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Saturday 16 September 2017 BUSINESS

            S&P 500 tops 2,500 as tech and bank stocks climb                                                                    US retail sales
                                                                                                                                dipped 0.2 pct.

            By MARLEY JAY                wound  up  with  their  big-  helping demand.”            Reserve  said  the  weather   in August as
                                                                                                                                auto sales fell
            AP Markets Writer            gest weekly gain since the   The Standard & Poor’s 500    and flooding was responsi-
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  U.S.     beginning of January.        index  gained  4.61  points,   ble for almost all of the loss.
            stocks edged higher Friday   Rick  Rieder,  the  chief  in-  or 0.2 percent, to a record   Apple picked up $1.60, or   By MARTIN CRUTSINGER
            as  technology  companies    vestment  officer  for  Black-  2,500.23. The Dow Jones in-  1  percent,  to  $159.88  af-  AP Economics Writer
            and  banks  rose.  The  Stan-  Rock’s global fixed income   dustrial average rose 64.86   ter three days of declines.   WASHINGTON (AP) — Con-
            dard  &  Poor’s  500  index   business,  said  retail  sales   points,  or  0.3  percent,  to   Chipmaker Nvidia jumped   sumers  cut  back  on  their
            closed  above  2,500  for    and  inflation  have  been   22,268.34,  its  fourth  record   $10.71,  or  6.3  percent,  to   shopping  in  August  by
            the first time as stocks had   weak because technologi-   close in a row. The Nasdaq   $180.11  and  hard  drive    the  largest  amount  in  six
            one of their best weeks this   cal  changes  keep  reduc-  composite  added  19.38     maker    Western    Digital   months  as  declining  auto
            year.                        ing  the  prices  of  clothes,   points,  or  0.3  percent,  to   gained  $2.73,  or  3.2  per-  sales  offset  gains  in  other
            Stocks  wobbled  in  early   food,  travel,  and  phone   6,448.47.  The  Russell  2000   cent, to $88.52.          areas.
            trading  after  the  Com-    plans.  That  lowers  mea-   index  of  smaller-compa-    However  shares  of  soft-   Retail sales fell 0.2 percent
            merce Department said re-    surements  of  sales  reve-  ny  stocks  picked  up  6.69   ware  maker  Oracle  ab-   last month after a 0.3 per-

