Page 36 - MIN SOC 5 SEPT 2015
P. 36

                                                                                       Saturday 5 September 2015

A Superior Culinary Delight Without Dietary Restrictions

PALM BEACH - Both White       “People without dietary re-     restrictions, The Kitchen      need to be purchased and
Modern Cuisine and the        strictions often don’t realize  Table will facilitate these    prepared, but for the chefs
Kitchen Table by White ex-    that it’s perfectly possible    guests graciously. It does     at both White Modern Cui-
perience that more and        to prepare great tasting        require at least 24 hour no-   sine and The Kitchen Table
more customers are looking    dishes without gluten, dairy    tice as the right ingredients  the opportunity to become
for restaurants to accom-     or other possible allergens”                                   creative with a specific set
modate their dietary re-      says Chef Urvin.                                               of ingredients is always a
strictions. Chef UrvinCroes,  Besides the regular menu                                       nice professional challenge
trained in Aruba and the      items, with at least 24 hour                                   they take on with gusto.
Netherlands in the culinary   advance notice, the res-                                       Chef Urvin: “As I learned
arts, knows firsthand how     taurant can accommo-                                           to cook, I discovered the
this can affect your dining   date most dietary restric-                                     pleasure if gives me to take
out experience: he is al-     tions or allergies.                                            ingredients and play with
lergic to seafood. Yet, as     The concept at the Kitch-                                     flavors to surprise my guests,
a professional, he strongly   en Table by White, with                                        and those ingredients for
believes that hospitality is  a monthly changing set-                                        any good Chef should in-
about accommodating           menu, is a bit different. Yet,                                 clude those that facilitate
guests: the menu at White     knowing that there will be                                     our guests that cannot eat
Modern Cuisine actually       groups or couples where                                        everything else!” We say
has several standard menu     one or more persons have                                       a great Chef can do this
items that consider veg-                                                                     and turn the meal into a
etarian choices or gluten                                                                    spectacular journey one
allergies.                                                                                   will never forget, and that
                                                                                             describes what Chef Urvin
                                                                                             does perfectly. The reviews
                                                                                             on TripAdvisor speak for
                                                                                             themselves. q
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