Page 37 - MIN SOC 5 SEPT 2015
P. 37
LOCALSaturday 5 September 2015
Local Theater: Virginia Dementricia Returns To Aruba!
ORANJESTAD - In 1860 the Locke. He advocates Vir- cretly having their eye on
Aruban slave Virginia De- ginia’s liberty, but owns Virginia. Will Virginia gain
mentricia was sentenced shares in the slave trade. her freedom? You, hon-
to fourteen blows with a His opponent is Reverend ored audience, are the jury
rope because of running Jacobus Capitein. On be- in this tragicomic lawsuit,
away and rebelliousness. half of her owner, he claims which is performed in the
She has a second life in the Virginia as his rightful prop- Sala di Corte of Oranjestad.
play ‘WE WANT OUR FREE- erty. Capitein is even more
DOM!’ ambiguous than Locke. As PERFORMANCE DATES:
In this theatrical lawsuit the a boy he was a slave in Saturday, September 12 at
runaway slave Virginia de- Africa, but now he advo- 8pm, and Sunday, Septem-
mands her freedom. The cates slavery on theologi- ber 13 at 5pm, at SALA DI
other characters are in- cal grounds. CORTE, Oranjestad.
spired by historical person- The trial takes a curious turn Entrance only Afl. 35, = Tick-
ages too. Virginia’s lawyer when Capitein and Locke ets at VAN DORP ARUBA
is the philosopher John accuse one another of se- and PLAZA BOOKSHOP.
Direction: Albert Schoobaar dom!’, ‘Desire’ travels to -MARCEL VAN DUIJNEVELDT
Actors: Roy Colastica, Meli- Scotland and England.
za Garmes, Marcel van Du- Roland considers Aruba as (Netherlands, 1970) moved
ijneveldt, Crisen Schorea, his second home. For more
Cees Maris; Singing: Elia Is- than 30 years he has close to Curaçao in 2001. He
enia; Text: Cees Maris. artistic and friendly ties with
-ALBERT SCHOOBAAR (Cu- Aruba, with many perfor- divides his time between
raçao, 1970) is an actor, mances on the island.
theater maker, director, -FILOMENA ‘ELIA’ ISENIA his teaching at Radulphus
author, and co-founder (Curaçao, 1957) is most
of the Curaçaoan theater popular for participating College and artists’ studio.
group Teatro KadaKen. In and winning the Tumba
2003 he directed the ex- festival during Carnival In his artistic works, he is a
perimental play Oedipus time (three times Tumba
by Hugo Claus, with Gibi Queen, 1991-2010). Elia Is- surrealist who applies dif-
Bacilio as the leading char- enia has represented Cu-
acter. In the same year he raçao various times at the ferent disciplines: painting,
wrote and acted in ‘We international level, among
are not humans anymore’. others in Cuba, Venezuela, drawing, collage, assem-
Since 2008 he produces, Dominican Republic, Ecua-
with Teatro KadaKen, plays dor, Surinam and The Ned- blage and sculpting. Van
for the Curaçaoan youth erlands. She sings in various
of high artistic quality and musical styles, and has di- Duijneveldt debuted as
social relevance. In 2012 rected a few plays. She re-
Schoobaar developed the ally is a Curaçaoan cultural a successful actor in We
show Tambú, a freedom genius.
song, in cooperation with -CRISEN SCHOREA (39) is a Want Our Freedom! (Cura-
Teatro Luna Blou and Het sociologist, communica-
Volksoperahuis (performed tion manager of Kas di Kul- çao 2014).
a.o. in Bijlmer Parktheater, tura, and actress. She has
Amsterdam and Oerol, Ter- acted, among others, in -CEES MARIS is emeritus
schelling). Den Nòmber di Tata and
-ROLAND RÒI COLASTICA Na Pechu. She also works professor of Philosophy of
Storyteller, author, actor, on a collection of poems.
theatre maker, theatre pro- Law at the University of
ducer, and theatre teacher
has made a highly interest- Amsterdam. Since 1992 he
ing career in theater with
many international perfor- is a visiting professor at the
The last highlight was his University of the Dutch An-
theatrical solo narration
‘Desire’, which has toured tilles/University of Curaçao.
the four big cities of South
Africa, and also had shows He also writes and makes
in Dubai and The Nether-
lands. After visiting Aruba philosophical theater,
with ‘We Want Our Free-
among others the oratorio
Horror Vacui, The Dance
of Zarathustra (New York
2003; Amsterdam 2004, di-
rection Luc Boyer) and Wij
willen onze vrijheid! (Am-
sterdam 2013, direction Ab
Gietelink; Curaçao 2014
and Aruba 2015, direction
Albert Schoobaar).q