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             Wednesday 11 november 2020
            Trump books will continue after Trump leaves office

            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  One                                                                                             have to see whether there's
            of  publishing's  most  thriv-                                                                                      an  arc  to  the  story,  how
            ing genres of the past four                                                                                         deeply  reported  it  would
            years,  books  about  Presi-                                                                                        be,  and  that  there  would
            dent  Donald  Trump,  is  not                                                                                       be  fact-checking  so  we
            going  to  end  when  he                                                                                            could  be  confident  about
            leaves office.                                                                                                      it.  And  that's  whether  Joe
            In  2021  and  beyond,  look                                                                                        Biden was coming to me or
            for waves of releases about                                                                                         Donald Trump was coming
            the  Trump  administration                                                                                          to me."
            and  about  the  president's                                                                                        Canedy said she might be
            loss  to  Democratic  can-                                                                                          interested  in  a  book  from
            didate  Joe  Biden.  Works                                                                                          Trump  about  his  influence
            already  planned  include                                                                                           on  the  Republican  Party,
            the  anti-Trump  "Prevent-                                                                                          which  initially  resisted  his
            able:  The  Inside  Story  of                                                                                       rise in 2016. She would want
            How  Leadership  Failures,                                                                                          Trump, or any author, to be
            Politics,   and   Selfishness                                                                                       "fair,  balanced  and  hon-
            Doomed  the  U.S.  Corona-                                                                                          est,"  and  have  "a  level  of
            virus  Response,"  by  former                                                                                       insight and self-awareness."
            Obamacare  head  Andy                                                                                               Asked  if  she  believed
            Slavitt. There's a campaign   A collection of books about President Donald Trump, from left, "Siege" by Michael Wolff, "Devil's  Trump  could  meet  those
            book from New York Times     Bargain" by Joshua Green, "Where Law Ends" by Andrew Weissmann, "A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies,   standards,  Canedy  said:  "I
            reporters  Jonathan  Martin   and Leadership" by James Comey, "Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House" by Michael Wolff,   wouldn't  know  how  to  an-
            and Alex Burns. And former   "Rage" by Bob Woodward, "Too Much and Never Enough" by Mary L. Trump, "Disloyal" by Michael   swer  that,  quite  honestly,
                                         Cohen, "Donald Trump V. The United States" by Michael S. Schmidt, "Battlegrounds: The Fight to
            Trump campaign manager       Defend the Free World" by H. R. McMaster and "Wicked Game" by Rick Gates appear on a shelf   because  I  would  need  to
            Brad Parscale is reportedly   in Westchester County, N.Y. on Monday, Nov. 9, 2020.                                  see the proposal first."
            working on a memoir.                                                                               Associated Press  The switch from a Republi-
            Expect  detailed  condem-                                                                                           can to a Democratic presi-
            nations  of  the  45th  presi-  Corey Lewandowski.        20  women  who  have  al-    verse  Books,  mentioned  dent also should result in a
            dent's actions and rhetoric,  Simon  &  Schuster  is  Hillary  leged sexual assault or mis-  three  of  the  most  contro-  shift  on  best-seller  lists.  The
            from  journalists  and  former  Clinton's  longtime  publish-  conduct by Trump.       versial  Trump  appointees:  past  four  years  have  seen
            associates,  and  also  flat-  er,  but  through  its  conser-  Several  publishers  told  the  Secretary   of   Education  a  continuous  run  of  anti-
            tering accounts from White  vative Threshold Editions re-  AP that they don't believe  Betsy  DeVos,  Postmaster  Trump blockbusters, includ-
            House allies and pro-Trump  leased Trump's most recent  Trump  will  have  the  same  General  Louis  DeJoy  and  ing Michael Wolff's "Fire and
            pundits.  And  there  might  work,  "Crippled  America,"  global  appeal  as  former  senior advisor Stephen Mill-  Fury,"  Comey's  "A  Higher
            well be a book from Trump  which  came  out  in  2015.  President  Barack  Obama,  er. "I would campaign hard  Loyalty," Mary Trump's "Too
            himself,   who    received  Center  Street,  a  Hachette  whose  "A  Promised  Land"  against these three officials  Much and  Never Enough,"
            more  than  70  million  votes  Book  Group  imprint,  has  comes  out  next  week.  who  have  done  the  most  and       Bob    Woodward's
            even  as  he  became  the  published Donald Trump Jr.,  Obama and his wife, former  damage  under  Trump,"  "Fear" and "Rage."
            first  president  in  nearly  30  Newt  Gingrich  and  Judge  first  lady  Michelle  Obama,  said  Oh,  who  was  among  The  next  four  years  should
            years to be defeated after  Jeanine  Pirro  among  oth-   agreed  to  a  reported  $65  those who signed the Yian-  mark  the  dawn  of  books
            one term.                    ers.                         million  deal  with  Crown  in  napoulos letter.          against Biden.
