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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 11 november 2020
            Barr tells DOJ to probe election fraud claims if they exist

            By MICHAEL BALSAMO                                                                                                  evidence that would allow
            Associated Press                                                                                                    them to take further investi-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  At-                                                                                            gative measures.
            torney   General    William                                                                                         Barr  does  not  identify  any
            Barr has authorized federal                                                                                         specific  instances  of  pur-
            prosecutors across the U.S.                                                                                         ported fraud in the memo.
            to  pursue  "substantial  al-                                                                                       "While  it  is  imperative  that
            legations"  of  voting  irregu-                                                                                     credible allegations be ad-
            larities,  if  they  exist,  before                                                                                 dressed in a timely and ef-
            the  2020  presidential  elec-                                                                                      fective manner, it is equally
            tion is certified, despite no                                                                                       imperative  that  Depart-
            evidence  of  widespread                                                                                            ment  personnel  exercise
            fraud.                                                                                                              appropriate  caution  and
            Barr's  action  comes  days                                                                                         maintain the Department's
            after  Democrat  Joe  Biden                                                                                         absolute  commitment  to
            defeated President Donald                                                                                           fairness, neutrality and non-
            Trump  and  raises  the  pros-                                                                                      partisanship," Barr wrote.
            pect that Trump will use the                                                                                        States have until Dec. 8 to
            Justice  Department  to  try                                                                                        resolve  election  disputes,
            to challenge the outcome.                                                                                           including   recounts   and
            It  gives  prosecutors  the                                                                                         court contests over the re-
            ability  to  go  around  long-                                                                                      sults. Members of the Elec-
            standing  Justice  Depart-   Attorney General William Barr leaves the office of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Ky.,   toral College meet Dec. 14
            ment  policy  that  normally   on Capitol Hill in Washington, Monday, Nov. 9, 2020.                                 to finalize the outcome.
            would  prohibit  such  overt                                                                       Associated Press  On  Monday  night,  the
            actions before the election                                                                                         Justice  Department's  top
            is certified.                no  indication  of  enough  ballots  that  were  miscast  individual State."           prosecutor   for   election
            Trump  has  not  conceded  improperly  counted  or  ille-  and lost.                   He  said  any  allegations  crimes, Richard Pilger, said
            the election and is instead  gally cast votes that would  In a memo to U.S. attorneys,  that would "clearly not im-  he  would  step  down  from
            claiming without evidence  shift the outcome.             obtained  by  The  Associ-   pact  the  outcome  of  a  that post in response to the
            that  there  has  been  a  In  fact,  election  officials  ated Press, Barr wrote that  federal election" should be  attorney  general's  memo,
            widespread,      multi-state  from  both  political  parties  investigations "may be con-  delayed  until  after  those  according  to  an  email  he
            conspiracy  by  Democrats  have  publicly  stated  the  ducted  if  there  are  clear  elections are certified and  sent to colleagues and ob-
            to  skew  the  vote  tally  in  election went well, though  and   apparently-credible  prosecutors  should  likely  tained by the AP. He is still
            Biden's favor.               there  have  been  minor  is-  allegations  of  irregularities  open  so-called  preliminary  expected to remain as an
            Biden  holds  a  sizable  lead  sues  that  are  typical  in  that,  if  true,  could  poten-  inquiries,  which  would  al-  attorney  within  the  Justice
            in  multiple  battleground  elections,  including  voting  tially  impact  the  outcome  low investigators and pros-  Department's  criminal  divi-
            states and there has been  machines  breaking  and  of a federal election in an  ecutors  to  see  if  there  is  sion. q

            McConnell, Schumer to lead, but Senate majority uncertain

            By LISA MASCARO              tions, with their entire lead-  some  20  years.  Two  other
              AP  Congressional  Corre-  ership teams set to be rein-  seats in North Carolina and
            spondent                     stated.                      Alaska remain too early to
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Sen-    But it's still to be determined  call. In North Carolina, Sen.
            ators  chose  party  leaders  whether  McConnell  will  Thom  Tillis  is  trying  to  fend
            Tuesday with few changes  retain  his  role  as  majority  off  Democratic  challenger
            at  the  top,  but  it's  unclear  leader or cede it to Schum-  Cal Cunningham in a tight
            who  will  be  the  majority  er as the final races for the  race. Alaska GOP Sen. Dan
            leader in the new Congress  U.S. Senate play out.         Sullivan  is  favored  for  an-
            with  no  party  having  se-  Last  week's  elections  left  other term against Al Gross,

            cured control of the Senate  the  chamber  split,  48-48,  an independent running as
            until a January runoff elec-  heading into the new Con-   a Democrat.
            tion in Georgia.             gress  next  year.  Republi-  Even if Republicans secure
            Sen.   Mitch    McConnell,  cans brushed back Demo-       the  final  two  races  where
            R-Ky., won another term as  cratic challengers in sever-  ballots are still being count-
            Republican  leader,  his  of-  al states, but failed to lock  ed  in  North  Carolina  and   Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Ky., answers ques-
                                                                                                   tions  after  Senate  Republicans  held  leadership  elections,  on
            fice said, cementing his role  down the seats needed to  Alaska,  they  would  still  fall   Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2020.
            as the longest-serving GOP  retain their majority.        short of the 51 seats need-                                           Associated Press
            leader  in  U.S.  history.  Sen.  Races  for  two  seats  in  ed.
            Chuck  Schumer,  D-N.Y.  Georgia heading to a Jan.  The  math  has  become  crats would result in control  tions in the weeks ahead.
            won  his  party's  support  to  5 runoff are swiftly becom-  more  challenging  for  Mc-  over the chamber. But Re-  GOP  Sen.  Kelly  Loeffler
            stay on leading the Demo-    ing a showdown over con-     Connell  because  the  vice  publicans  would  need  51  will  face  Rafael  Warnock,
            crats, according to a Dem-   trol  of  the  chamber.  The  president of the party hold-  seats to cement their hold  a  Black  pastor  from  the
            ocrat  granted  anonymity  state  is  closely  divided,  ing  the  White  House  casts  on power.                   church  where  Rev.  Martin
            to  discuss  the  closed-door  with  Democrats  making  the  tie-breaking  vote  in  The  stakes  are  high  for  all  Luther  King,  Jr.  preached.
            balloting.                   gains  on  Republicans,  fu-  the Senate. Next year that  sides,  with  strategists  ex-  And Republican Sen. David
            None  of  the  leaders  were  eled by a surge of new vot-  would  be  Vice  President-  pecting  an  eye-popping  Perdue,  a  top  Trump  ally,
            being  challenged  in  Tues-  ers.  But  no  Democrat  has  elect  Kamala  Harris.  That  $500 million could be spent  will face Democratic chal-
            day's  private  party  elec-  been  elected  senator  in  means  50  seats  for  Demo-  on the Georgia runoff elec-  lenger Jon Ossoff.q
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