                                                                                                   sorbed their biggest loss in   cent gain in July, the Com-
                                                                                                   four years. The company’s    merce  Department  said
                                                                                                   first-quarter profit and sales   Friday.
                                                                                                   were  better  than  investors   It  was  the  biggest  one-
                                                                                                   expected,  but  analysts     month drop since an iden-
                                                                                                   were  concerned  about       tical  decline  in  February.
                                                                                                   forecasts for its cloud com-  Auto  sales  sank  1.6  per-
                                                                                                   puting business. Oracle lost   cent,  the  most  in  seven
                                                                                                   $4.05,  or  7.7  percent,  to   months.
                                                                                                   $48.74.                      Excluding  autos  and  gas,
                                                                                                   Boeing  rose  $3.77,  or  1.5   which  tend  to  be  volatile
                                                                                                   percent,  to  $249  as  the   from month to month, sales
                                                                                                   aerospace company con-       dipped 0.1 percent in Au-
                                                                                                   tinued to set record highs.   gust  after  having  risen  0.5
                                                                                                   Its  stock  is  up  60  percent   percent in July.
                                                                                                   in  2017.  Stocks  in  the  U.K.   Analysts  said  the  weaker-
                                                                                                   slumped  to  a  four-month   than-expected      August
                                                                                                   low and the pound rose to    sales were weighed down
                                                                                                   its  highest  level  since  mid-  in part by the initial disrup-
                                                                                                   2016, after Bank of England   tions  from  Hurricane  Har-
                                                                                                   officials  confirmed  they   vey on the Gulf Coast.
                                                                                                   are close to raising interest   Another  factor,  they  said,
                                                                                                   rates  for  the  first  time  in  a   was  some  pay-back  from
            Traders Edward McCarthy, left, and Michael Milano work on the floor of the New York Stock Ex-
            change. U.S. stocks edged higher Friday as technology companies and banks rose.        decade.                      July, when sales had been
                                                                           (AP Photo/Richard Drew)  The  first  step  could  hap-  boosted  by  the  Amazon
                                                                                                   pen as soon as November.     Prime  Day  sales  promo-
            tail sales slipped in August   nue, like the one the gov-  points,  or  0.5  percent,  to   Many  companies  on  the   tions.
            and  the  Federal  Reserve   ernment  released  Friday,   1,431.71.                    British  FTSE  100  are  multi-  Economists   also   noted
            said  industrial  production   but  Rieder  said  they  keep   Industrial   production   in   nationals  whose  overseas   some  downward  revisions
            dropped last month, most-    people  buying  —  even      the  U.S.  fell  0.9  percent  in   earnings  are  diminished   to  previous  months,  with
            ly  because  of  Hurricane   though  the  same  techno-   August,  the  biggest  drop   in  value  when  the  pound   sales  in  July  downgraded
            Harvey.                      logical  changes  can  also   in  eight  years,  as  Harvey   appreciates  against  other   to a 0.3 percent gain, just
            But  big  names  like  Apple   lower people’s wages.      knocked  numerous  oil  re-  currencies.                  half the initially reported in-
            and Boeing took the mar-     “We      get    everything   fining, plastics and chemi-  The  pound  surged  to       crease.
            ket  higher.  Stocks  made   cheaper  than  we  used  to   cals  factories  out  of  busi-  $1.3571  from  $1.3398,  its   But  they  said  they  re-
            big  gains  Monday  and  as   because  of  the  internet   ness  for  a  time.  Many  of   highest since mid-2016. The   mained  optimistic  about
            Hurricane Irma weakened,     and delivery mechanisms,”    those  factories  are  based   FTSE 100 fell 1.1 percent af-  consumer  spending  in  the
            and  they  didn’t  do  too   he said. “The price is com-  in  the  Gulf  Coast  region   ter a 1.1-percent loss Thurs-  coming  months,  thanks  in
            much  after  that,  but  still   ing down so quickly that it’s   that Harvey hit. The Federal   day. q              large part to a still-solid job
              US businesses increase stockpiles in July                                                                         “With   consumer     confi-

                                                                                                                                dence  close  to  record
                                                                                                                                highs and the labor market
            By MATT OTT                  the  most  since  a  0.9  per-  That  follows  a  lackluster  ally  seen  as  a  sign  of  their   continuing  to  improve  ...
            Associated Press             cent  gain  in  November  of  1.2  percent  expansion  in  confidence  that  sales  will   we doubt this is the start of
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  U.S.  last year.                     the first quarter, which was  increase  in  the  coming   a more sustained downturn
            businesses  increased  their  Sales  rose  0.2  percent  in  slowed  partly  because  in-  months.  A  decrease  in  in-  and expect retail spending
            stockpiles  in  July,  but  at  a  July,  matching  the  June  ventories  subtracted  from  ventories  can  be  a  sign   to  bounce  back  over  the
            slower  pace  than  in  June.  gain.                      overall economic activity.   of  pessimism  about  future   coming  months,”  said  An-
            Sales  also  rose  by  a  small  Economists  expect  that  Economists  believe  busi-  sales.July  inventory  gains   drew  Hunter,  U.S.  econo-
            amount.                      inventory    growth     will  nesses   rebuilding   their  were led by a 0.6 percent   mist at Capital Economics.
            Business inventories rose by  strengthen  further  in  com-  stockpiles  could  add  as  increase in stockpiles at the   Sales  rose  last  month  at
            a  seasonally  adjusted  0.2  ing  months  and  help  sup-  much as a half percentage  wholesale  level  and  a  0.2   general   merchandise
            percent  in  July,  following  port  overall  economic  ex-  point  to  overall  economic  percent uptick in the man-  stores,  a  category  that  in-
            June’s gain of 0.5 percent,  pansion.                     growth in the current quar-  ufacturing sector. Those in-  cludes  big-box  retailers
            the  Commerce  Depart-       Annual  GDP  growth  im-     ter.                         creases helped offset a 0.1   such as Target.
            ment said Friday. The June  proved to 3 percent in the  When  businesses  increase  percent drop-off in retail in-  Rising  gasoline  prices  also
            increase in inventories was  second  quarter  of  2017.  stockpiles,   it   is   gener-  ventories. q               boosted sales.q
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