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                                                                                                       SPORTS Saturday 16 September 2017

             Watson runs for TD, leads Texans over Bengals 13-9 in debut

            By JOE KAY                   Watson  led  a  13-play
             AP Sports Writer            drive  that  set  up  Ka’imi
            CINCINNATI,  Ohio  (AP)  Fairbairn’s  42-yard  field
            —  Deshaun  Watson  ran  goal  with  1:56  left.  The
            49  yards  for  a  touch-    Bengals got the ball, but
            down in his first NFL start  turned it over near mid-
            and led the Houston Tex-     field  on  a  fourth-down
            ans’  depleted  offense  completion.         After    a
            to  a  late  clinching  field  punt, they ran one more
            goal in a 13-9 NFL victory  play  with  2  seconds  left
            over the Cincinnati Ben-     that didn’t get far.
            gals on Thursday night.      Cincinnati lost to the Ra-
            Watson  showed  up  in  vens 20-0 at Paul Brown
            a  black  tuxedo  for  his  Stadium      on    Sunday,
            first NFL start — it was his  the  first  time  in  their  his-
            22nd birthday, no less —  tory  that  they  opened
            and  showed  the  flash  the        season     blanked
            that  helped  him  lead  at  home.  Andy  Dalton
            Clemson  to  a  national  threw  four  interceptions
            title. He avoided the rush  and lost a fumble.            Houston Texans quarterback Deshaun Watson (4) hands off the ball to running back Lamar Miller
            and  ran  for  a  10-3  lead  The  Bengals  managed       (26) during the second half of an NFL football game against the Cincinnati Bengals, Thursday,
                                                                      Sept. 14, 2017, in Cincinnati.
            late in the first half, dash-  only three field goals by                               NFL and CFL
            ing  past  befuddled  de-    Randy  Bullock  on  Thurs-
            fenders.                     day.  Dalton  fell  to  1-6   2010, according to Elias.
            “It  wasn’t  prefect,  (but)  career  against  the  Tex-  The  Bengals  became         team up on youth
            he  did  some  good  ans,  including  a  pair  of         the    first   team   that
            things,”     coach      Bill  playoff losses. He was 20   opened the season with       flag football
            O’Brien  said.  “There’s  a  of  35  for  224  yards  with   five  scoreless  quarters
            lot to learn from.”          three sacks.                 since  the  2009  Rams,
            The Texans (1-1) got the  Watson  directed  an  of-       who went 1-15.               NEW YORK (AP) — The NFL  and sportsmanship.
            most  out  of  their  injury-  fense missing three tight   They thought they finally   and CFL have launched a  “This  flag  football  tourna-
            hit offense, and then let  ends  because  of  con-        had a touchdown when         flag  football  program  that  ment  series  is  an  exciting
            their defense do the rest.  cussions,  along  with  re-   Tyler Eifert caught a pass   will  involve  hundreds  of  example  of  our  continued
            The  Bengals  (0-2)  have  ceiver  Will  Fuller  V  and   from  Dalton  in  the  end   youngsters across Canada.    commitment  to  grow  the
            failed  to  score  a  touch-  guard Jeff Allen. The Tex-  zone  in  the  third  quar-  The  program  will  culmi-   game,” said Glen Johnson,
            down in their two games  ans  kept  it  simple,  and      ter  —  the  videoboard      nate  in  a  national  flag  CFL senior vice president of
            to open a season for the  Watson        avoided     the   broke into a touchdown       football  tournament  dur-   football.  “Developing  pro-
            first  time  in  their  50  sea-  game-turning   mistake   song  —  but  the  tight    ing  the  week  of  the  105th  gramming  for  youth  foot-
            sons.                        despite  heavy  pressure     end had stepped out of       Grey  Cup  in  Ottawa,  with  ball  with  our  partners  at
            The  Bengals  are  the  first  from the Bengals.          bounds  before  making       the winner traveling to Pro  the NFL promotes a healthy
            team since the 1939 Ea-      Watson  was  15  of  24      the  catch,  nullifying  it.   Bowl  week  in  Orlando  to  lifestyle and the continued
            gles  to  open  a  season  for  125  yards  with  three   Cincinnati  settled  for  its   participate in the NFL FLAG  success of our sport in a fun
            with  two  home  games  sacks  and  no  intercep-         third field goal.            championships.               and safe way.”
            and fail to get in the end  tions.  He  ran  five  times   On  the  final  play  with   The  joint  flag  football  ini-  Coed teams of 11- and 12-
            zone,  according  to  in-    for  67  yards.  Watson      multiple  laterals,  Dalton   tiative  will  teach  kids  the  year  old  athletes  will  take
            formation  from  the  Elias  became  the  first  rookie   got  the  ball  back  and    fundamentals of the game  part  in  nine  regional  tour-
            Sports Bureau shared by  quarterback  to  win  his        threw it to center Russell   and  promote  physical  ac-  naments to be held in CFL
                                                                                                                                cities  throughout  the  fall.
            ESPN.                        first start on the road in a   Bodine,  who  was  lev-    Along  with  skills  develop-  The  national  tournament
            “I  am  shocked,”  coach  prime-time  game  since         eled by J.J. Watt to end     ment,  participants  will  re-  will be held Nov. 21 at the
            Marvin Lewis said.           the Eagles’ Joe Webb in      the game.q                   ceive  lessons  in  teamwork  University of Ottawa.q
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