Page 6 - aruba-today-20201111
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             Wednesday 11 november 2020
            Russian peacekeepers deploy to secure Nagorno-Karabakh truce

            By DARIA LITVINOVA                                                                                                  Armenian  Prime  Minister
            MOSCOW  (AP)  —  Dozens                                                                                             Nikol  Pashinian  said  it  was
            of  Russian  peacekeepers                                                                                           "extremely  painful  for  me
            destined for Nagorno-Kara-                                                                                          personally and for our peo-
            bakh  began  deploying                                                                                              ple," calling the situation a
            Tuesday, hours after Arme-                                                                                          "catastrophe."
            nia and Azerbaijan agreed                                                                                           But  Pashinian  said  he  was
            to  halt  fighting  over  the                                                                                       left with no choice and the
            separatist region and amid                                                                                          army  had  told  him  it  was
            signs  the  cease-fire  would                                                                                       necessary to stop the fight-
            hold where others hadn't.                                                                                           ing.
            The  truce  came  after  sig-                                                                                       Azerbaijan's President Ilham
            nificant   advances     by                                                                                          Aliyev  called  the  agree-
            Azerbaijani  forces  that  the                                                                                      ment "a glorious victory."
            Armenian-backed  leader                                                                                             The  pact  was  announced
            of  Nagorno-Karabakh  said                                                                                          by  President  Vladimir  Putin
            made  it  impossible  for  his                                                                                      personally  early  Tuesday,
            side to carry on. It was cel-                                                                                       several hours after Azerbai-
            ebrated  in  Azerbaijan,  but                                                                                       jan downed a Russian heli-
            left  Armenians  bitter,  and                                                                                       copter that was flying over
            many stormed government                                                                                             Armenia,  killing  two  crew
            buildings  overnight,  de-   This photo made from the footage provided by Russian Defense Ministry press service on in Tues-  members aboard.
            manding Parliament invali-   day, Nov. 10, 2020 shows Russian military vehicles carry peacekeepers on their way to an airport   The agreement calls for Ar-
            date the agreement.          in unknown place in Russia.                                                            menian forces to turn over
            The  two  countries  have                                                                          Associated Press  control  of  some  areas  it
            been  locked  in  a  conflict                                                                                       held outside the borders of
            over    Nagorno-Karabakh  seemed to come out well,  dreds,  possibly  thousands,  numerous  territorial  gains,  Nagorno-Karabakh, includ-
            for  decades,  and  there  though  it  remained  to  be  dead.  That  includes  some  pressed its offensive deep-   ing the Lachin region, which
            were  concerns  the  hos-    seen if it would be able to  1,300   Nagorno-Karabakh  er into the region and took  the main road leading from
            tilities  could  escalate  and  expand its influence by se-  troops, according to the re-  control of the city of Shushi,  Nagorno-Karabakh  to  Ar-
            draw in Turkey, which threw  curing  a  higher-profile  role  gion's  officials,  and  scores  strategically  positioned  on  menia passes through. The
            its  weight  behind  Azerbai-  in the peace process.      of civilians on both sides.  heights  overlooking  the  agreement  calls  for  the
            jan,  and  Russia,  which  has  Nagorno-Karabakh     lies  Several   cease-fires   an-  regional  capital  of  Step-  road,  the  so-called  Lachin
            a security pact with Arme-   within  Azerbaijan  but  has  nounced  over  the  past  six  anakert.                  Corridor,  to  remain  open
            nia.                         been  under  control  of  weeks  crumbled  almost  Nagorno-Karabakh's  sepa-           and  be  protected  by  Rus-
            If  the  truce  proves  lasting,  ethnic  Armenian  forces  immediately,  but  the  cur-  ratist  leader  Arayik  Haru-  sian peacekeepers.
            it  would  be  a  major  dip-  backed  by  Armenia  since  rent agreement appeared  tyunyan admitted on Tues-       It also calls for transport links
            lomatic  coup  for  Russia,  a separatist war there end-  to be holding, with neither  day that "had the hostilities  to  be  established  through
            which  appears  to  have  ed  in  1994.  Heavy  fighting  side  reporting  any  more  continued  at  the  same  Armenia  connecting  Azer-
            brokered  a  deal  where  erupted in late September  fighting  since  it  came  into  pace,  we  would  have  lost  baijan  and  its  western
            others  failed  and  was  in  a  —  the  biggest  escalation  force.                   all of Artsakh (an Armenian  exclave  of  Nakhchivan,
            tight  spot  since  it  has  ties  of the conflict in a quarter-  It  came  days  after  Azer-  name  for  Nagorno-Kara-  which is surrounded by Ar-
            with both sides. Turkey also  century — and has left hun-  baijan,  which  has  claimed  bakh) within days."        menia, Iran and Turkey.q

