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                                                                                                  BUSINESS Wednesday 11 november 2020
             Millennial Money: What new debt collector rules mean for you

            By SEAN PYLES of NerdWal-                                                                                           FREQUENCY  OF  COMMU-
            let                                                                                                                 NICATION:    The   update
            Working  with  third-party                                                                                          clarifies  the  definition  of  a
            debt  collectors  can  be                                                                                           "harassing"  frequency  of
            confusing  and  scary.  For                                                                                         phone  calls  from  collec-
            the  more  than  68  million                                                                                        tors  —  but  this  also  might
            U.S. adults with debt in col-                                                                                       enable  such  harassment,
            lections,  knowing  their  le-                                                                                      advocates warn.
            gal rights is crucial.                                                                                              The  new  rule  limits  collec-
            The   Fair   Debt   Collec-                                                                                         tors to calling no more than
            tion  Practices  Act  covers                                                                                        seven times a week per ac-
            third-party  debt  collectors                                                                                       count.  It  bars  calls  within
            —  those  who  buy  a  delin-                                                                                       seven  days  after  having  a
            quent debt from an original                                                                                         conversation  with  a  con-
            creditor,  like  a  credit  card                                                                                    sumer. But consumers may
            company.  An  update  to                                                                                            have  multiple  accounts  in
            the  rules  on  how  the  act                                                                                       collections,  leading  to  a
            is  applied,  announced  by                                                                                         barrage of calls.
            the  Consumer  Financial                                                                                            The  one  contact  per  day
            Protection  Bureau  in  late                                                                                        doesn't  cover  text,  email
            October, alters the terms of                                                                                        or  social  media  channels,
            engagement.                                                                                                         so  consumers  may  be  in-
            Some changes will modern-     In this Oct. 1, 2020 file photo, a woman walks past a personal finance loan office in Franklin, Tenn.     undated  with  messages.
            ize the law and clarify how                                                                        Associated Press  The new rules also allow for
            it's enacted. But consumer                                                                                          "limited-content   messag-
            advocates  say  other  revi-  important  details,  includ-  messages.  The  messages  tor and you haven't gotten  es,"  which  could  mean  a
            sions  don't  go  far  enough  ing the amount owed, the  must explain how the con-     the initial notice about the  proliferation  of  voicemails
            or  could  have  unintended  collection  agency's  name  sumer  can  restrict  contact  debt,  they  should  ask  for  that  don't  count  as  "com-
            consequences.                and  how  consumers  can  by  these  methods  or  re-     that information."           munications."
            KNOW YOUR RIGHTS             dispute the debt.            quest  no  communication.  NEW  LIMITS  ON  COLLEC-       "We  have  concerns  about
            The  FDCPA  offers  several  CONSUMER RIGHTS: People  Notably,  debt  collectors  TORS'  ACTIONS:  Additional  what this is going to mean
            protections, including:      can limit how and when a  don't need consumers' per-      changes  are  expected  especially  for  consumers
            LIMITS  ON  DEBT  COLLEC-    collector  contacts  them,  mission  before  contacting  to  be  announced  by  the  who  might,  for  example,
            TOR  ACTIONS:  Collectors  including  telling  them  to  them  on  these  new  chan-   CFPB  in  December.  Those  have     multiple   medical
            must  be  truthful,  including  stop  communicating  alto-  nels.                      will  govern  when  collec-  debts  in  collections,"  Kue-
            about  details  of  the  debt.  gether. In all but limited cir-  Consumer advocates wor-  tors  can  add  information  hnhoff says.
            They  cannot  use  abusive  cumstances,  the  collector  ry that collectors may send  to  consumer  credit  reports  What  you  can  do:  If  you
            language,  call  repeatedly  must honor that request.     crucial information like the  and   disclosures   about  feel  you're  being  con-
            in  a  harassing  manner  or  If consumers doubt the de-  debt  validation  letter  to  debts,  such  as  whether  tacted too frequently, you
            threaten violence.           tails  of  a  debt,  they  can  email  or  social  media  ac-  they're  past  the  statute  of  can  demand  the  collec-
            Collectors  can't  ask  for  a  send  the  collector  a  debt  counts that aren't in use.   limitations,  which  vary  by  tor  cease  communication
            post-dated check for them  verification  letter  seeking  "What  consumers  should  state and limit how long a  in  all  but  a  few  instances,
            to  cash  later,  which  is  a  more  information  beyond  know is it's going to be re-  collector  can  sue  a  con-  such as when legal action
            tactic to get consumers to  the validation letter.        ally  important  for  them  to  sumer for payment.        is  threatened.  This  extends
            pay debts they cannot af-    UPDATES  TO  THE  FDCPA  be  proactive  to  opt  out  if  WHY  CONSUMER  ADVO-         to prohibiting communica-
            ford. They also cannot col-  RULES                        they don't want to receive  CATES  ARE  CONCERNED,  tion in different channels.
            lect more than the amount  Here  are  some  of  the  communications          through  AND WHAT YOU CAN DO           NO  COVERAGE  OF  ORIGI-
            owed  or  threaten  to  take  changes,  which  are  set  to  text  message  or  email,"  Some   advocates   worry  NAL CREDITORS
            property when that's not al-  take effect in fall 2021:   says  April  Kuehnhoff,  staff  that  the  updates  don't  go  The  kicker  with  the  FDC-
            lowed.                       NEW      COMMUNICATION  attorney  at  the  National  far  enough  and  say  some  PA  is  that  it  only  regulates
            INFORMATION        DISCLO-   OPTIONS:  Debt  collectors  Consumer Law Center.          of  the  changes  could  ac-  third-party  debt  collectors
            SURES: Debt collectors must  will  be  able  to  contact  She also notes, "If consum-  tually lessen consumer pro-  —  that  is,  a  collector  who
            send  consumers  a  "debt  consumers  by  email,  text  ers  start  getting  communi-  tections.  Here  are  two  of  doesn't represent the origi-
            validation  letter"  outlining  message and social media  cations from a debt collec-  the primary concerns:        nal creditor. q

