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            Saturday 16 September 2017
            AL Capsules: Indians win 22nd in a row in walk-off

            CLEVELAND,     Ohio   (AP)                                                             hits for Chicago, which has  YANKEES 13, ORIOLES 5
            —  The  Cleveland  Indians                                                             won five of six. Detroit has  NEW  YORK  (AP)  —    Aaron
            added  a  walk-off  win  to                                                            lost six in a row.           Judge had a pair of three-
            a  streak  that’s  had  every-                                                         James Shields (4-6) won for  run  homers  for  a  career-
            thing.                                                                                 the  first  time  on  the  road  best  six  RBIs,  Todd  Frazier
            Jay Bruce hit an RBI double                                                            since May 12, 2016, a span  hit  a  three-run  homer  that
            in the 10th inning as the In-                                                          of 18 starts.                chased  Wade  Miley  with
            dians  rallied  for  their  22nd                                                       Chad Bell (0-3) allowed six  one out in a six-run first in-
            straight win to extend their                                                           runs on nine hits and a walk  ning and New York routed
            American  League  record,                                                              in 3 1/3 innings.            fading Baltimore.
            beating  the  Kansas  City                                                             ASTROS 5, ANGELS 2           Judge hit an opposite-field
            Royals  3-2  on  Thursday  to                                                          ANAHEIM,  California  (AP)  drive over New York’s bull-
            move  within  four  wins  of                                                           —  Brad  Peacock  pitched  pen  in  right-center  in  the
            matching  the  1916  New                                                               six  innings  of  three-hit  ball  fourth against Mike Wright,
            York Giants for the longest                                                            and  Houston  lowered  its  then lined a 448-foot drive
            streak in major league his-                                                            magic  number  for  clinch-  into the second deck in left
            tory.                        Cleveland Indians’ Jose Ramirez, front, scores on a double by   ing  the  AL  West  to  three  in  the  sixth  off  Rich  Rodri-
            After  blowouts,  shutouts   Jay Bruce during the 10th inning of a baseball game against the   with a victory over second-  guez.  Judge  has  43  hom-
            and easy wins, the Indians,   Kansas City Royals, Thursday, Sept. 14, 2017, in Cleveland. The   place Los Angeles.  ers and 96 RBIs, and with 27
            who tied it in the ninth on   Indians won 3-2.                                         Yuli  Gurriel  had  three  hits  homers at Yankee Stadium
            Francisco Lindor’s two-out,                                           Associated Press  and drove in a run for the  this  year  broke  the  ball-
            two-strike RBI double, went                                                            Astros,  who  have  a  good  park’s season record set by
            into extras for the first time   tober, Bruce reached sec-  highest  hit  total  since  get-  chance to clinch a playoff  Curtis Granderson in 2012.
            to keep the longest streak   ond base and was quickly  ting 26 against Baltimore in    spot  and  their  first  division  Masahiro  Tanaka  (12-11)
            in 101 years intact.         mobbed  his  teammates,  1981.                            title since 2001 at home this  won  for  the  fourth  time  in
            Ramirez  led  off  the  10th   who  doused  him  with  ice   The modern major league   weekend against Seattle.     five starts, allowing two solo
            with  a  hard  hit  into  right-  water and talcum powder  record for hits in a nine-in-  Peacock  (11-2)  had  an-  homers  in  seven  innings
            center off Brandon Maurer    while tearing the front of his  ning game is 31, by Milwau-  other  strong  start  late  in  a  while striking out eight.
            (2-2) that he turned into a   jersey.                     kee  in  1992  and  the  New   season  spent  moving  be-  Miley (8-13) lasted 19 pitch-
            double  with  a  head-first   Cody  Allen  (3-6)  got  the  York Giants in 1901.       tween the rotation and the  es  as  six  of  seven  batters
            slide.                       win.                         Garcia    and   Moncada      bullpen, earning his first vic-  who  faced  him  reached
            After  Edwin  Encarnacion    WHITE SOX 17, TIGERS 7       each  homered.  Moncada      tory since Aug. 4.           with hits. It was the shortest
            walked,  Bruce,  the  recent   DETROIT (AP) — Avisail Gar-  had  four  hits  and  walked   Albert  Pujols  hit  his  613th  of his 194 big league starts.
            arrival  who  hit  a  three-run   cia went 5 for 5 and drove  twice  —  the  rookie  had  a   career  homer  in  the  ninth  TWINS 3, BLUE JAYS 2, 10 IN-
            homer  in  win  No.  21  on   in a career-high seven runs,  chance to become the first   inning, breaking his tie with  NINGS
            Wednesday,  ripped  a  2-0   Yoan Moncada scored five  White  Sox  player  to  reach   Jim  Thome  for  seventh  MINNEAPOLIS,  Minnesota
            pitch  into  the  right-field   times and Chicago pound-  base seven times in a nine-  place in baseball history.   (AP) — Byron Buxton’s 10th-
            corner.                      ed out 25 hits while routing  inning game, but struck out   Ricky  Nolasco  (6-14)  yield-  inning  homer  gave  Min-
            As  Progressive  Field  shook   Detroit.                  in the ninth.                ed  four  hits  and  two  runs  nesota  its  second  straight
            like  it  usually  does  in  Oc-  The White Sox posted their  Jose  Abreu  added  four   over six solid innings.    walk-off victory. q