            Turkey's President Erdogan congratulates Biden on his win

                                                                      make vital contributions to  determined  vision"  for  ex-  tion to sanction Turkey.
                                                                      world  peace  in  the  future,  panding  the  ties  between  Some  analysts  think  strains
                                                                      as  it  has  done  so  far,"  Er-  the  U.S.  and  Turkey  dur-  between   Ankara   and
                                                                      dogan said in his congrat-   ing  his  four  years  in  office.  Washington could deepen
                                                                      ulatory  message,  made  In  his  message,  Erdogan  under  the  presidency  of
                                                                      available  by  his  office.  also  thanked  Trump  for  his  Biden, who takes a dimmer
                                                                      Turkey was one of a hand-    "warm friendship."           view  of  Turkey's  relations
                                                                      ful of countries, along with  Trump and Erdogan forged  with Russia, its military inter-
                                                                      Russia,  that  had  not  com-  a  strong  personal  relation-  ventions in Syria and Libya,
                                                                      mented  on  Biden's  victory  ship  despite  troubled  ties  and  of  Erdogan's  increas-
                                                                      since he was declared the  between  the  two  NATO  ingly  authoritarian  tilt.  Ear-
                                                                      winner of the U.S. presiden-  allies.  Ankara  and  Wash-  lier Tuesday, Turkish Foreign
                                                                      tial  election  on  Saturday.  ington have been at odds  Minister  Mevlut  Cavusoglu
                                                                      A senior Turkish official said  over the past years over a  said  Turkey  expects  steps
                                                                      Monday that Ankara would  number of issues, including  that  would  resolve  issues
            Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan speaks during a gath-  wait  until  legal  challenges  on  policy  over  Syria  and  that are "poisoning" ties with
            ering of Turkish ambassadors, in Ankara, Turkey, Monday, Nov.
            9, 2020.                                                  to  the  U.S.  election  results  Turkey's  decision  to  pur-  the United States. Address-
                                                     Associated Press  were  resolved  and  for  the  chase  Russia's  advanced  ing  Turkish  ambassadors
                                                                      outcome to be finalized. It  anti-aircraft missile systems,  in  Ankara,  Cavusoglu  said
            ANKARA,  Turkey  (AP)  —  to  work  closely  with  the  was  not  clear  what  made  which  prompted  Washing-      there were a number of op-
            Turkish  President  Recep  new administration.            Erdogan change his mind.     ton  to  expel  Turkey  from  portunities to help improve
            Tayyip  Erdogan  congratu-   "I  believe  that  the  strong  Separately,  Erdogan  also  its  F-35  stealth  fighter  pro-  the  bilateral  ties,  including
            lated  President-elect  Joe  cooperation and the bond  sent  a  message  to  Presi-    gram.                        the  two  countries  cooper-
            Biden on Tuesday, express-   of  alliance  between  our  dent  Donald  Trump  thank-   U.S.  lawmakers  have  pres-  ating to end the conflicts in
            ing  Turkey's  determination  countries  will  continue  to  ing him for his "sincere and  sured the Trump administra-  Syria and Libya.q
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