Page 12 - AWM 23JUNE2018
P. 12

12                                                            AWEMainta                                               Diasabra, 23 Juni 2018

                                                                                               Celular perdi a wordo


                                                                                               DIAHUEBS ultimo den oranan di anochi ta
                                        AUCTION                                                presenta na Warda di Polis na Shaba, un persona

                                                                                               cu a haya un celular riba caya.
                                       ex. 3:268 Civil Code of Aruba
                                                                                               Tabata trata  di  e señora  di  inicial  K.,  kende  a

                                                                                               bisa cu el a bin entrega un celular cu a wordo
                    THURSDAY JULY 26, 2018                                                     haya. El a declara cu su yiu homber ta esun cu
                                                                                               a haya e celular. E mucha homber L. di 12 aña
                                                                                               ta train na e veld di Britania na Piedra Plat. Na
                 On Thursday July 26, 2018, at 11 AM, at the Conference Room
                 of the Chamber of Commerce, Irausquin Boulevard 10, Aruba, will               final di su training, e tabata canando pa sali, ora
                 be auctioned in public:                                                       cu el a mira un celular preto tira abou. Ta trata di
                                                                                               un celular di marca PIXI. El a informa su mama
                                                                                               di loke el a haya y na uda.
                 1. A residential house under construction locally known as:
                                                                                               L  tabata kier  a tuma  contacto  cu un di  e
                                 PAPILON KAVEL 14                                              personanan riba e celular, pero esaki tabatin un
                                                                                               Central di Polis a conseha e señora K pa entrega
                    standing on full ownership land, ca. 422 m2 size, situated at Papillon in
                    Aruba,  being a part of the  parcel  as further  described in cadastral    e telefon na e oficina. Central di Polis a purba di
                    measure document number 98/ 1967, with index 12132.                        tuma contacto tambe cu un di e personanan riba
                                                                                               e celular. A logra haya contacto cu un welo di
                    Starting bid: To be announced
                                                                                               doño di e celular. A inform'e cu e telefon a wordo
                                                                                               haya y na unda.
                 2. A residential house locally known as:                                      Pa  8.30  di  anochi    e  homber  di  inicial  W.  ta
                                                                                               presente na Warda pa busca e celular. El a bisa
                     SABANA BASORA NOORD 126                                                   cu su yiu muhe W (10 aña) a perde su celular na

                                                                                               veld di Britania. A entrega esaki na e tata.

                    standing on a parcel of public  land, 197  m2 in size, situated at
                    Sabana Basora Noord in Aruba, locally recorded as Third Division
                    Section G number 2735. The lease rights expire on December 14,                 Polis mester a hiba
                                                                                                  homber perdi su cas
                    Starting bid: Afl. 103.915,-

                 3. A residential house locally known as:
                                                                                               DIAHUEBS  anochi,  despues di  7’or,  un

                                   COCHINILLA 52                                               patruya di Strandpolitie  ta wordo manda na
                                                                                               altura di un hotel grandi pa un homber cu ta

                                                                                               parce perdi.
                    standing on full ownership land, ca. 689 m2 size, situated at Papillon in
                    Aruba,  being a part of the  parcel  as  further described in cadastral    Polis cu a bay na e sitio a topa cu e homber perdi
                    measure document number 98/1967, with index 12353.                         aki banda di Towel Hut. Mesora a constata cu
                                                                                               e homber ta bou influencia di alcohol y banda
                    Starting bid: Afl. 212.000,--
                                                                                               di  dje  tabata  asistente  di  hefe  di  siguridad.  E

                                                                                               siguridad a declara cu e homber burachi a bini
                                                                                               ey hunto cu un grupo di amigo y muchanan.
                    Auction notary: mr. T.R. Johnson                                           Dado momento e homber a bay busca e
                                                                                               muchanan na pool, pero no a topa cu nan. Ora
                      The auction is subject  to  the general  conditions for foreclosure
                       auctions and special auction conditions which will be determined by     cu el a bolbe, su amigonan no tabatey mas.
                       civil law notary T.R. Johnson.                                          E homber a bisa Polisnan su nomber GG y cu
                      The auction will take place by raising bids (in Dutch: “bij opbod”) and
                       by decreasing bids (in Dutch: “bij afmijning”), in one session.         e ta un turista. E patruya a tuma contacto cu
                      Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole discretion.     Grenspolitie di aeropuerto pa mira riba e estado
                      Each bidder must be able to submit a bankguarantee issued by a          di e estadia temporal di e homber aki. Asina a
                       reputable bank in Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased
                       with an amount equal to the auction costs.                              bin saca algun informacion di dje, esta cu e ta
                       A private written bid can be submitted until July 11 , 2018.           kedando temporalmente na un adres na Tanki

                                                                                               Leendert. E patruya a bay cun’e na e adres en
                                                 For more information:                         cuestion pero su amigonan no tabatey tampoco.
                                                                                               A dicidi bahe eynan pa e bay drumi. Central di
                       WWW.JOHNSONNOTARY.COM/AUCTIONS                                          Polis a wordo poni na altura.
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