Page 11 - AWM 23JUNE2018
P. 11

Diasabra, 23 Juni 2018                                         AWEMainta                                                                    11

        Polis mester a intermedia den

          problema bruha na Meiveld

       DIAHUEBS alrededor di 3'or di madruga un
       señora ta yama Warda di Polis  Playa. E bos                                                ex. 3:268 Civil Code of Aruba
       tabata parce di un persona papiando agresivo.
       El a splica cu su yiu homber ta bou influencia                           THURSDAY JULY 26, 2018
       y ta burachi. E yiu tabata masha fastioso cun’e.
       Aparentemente  e yiu  lo ta  herida  tambe  y ta                      On Thursday July 26, 2018, at 11 AM, at the Conference Room of the
       tur na sanger ya cu e lo tabata envolvi den un                        Chamber of Commerce, Irausquin  Boulevard 10, Aruba, will be
       accidente na Meiveld. El a wordo transporta cu                        auctioned in public:
       ambulance pa hospital.

       Segun declaracion di e señora, un dokter na                           1.  A residential two story house locally known as:
       Polis a yam'e y informe cu un patruya mester
       bay na e sitio (di e accidente of hospital) y                                   SERO PATRISHI 316
       mester  transporta e  yiu  pa  hospital pa  hib'e
       E polis a puntra e señora si su yiu ta pashent di                        standing on a parcel of public land, 167 m2 in size, situated in Sero
                                                                                Patrishi in Aruba, locally recorded as First Division Section P number
       RESPALDO, esaki a resulta di no ta e caso. E                             3393. The lease rights expire on August 27, 2062
       muhe a bira mas agresivo cu e preguntanan y a
       cuminsa zundra e Polis cu tabata atende.                                 Starting bid: Afl. 64.435,--
       A trata di splik’e cual ta e reglanan y protocolnan
       pa kita libertad di un persona, pero e no tabata
       mustra  comprension y a  bira  mas  bruto  y                          2. A residential house locally known as:
       agresivo na telefon. El a menasa di bay prensa
       “pa entrega un keho”.                                                     NOORD CURA CABAI 108-B
       Apesar  di  tur  cos, Central di  Polis a dicidi  di
       manda un patruya na e sitio, e cas en cuestuon,
       pa tira un control. Na yegada e patruya a topa                           standing on  2  parcels  of public land, 382 m2  and  48 m2  in size,
       cu  un  persona drumi  den  un  sofa pafo  di  e                         situated  in Noord Cura Cabai  in Aruba, locally recorded as Fourth
                                                                                Division Section E numbers  1006 and 2052. The lease rights expire
       cas (dne e cura y no riba caya) y e cas tabata                           on December 3, 2023.
       completamente cera. E patruya a grita y bati na
       porta, pero no a haya contesta.                                          Starting bid: Afl. 193.000,--
       Nan a controla e homber drumi pafo y a mira
       cu e no tabata sangra y tabata completamente
       limpi. El a wordo trata caba na Poli y parce e                        3. A residential house locally known as:
       tabata sacando su wayaba. E patruya cu tabata
       envolvi den e accidente a wordo poni na altura                                         PARAMIRA 50
       di e situacion y a keda di bay na e sitio pa haci
       un investigacion.
                                                                                standing on full ownership land ca. 345 m2 size, situated at Paramira in
                                                                                Aruba,  being a part of  the parcel  locally recorded  as First division
                                                                                Section P number 2802, index D 9335.
            Biento duro atrobe
                                                                                Starting bid: Afl. 149.835,--

       ENTRANTE  ayera merdia pa 12:00pm,                                       Auction notary: mr. T.R. Johnson
       Servicio  Meteorologico di  Aruba (Meteo)  a
       emiti  un advertencia pa efectonan di biento
       duro y lama bruto tur rond di nos isla. Un area                           The auction is subject  to  the general conditions for  foreclosure
                                                                                  auctions and special auction conditions which will be determined by
       di presion halto cu centro riba ocean Atlantico                            civil law notary T.R. Johnson.
       y  un  area  di  presion  abou riba  e  parti  noord                      The auction will take place by raising bids (in Dutch: “bij opbod”) and
       di Colombia lo causa diferencianan grandi di                              by decreasing bids (in Dutch: “bij afmijning”), in one session.
                                                                                  Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole discretion.
       presion den region Caribense. Pa e motibo aki                             Each bidder must be able to submit a bankguarantee issued by a
       biento lo por supla cu mas o menos 22 te 25                                reputable bank in Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased
                                                                                  with an amount equal to the auction costs.
       nudo cu rafaganan cu tin biaha lo por alcansa                              A private written bid can be submitted until July 11 , 2018.
       te cu 35 te posiblemente 40 nudo (beaufort 8).
       Ta urgi usuarionan di lama pa tene extra cautela
       riba lama ya cu e biento duro lo bay causa lama                                                       For more information:

       bruto. Tambe ta pidi pa sea alerta entre Waf y                              WWW.JOHNSONNOTARY.COM/AUCTIONS
       Manchebo Beach Hotel.
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