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                                                                                           TECHNOLOGY Saturday 16 September 2017

              Sports in virtual reality sounds cool, but can feel distant

            By ANICK JESDANUN            could  be,  rather  than
             AP Technology Writer        what it is now.
            NEW YORK (AP) — When  THE TROUBLE WITH VR
            watching sports in virtual  Start  with  some  of  the
            reality, it’s best to remind  weird  artifacts  of  VR.
            yourself  that  TV  wasn’t  Many  sporting  produc-
            born in a day. Early tele-   tions don’t actually give
            vision  was  mostly  radio  you  a  full  360-degree
            with  pictures.  It  took  view, one of the main at-
            years  —  even  decades  tractions of the medium.
            —  for  producers  to  fig-  Instead, they often black
            ure out the right camera  out  what’s  behind  you.
            angles, graphics and in-     The reasoning is obvious
            stant replays to deliver.    — you’re focused on the
            Sports  is  going  through  game and not other fans
            a  similar  transformation.  —  but  even  television
            VR  holds  the  promise  of  has cameras pointed at
            putting  fans  right  in  the  the stands.
            middle  of  the  sporting  Worse,       VR     camera     This May 2, 2017, photo provided by Intel and Major League Baseball shows a “fan” view from a
            action — on the 50-yard  placement           is   often   baseball game in Detroit.
            line, say, or in a ringside  downright     odd.    Dur-                                                                         Associated Press
            seat, or standing behind  ing  the  March  Madness        within  the  virtual  envi-  phone      and      head-    on television or in person.
            the  catcher  as  the  um-   college  basketball  tour-   ronment — which itself is  set     compatible      with  So  why  couldn’t  a  VR
            pire calls strikes.          nament,  for  instance,      sometimes  just  showing  Google’s          Daydream  camera          show     relief
            But  today’s  VR  sports  a  coach  or  another           the catcher’s back from  system.  The  app  isn’t  pitchers warming up dur-
            have an empty and dis-       camera operator would        behind home plate.           available  on  iPhones  or  ing games, too? In an in-
            tant feel to them. Watch-    sometimes  stand  right      VR AS A SUPPLEMENT           Samsung Gear VR head-        terview,  Aufhauser  says
            ing  through  a  headset  in  front  of  the  VR  cam-    Maybe  it’s  best  not  to  sets,  though  Samsung’s  Major  League  Baseball
            sometimes  feels  like  be-  era,  blocking  the  game    think  of  VR  as  a  supple-  Galaxy  S8  and  Note  8  and the individual teams
            ing there in the stadium  play.  The  VR  camera          ment  to,  rather  than  a  phones  work  with  Day-      will  need  to  get  more
            ...  by  yourself,  absent  was  also  at  floor  level,   replacement  for,  televi-  dream  headsets.  (On  comfortable           with   VR
            cheering  fans,  hot  dogs  which leaves you feeling      sion.Baseball  does  this  the flip side, Intel’s base-   before  expanding  cam-
            and beer. And it doesn’t  as if you were watching         well with its At Bat VR app  ball coverage works just  era access. For now, he
            get you close enough to  while lying down by the          ,  which  requires  a  sub-  on  Gear  VR  with  Sam-     says,  producers  look  for
            the  action  to  compen-     court.                       scription  starting  at  $87  sung phones — not Day-      other  places  that  won’t
            sate.                        A VR camera in a base-       for the season (discount-    dream.)                      get  in  the  way,  such  as
            For now, the zoom lens-      ball dugout should offer     ed  to  $8  now  that  the  WHAT’S TO COME                the swimming pool near
            es of television cameras  a unique perspective on         season  is  almost  over).  Some  of  what  VR  does  center  field  at  Arizona’s
            do  a  much  better  job  the game — but in prac-         Instead of VR video, you  really  well  comes  in  the  Chase  Field  or  the  tall
            of  showing  a  pitcher’s  tice, what you often see       get  a  perspective  from  form  of  highlight  vid-      “Green Monster” wall at
            intensity  or  a  free-throw  are players’ legs as they   behind home plate, with  eos  and  player  profiles.  Boston’s Fenway Park.
            shooter’s concentration.     walk  by.  Any  compe-       graphical  depictions  of  These  are  usually  just  a  And  forget  about  plac-
            Yet  Intel,  NextVR  and  tent  sports  cameraman         each  pitch.  A  colored  few  minutes  long.And  ing cameras in the mid-
            other  companies  are  could  have  framed  the           streak  —  red  for  strikes  because these were pro-     dle of the field. Instead,
            working  to  bring  a  vari-  shot  better.  (Intel  Sports   and  green  for  balls  —  duced  during  practice  Intel     has    alternative
            ety  of  sports  —  boxing,  executive  David  Auf-       traces the ball’s trajecto-  and  other  non-game  technology  that  inte-
            golf,  soccer,  you  name  hauser says those blem-        ry, using sensors in place  settings,  the  VR  camera  grates footage from doz-
            it — to VR. Major League  ishes add realism, much         at all major-league stadi-   can  take  you  to  more  ens of cameras surround-
            Baseball  has  delivered  the  way  people  can           ums.You’re getting more  interesting         locations.  ing  the  field  to  depict
            a  free  game  in  VR  ev-   walk in front of you at a    information  than  you  For  a  series  on  up-and-       how a play would have
            ery  Tuesday  (subject  to  stadium.)In  Intel’s  base-   would with regular televi-   coming  baseball  play-      looked to a player. Tele-
            blackouts  of  hometown  ball  coverage,  in  fact,       sion, without missing out  ers, one camera was just  vision networks are using
            teams);  next  week,  it’s  some  of  the  best  views    on  what  TV  does  best  in front of second base,  this  now  to  show  as  in-
            the  Colorado  Rockies  come  from  a  standard           —  the  close-ups.  The  TV  and  another  was  in  the  stant replays. Computers
            playing the Giants in San  camera  that  captures         coverage appears on a  bullpen  during  a  pitch-         aren’t  powerful  enough
            Francisco.                   the  pitcher,  batter  and   virtual scoreboard in the  er’s  warmup.  It  feels  as  yet to do this live — but
            To  enjoy  it,  it’s  best  to  catcher  in  one  shot.  It’s   outfield.              though  you’re  getting  Aufhauser says that’s the
            think  about  what  VR  sequestered  in  a  box           You  need  an  Android  access you wouldn’t get  hope one day.q
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