determine   resses in revealing uniforms  Police and the restaurant                                               Parnell McNamara, whose
with engaging in organized     how many motorcycle           — on Monday revoked the       operators were aware of                                                 office is involved in the in-
crime Monday, a day af-        gang members will face        franchise rights to the res-  Sunday’s meeting in ad-                                                 vestigation, said the nine
ter a shootout at a Texas      murder charges, Swanton       taurant, which opened in      vance, and 18 Waco of-                                                  dead were members of
restaurant that killed nine    said.                         August.                       ficers in addition to state                                             those gangs.
people and wounded 18.                                                                                                                                             More than 100 motorcycles
The crowd of suspects was      Waco Police Sgt. Patrick Swanton addresses the media as law enforcement continues to investi-                                       were in the parking lots
so large that authorities      gate the motorcycle gang related shooting at the Twin Peaks restaurant, Monday, May 18, 2015,                                       around the restaurant Mon-
opened a convention cen-       in Waco, Texas, where nine were killed Sunday and over a dozen injured. About 170 gang mem-                                         day, along with another 50
ter to hold them all before    bers charged with engaging in organized crime are each being held on a $1 million bond and                                          to 75 vehicles that prob-
they were arrested, police     authorities say charges of capital murder are expected in the wake of the Central Texas shooting.                                   ably belong to gang mem-
said.                                                                                                                                                              bers, Swanton said.
Sunday’s melee at the Twin                                                                                                               (AP Photo, Jerry Larson)  All were scheduled to be
Peaks restaurant in Waco                                                                                                                                           towed from the scene, 95
drew a broad police re-        Five gangs had gathered       Company spokesman Rick        troopers were outside the                                               miles south of Dallas.
sponse that included plac-     at the restaurant as part of  Van Warner said in a state-   restaurant when the fight                                               Swanton said authori-
ing officers atop buildings    a meeting to settle differ-   ment that the manage-         began, Swanton said.                                                    ties had received threats
and highway overpasses to      ences over turf and recruit-  ment team chose to ignore     Swanton has repeatedly                                                  against law enforcement
watch for other bikers rush-   ment. Prior meetings had      warnings and advice from      declined to identify which                                              “throughout the night” from
ing to the scene south of      been held at the restau-      the company, and did not      gangs were involved in                                                  biker groups and stood
Dallas to retaliate.           rant, and managers there      establish the “high security  a fight that began with                                                 ready to confront any more
McLennan County Justice        had dismissed police con-     standards” that the com-      punches then grew to in-                                                violence. Officials stopped
of the Peace W.H. Peterson     cerns over the gatherings,    pany requires.                clude chains, knives and                                                and questioned motorcy-
set bond at $1 million for     he said.                      The Texas Alcoholic Bever-    then guns.                                                              cle riders. Agents from the
each suspect. He defend-       “They were not here to drink  age Commission on Mon-        However, many men de-                                                   FBI and the federal Bureau
ed the high amount, citing                                                                                                                                         of Alcohol, Tobacco, Fire-
the violence that quickly                                                                                                                                          arms and Explosives were
unfolded in a shopping                                                                                                                                             assisting local and state au-
market busy with a lunch-                                                                                                                                          thorities.
time crowd.                                                                                                                                                        In a 2014 gang-threat as-
Peterson also performed                                                                                                                                            sessment, the Texas Depart-
inquests on the nine dead                                                                                                                                          ment of Public Safety classi-
bikers but declined to iden-                                                                                                                                       fied the Bandidos as a “Tier
tify them pending notifica-                                                                                                                                        2” threat, the second high-
tion of family. Peterson says                                                                                                                                      est. Other groups in that tier
all nine were from Texas.                                                                                                                                          included the Bloods, Crips
Police acknowledged firing                                                                                                                                         and Aryan Brotherhood of
on armed bikers. But it was                                                                                                                                        Texas.
unclear how many of the                                                                                                                                            The Bandidos, formed in the
dead were shot by gang                                                                                                                                             1960s, are involved in traf-
members and how many                                                                                                                                               ficking cocaine, marijuana
had been shot by officers.                                                                                                                                         and methamphetamine,
Waco police Sgt. W. Pat-                                                                                                                                           according to the  U.S. De-
rick Swanton said the                                                                                                                                              partment of Justice.
Waco Convention Center                                                                                                                                             The Bandidos conduct
was used to hold the sus-                                                                                                                                          their activities as covertly
pects temporarily as po-                                                                                                                                           as possible to avoid public-
lice rushed to secure many                                                                                                                                         ity, according to the DPS
parts of the city amid re-                                                                                                                                         assessment.q
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