Page 6 - MIN JUS - MAY 19 , 2015
P. 6
WORLD NEWSTuesday 19 May 2015
Haiti grants appeal of abuse case against US man
DAVID McFADDEN Michael Geilenfeld, an adults. trial in this case,” Casimir Mr. Geilenfeld’s interests.”
Associated Press Iowa native and a former Justice Minister Pierre-Rich- said in a phone interview. He alleged that the gov-
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) member of Mother Tere- ard Casimir told The Associ- Manuel Jeanty, a lawyer ernment’s decision to grant
— Haitian justice authori- sa’s Missionaries of Charity ated Press that an appeal for the accusers, said he the appeal was made “un-
ties are making plans for a group, opened the St. Jo- filed by lawyers for the al- and his clients were not der pressure,” adding that
new criminal trial against a seph’s Home for Boys in the leged victims, allowing the notified about the recent “what they are doing is not
U.S. citizen who has been Haitian capital in 1985. case to be re-examined, trial beforehand, but hope illegal but it’s very unusual.”
accused of physically and He was arrested in Septem- has been granted. they “will see justice” in Hai- Geilenfeld’s lawyers blame
sexually abusing boys in an ber, Without disclosing specifics, ti now that an appeal has an email and blog cam-
orphanage that he has run but freed last month when he said Monday the pros- been granted. paign by U.S. activist Paul
for decades in the impov- a Haitian judge dismissed ecutor “didn’t do the case Defense lawyer Alain Lem- Kendrick of Freeport,
erished Caribbean country, the case following a brief correctly” and has since ithe said he and other attor- Maine for their client’s ar-
a top government official trial that was not attended been sanctioned. neys are prepared to “go rest, and for the granting of
and lawyers said Monday. by the five accusers, now “There should be another back to court to defend the appeal.q
Cuba’s Elian Gonzalez, former castaway, wants to visit US
HAVANA (AP) — Elian Gon- Elian Gonzalez attends a ceremony at the National Assembly those people who helped ing to an inner tube and
zalez, who spent months us, who were there by our was rescued on the high
with his Florida relatives in Havana, Cuba. Gonzalez said during an ABC News interview side. Because we’re so sea, eventually ending up
as a Cuban child at the grateful for what they did.” with Florida relatives who
center of an international that aired Monday, May 18, 2015, that if he could visit any- ABC’s images of Gonza- fought to keep him in the
custody dispute, said in an lez captured over several United States.
interview broadcast Mon- where, it would be the United States so he could “give my love days showed him first with a “I was alone in the middle
day that he’d like to return beard, then clean-shaven. of the sea, that’s the last
to the United States for a to (the) American people.” Gonzalez is a local celeb- thing I remember,” Gon-
visit. rity on the island and was zalez said. He said he was
Now 21, Gonzalez told ABC (AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa) a military cadet when he moved by his mother’s ef-
News in an interview that if was in his late teens. He is forts to keep him afloat
he could visit anywhere, it now studying industrial en- while he drowned.
would be the U.S. gineering at the university “She fought until the very
Gonzalez thanked the in the Cuban province of last minute to keep me
American people for the Matanzas, west of the cap- alive,” he said.
love they showed him dur- ital. The tug-of-war between
ing the custody battle 16 According to the interview, Gonzalez’s U.S. relatives
years ago, and said he he recently became en- and his father ensued, with
would like to go back “to gaged to be married. then-president Fidel Castro
give my love to the Ameri- He was just a few weeks shy siding with the boy’s surviv-
can people.” of 6 when his mother, Eliza- ing parent Juan Gonza-
He said he’d like to see a beth Brotons, died at sea lez and the Miami-based
baseball game, visit Wash- in 1999 while trying to take Cuban exile community
ington museums and talk him to the U.S. backing family members in
to Americans. Gonazlez survived by cling- Florida.q
“I could personally thank
US agents kill suspected smuggler off British Virgin Islands
TORTOLA, British Virgin Is- the British Caribbean terri- hospital, according to the of the suspects or to pro- Puerto Rico, under a bilat-
lands (AP) — A suspected tory as they chased a boat statement. Two other sus- vide other details, citing an eral agreement between
drug smuggler was shot suspected of being used to pects were taken into cus- ongoing investigation. The the two countries. This part
and killed by U.S. agents transport drugs. The agents tody by the Royal Virgin Royal British Virgin Islands of the northeastern Ca-
during a chase off the Brit- returned fire, wounding the Islands Police Force. They Police Force also declined ribbean has seen a resur-
ish Virgin Islands, officials suspect, then boarded the also seized the boat and to provide information be- gence of drug smuggling
said Monday. vessel and provided medi- 30 bales of what is believed yond a brief statement in recent years as drug traf-
U.S. Customs and Border cal care, the agency said to be cocaine.A U.S. Cus- confirming the incident. ficking organizations seek
Protection said its agents in a terse statement. toms and Border Protec- U.S. anti-drug patrols can to bypass the traditional
were fired upon late Sun- The suspect was later pro- tion spokesman declined enter the waters of the Brit- route through Mexico to
day night in the waters of nounced dead at a local to provide the nationalities ish Virgin Islands, east of reach the United States.q