            "It was a very controversial  "No  matter  their  political  2017.                     David  Drake,  executive  "It's historically been our ex-
            presidency  and  the  New  beliefs, every American has  Any  publisher  signing  with  vice  president  and  pub-   perience  that  books  com-
            York  publishing  world  isn't  personally experienced the  Trump or a top administra-  lisher  of  Crown,  which  will  ing from the right are more
            exactly packed with Trump  seismic shift within Washing-  tion official might face the  release  Obama's  mem-      available and more popu-
            fans,"  says  Matt  Latimer  of  ton," Center Street publisher  anger  not  just  of  Trump  oir,  declined  comment  on  lar  when  there  is  a  Demo-
            the  Javelin  literary  agen-  Daisy Blackwell Hutton said  critics  among  the  general  whether he would acquire  cratic  presidency,"  says
            cy,  where  clients  have  in-  in  a  statement.  "Books  will  public, but from within the  a  book  by  Trump  or  even  Adrian Zackheim, who runs
            cluded  former  FBI  Director  be  published  for  years  to  industry.  When  Simon  &  meet with him. The execu-  the  conservative  Sentinel
            James  Comey,  former  Na-   come  about  his  presiden-  Schuster  signed  up  the  far  tive  vice  president  and  imprint at Penguin Random
            tional Security Adviser John  cy  and  the  conservative  right   journalist-commen-   publisher of Alfred A. Knopf,  House  and  has  published
            Bolton and Fox host Tucker  movement in general, and  tator  Milo  Yiannopoulos  in  Reagan  Arthur,  doubted  books  by  Mike  Hucka-
            Carlson.                     Center Street absolutely in-  2017,  more  than  100  au-  she  would  sign  up  Trump,  bee,  Nikki  Haley  and  Brian
            "But  there  are  tens  of  mil-  tends to be a leader in that  thors  publicly  objected.  but added that she would  Kilmeade  among  others.
            lions of Americans who look  space."                      (The  publisher  ended  up  probably  agree  to  meet  "That  is  pretty  much  a  sci-
            to the Trump presidency as  There  are  risks  in  publish-  dropping him amid allega-  with him, out of courtesy to  entific fact."q
            an important time and are  ing  Trump,  although  even  tions  he  approved  of  sex  a former president.
            fans  of  his  administration.  presidents who have left of-  between  men  and  young  Dana  Canedy,  senior  vice   Solution Sudoku
            At least some publishers will  fice highly unpopular, from  boys.) Hachette cancelled  president  and  publisher  of
            recognize that."             Jimmy  Carter  to  George  a memoir by Woody Allen,  Simon  &  Schuster's  name-
            Publishers   often   speak  W.  Bush,  managed  to  get  whose daughter Dylan Far-     sake imprint, said any deci-
            proudly  about  their  open-  book  deals  and  release  row  has  alleged  he  sexu-  sion  to  work  with  Trump  or
            ness to diverse voices, while  bestsellers.  None  were  as  ally  abused  her,  after  em-  those in his Cabinet would
            also  acknowledging  that  polarizing as Trump or have  ployees  staged  a  walkout  depend on what they were
            they  like  to  make  money.  so  many  upcoming  legal  in  protest.  (Skyhorse  Pub-  planning to say.
            Several  houses  have  con-  battles,  including  a  New  lishing  later  released  the  "I  would  apply  the  same
            servative imprints that over  York State investigation into  book). Ellen Oh, an author  rigorous  approach  to  any
            the  past  few  years  have  his  finances,  and  a  defa-  of  fantasy  novels  who  co-  meeting,   with   anyone,
            acquired  books  by  every-  mation lawsuit from E. Jean  founded    the   grassroots  Democratic  or  Republi-
            one  from  Sean  Hannity  to  Carroll,  one  of  more  than  organization  We  Need  Di-  can,"  she  said.  "I  would        Puzzle on Page 13
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