                                                                      Rizzo, Heyward lead surging

                                                                      Cubs to sweep of Mets, 14-6

                                                                      Tseng threw behind the first  ington beat Atlanta.        single in the fifth.
                                                                      batter he faced, fell down  The Nationals salvaged the  PHILLIES 10, MARLINS 0
                                                                      while covering first base on  final  game  of  the  three-  PHILADELPHIA  (AP)  —  Rhys
                                                                      the  second  batter  for  an  game set to earn their first  Hoskins  homered  again,
                                                                      error and later hit a batter  victory  since  clinching  the  Freddy  Galvis  and  Jorge
                                                                      with  a  pitch  in  the  first  in-  NL East on Sunday.   Alfaro also went deep in a
                                                                      ning.  The  22-year-old  from  In  his  second  career  start,  seven-run  second  inning,
                                                                      Taiwan went three innings,  Robles,  who  entered  the  and  Philadelphia  routed
                                                                      giving up five runs and five  year  as  the  top  prospect  slumping Miami.
            Chicago Cubs’ Anthony Rizzo, right, scores past New York Mets   hits with six strikeouts.  in  the  Nationals’  organiza-  Hoskins’ two-run shot gave
            catcher Travis d’Arnaud on a sacrifice fly by Ian Happ during   Mike  Montgomery  (6-8)  tion  and  made  his  major  him  18  home  runs  in  34
            the fourth inning of a baseball game Thursday, Sept. 14, 2017,   and  Brian  Duensing  fol-  league debut last week, of-  games  since  his  call-up
            in Chicago.                                               lowed  Tseng  with  two  fered a few more glimpses  from  Triple-A  on  Aug.  10.
                                                     Associated Press  scoreless innings each.     of his coveted skillset.     The  Yankees’  Gary  San-
             CHICAGO (AP) — Anthony  Chicago  outscored  the          Seth   Lugo    (6-5)   was  The  20-year-old  tripled  to  chez previously held the re-
            Rizzo  homered  and  had  Mets  39-14  this  week  after   charged  with  eight  runs,  right-center  in  the  fourth  cord for fastest to 18 hom-
            three  hits,  Jason  Heyward  being  outscored  20-3  in   seven  earned,  with  nine  off  Atlanta  starter  Mike  ers.  Sanchez  needed  45
            went  deep  and  drove  in  a  weekend  three-game        hits and a walk over three  Foltynewicz    (10-13).   He  games.
            four  and  Chicago  beat  sweep  by  the  Milwaukee       innings.                     scored two batters later on  Cesar Hernandez had four
            New York.                    Brewers.                     NATIONALS 5, BRAVES 2        Pedro  Severino’s  grounder  hits  and  Cameron  Perkins
            The  Cubs’  offense  helped  Kris Bryant added two RBIs   WASHINGTON (AP) — Rook-      to make it 3-0.              also  homered  for  the  Phil-
            overcome  a  shaky  debut  as the Cubs extended their     ie Victor Robles was a part  Roark  (13-9)  at  one  point  lies.
            by pitcher Jen-Ho Tseng to  NL  Central  lead  to  three   of a pair of two-run rallies,  set  down  12  in  a  row  and  Jake Thompson (2-2) struck
            complete  a  three-game  games  over  Milwaukee           Tanner  Roark  pitched  six  did not yield a hit until Jo-  out six and allowed six hits
            sweep.                       and St. Louis.               strong  innings  and  Wash-  han  Camargo’s  two-out  in 5 1/3 innings. q
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