              Taiwan processor chip maker to set up $3.5 billion U.S. arm

              TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — A Taiwanese  what functions it will perform.     ductor wafer fabrication facility in  posed on Chinese companies in a
              maker of processor chips for Apple  U.S.  officials  worry  their  country  Camas,  Washington,  and  design  feud with Beijing over technology
              Inc. and other customers plans to  relies too too heavily on factories  centers  in  San  Jose,  California,  and security.
              invest $3.5 billion to set up its sec-  in Taiwan, South Korea and China  and Austin, Texas.              TSMC  and  other  global  vendors
              ond U.S. manufacturing site amid  for  chips  used  in  smartphones,  Last  year,  the  U.S.  Government  are  barred  from  using  U.S.  tech-
              American  concern  about  relying  medical  equipment  and  other  Accountability Office said in a re-    nology to make chips for Huawei
              too heavily on sources in Asia for  products. Anxiety increased after  port  that  relying  on  foreign  chip  Technologies Ltd., one of the Tai-
              high-tech components.              the coronavirus pandemic disrupt-   producers reduced costs but "can  wanese  company's  biggest  cus-
              Taiwan  Semiconductor  Manu-       ed global shipping.                 also make it harder" for the military  tomers.
              facturing Co., the world's biggest  The  Wall  Street  Journal  reported  to get supplies if governments cut  That  blocks  most  manufacturing,
              contract  producer  of  semicon-   in May that TSMC was talking with  off access.                         including  of  chips  designed  by
              ductors, said its board on Tuesday  Apple, one of its biggest custom-  TSMC  is  among  semiconductor  Huawei, because their production
              approved the plan for the facility  ers, about a possible U.S. factory.  suppliers whose business has been  lines  need  U.S.  technology  and
              in  Arizona.  It  gave  no  details  of  TSMC  also  operates  a  semicon-  disrupted  by  U.S.  sanctions  im-  components.q
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