Page 35 - MIN SOC 5 SEPT 2015
P. 35

                                                                                                                                                Saturday 5 September 2015

US jobless rate falls to 7-year low; Fed move still unclear 

Workers paint the Julien Dubuque Bridge along U.S. 20 in                 lately.                         to full employment if we       at retailers, restaurants and
Dubuque, Iowa. The U.S. government issued the August jobs re-            For one thing, there are        aren’t already there,” said    hotels. State and local gov-
port on Friday, Sept. 4, 2015.                                           signs that China’s econ-        Carl Tannenbaum, chief         ernments added 31,000
                                                                         omy, the second largest         economist at Northern Trust    jobs in August, while health
                               (Dave Kettering/Telegraph Herald via AP)  in the world, is stumbling,     and a former Fed econo-        care gained 40,500.
                                                                         which could drag down           mist.                          Michael Kanter, president
                                                                         global growth. The slow-        Even the slip in hiring last   and co-owner of Cam-
                                                                         down has already caused         month may not end up as        bridge Naturals, a health
                                                                         violent swings in the finan-    bad as it looks. August’s      products store in Cam-
                                                                         cial markets that could un-     jobs totals are typically re-  bridge, Massachusetts,
                                                                         dermine consumer confi-         vised much higher in later     plans to add two workers
                                                                         dence.                          months, because of the         to his 20-person staff to
                                                                         Friday’s report suggested       difficulties in adjusting the  handle increased foot traf-
                                                                         to many economists that         data for the end of millions   fic and sales.
                                                                         the U.S. job market, at         of summer jobs.                “We’re seeing growth.
                                                                         least, has satisfied the Fed’s  Also, consumer spending        We’re seeing opportunity.
                                                                         criteria.                       has been healthy and has       We’re definitely in a hiring
                                                                         “We’re well on our way          been powering job growth       mode,” he said.q

C. S. RUGABER                    hike in years will be sorely
AP Economics Writer              disappointed,” said Me-
WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S.           gan Greene, chief econo-
unemployment fell to a           mist at John Hancock Asset
seven-year low of 5.1 per-       Management.
cent last month, but hiring      Nevertheless, the pros-
slowed — a mixed bag of          pect of higher interest
news that offers few clues       rates weighed heavy on
to whether the Federal           the stock market Friday,
Reserve will raise rock-bot-     with the Dow Jones indus-
tom interest rates later this    trial average plunging 272
month.                           points, or 1.7 percent.
The Labor Department re-         Higher rates rise would
port, issued Friday, was         most likely push up bor-
closely watched because          rowing costs for mortgages
it will be the last snapshot of  and other loans for con-
the job market before the        sumers andbusinesses, and
Fed meets in two weeks.          some on Wall Street fear
And overall, it painted a        that could put a damper
picture of an economy            on corporate profits and
growing at a modest but          the larger economy.
steady pace seven years          The Fed cut the short-term
after the Great Recession.       rate it controls to a re-
But it wasn’t the unambigu-      cord low of nearly zero in
ous signal many on Wall          December 2008 to try to
Street were hoping for.          stimulate growth during the
The unemployment rate fell       Great Recession.
from 5.3 percent in July to      For months, Fed officials
its lowest point since 2008      have been saying the
and is now at a level Fed        economy appears to be
officials say is consistent      getting strong enough to
with a healthy economy.          tolerate the first increase in
But employers added a            interest rates in a decade.
moderate 173,000 jobs in         They have signaled that
August, the fewest in five       they might raise rates at
months.                          their Sept. 16-17 meeting.
“Anyone hoping today’s           Yet other factors have
data would clear up the          clouded those predictions
timing of the Fed’s first rate
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