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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 11 november 2020
            European leaders say collaboration key in anti-terror fight

            PARIS (AP) — French Presi-                                                                                          The  EU's  national  leaders
            dent  Emmanuel  Macron                                                                                              will  review  the  situation  at
            said  Tuesday  that  extrem-                                                                                        a  December  meeting,  Mi-
            ist attacks are a "European                                                                                         chel said.
            reality"  and  the  European                                                                                        The  conference  came  a
            Union  must  tighten  the                                                                                           week after a man who of-
            screws  on  weak  spots  like                                                                                       ficials said had tried to join
            external  borders  and  the                                                                                         the Islamic State group shot
            internet  after  two  deadly                                                                                        four people to death in Vi-
            extremist attacks in France                                                                                         enna  before  police  shot
            and another in Austria in re-                                                                                       and killed him. The shooting
            cent weeks.                                                                                                         has  strengthened  calls  in
            Macron's  remarks  came                                                                                             Austria for a crackdown on
            after he, Austrian Chancel-                                                                                         Islamic extremism.
            lor Sebastian Kurz, German                                                                                          In France last month, an Is-
            Chancellor Angela Merkel,                                                                                           lamic extremist killed three
            Dutch  Prime  Minister  Mark                                                                                        people  in  a  church  in  the
            Rutte,  and  the  leaders  of                                                                                       French  city  of  Nice,  and
            the  EU's  executive  and                                                                                           another extremist behead-
            political  arms  held  a  vid-                                                                                      ed  a  teacher  near  Paris
            eo  conference  to  discuss                                                                                         because he had shown his
            anti-terrorism  strategy.  The                                                                                      students cartoons of Islam's
            group also addressed jour-                                                                                          prophet  for  a  discussion
            nalists,  a  mix  of  voices  in-                                                                                   about  freedom  of  expres-
            tended  to  underscore  the   French President Emmanuel Macron, right, and Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz attend a vid-  sion.
                                         eoconference with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Euro-
            need  for  collaboration  to   pean Council President Charles Michel and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen   As  a  result  of  the  attacks,
            defeat terrorism.            at the Elysee Palace, in Paris, Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2020.                                Macron  last  week  pro-
            The  response  to  terrorism                                                                       Associated Press  posed  tighter  controls  on
            and radicalization must be                                                                                          the  EU's  external  borders,
            "common,      coordinated,  bloodied     numerous    EU  external borders of Europe's  lutely be put in place in the  more coordinated policing
            rapid," requiring "methodic"  countries  over  the  years.  visa-free  travel  area  are  weeks ahead."             inside  the  bloc's  visa-free
            work  before  a  meeting  of  Macron  noted  that  on  Fri-  policed,  a  plan  he  made  Interior  ministers  from  EU  zone  and  changes  to  EU
            European heads of state in  day,  France  will  mark  the  public last week.           member nations are sched-    migration policy.
            December, Macron said.       fifth anniversary of the Paris  "All  weaknesses  at  the  ex-  uled to meet Friday about  Austria's  Kurz  cited  the
            The  response  to  terrorism  attacks that killed 130 peo-  ternal  border  or  in  one  how to accelerate and im-  need  to  better  cope  with
            and radicalization must be  ple at a music hall and ca-   member  state  is  a  security  prove  anti-terrorism  work  imprisoned ex-jihadis, many
            "common,       coordinated  fes on Nov. 13, 2015.         risk  for  all  members,"  Ma-  in  progress,  said  European  of  whom  will  be  freed  af-
            and rapid" with "methodic"  The French leader stressed  cron said.                     Council  President  Charles  ter  serving  time.  He  called
            work  in  the  weeks  ahead,  the  need  to  develop  a  He  additionally  wants  to  Michel,    who    attended  them "ticking time bombs."
            before  a  meeting  of  Euro-  shared  database  and  im-  get "terrorist content" pulled  Tuesday's  video  confer-  "We  have  a  permanent
            pean heads of state in De-   proved  police  coopera-     from the internet within an  ence along with European  danger among us," he said
            cember, Macron said.         tion,  and  said  he  wants  a  hour  of  its  appearance,  Commission  President  Ur-  of foreign fighters returned
            Extremist   attacks   have  "deep  reform"  of  how  the  "something that must abso-   sula von der Leyen.          from Syria or Iraq. q

            Israeli leader vows to protect interests with next president

            JERUSALEM  (AP)  —  Israeli  said in a speech to parlia-  With Trump challenging the
            Prime  Minister  Benjamin  ment.  "I  am  committed  to  election results, Netanyahu
            Netanyahu  said  Tuesday  stand  behind  the  interests  did not refer to either man
            he made no distinction be-   that  are  crucial  to  our  fu-  as  "president."  That  omis-
            tween Democrats and Re-      ture and our existence and  sion  followed  his  belated
            publicans and intended to  this  is  how  I  will  continue  congratulatory  statement
            stand up for Israel's interests  even  with  the  next  Ameri-  to Biden on his election win.
            in the face of a new Ameri-  can administration."         The delay was widely seen
            can administration.          Netanyahu  spoke  ahead  as stemming from concern
            The Israeli leader has been  of  a  vote  meant  to  ratify  of offending Trump.
            trying to sound a message  Israel's  recent  agreement  Netanyahu  had  a  cooler
            of   bipartisanship   since  establishing  diplomatic  re-  relationship  with  President
            Democrat  Joe  Biden's  vic-  lations with the Gulf state of  Barack Obama. With Biden
            tory   over    Netanyahu's  Bahrain.                      expected to restore a simi-
            close friend, Donald Trump,  In  the  speech,  Netanyahu  lar  approach  to  Obama,
            in  last  week's  presidential  thanked  Trump,  who  has  Netanyahu  may  have  a
            election.  Critics  have  ac-  delivered a series of diplo-  harder time carrying out his
            cused Netanyahu of tilting  matic  gifts  to  Israel,  for  his  more  nationalistic  policies,   In this Aug. 30, 2020 file photo, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
            too far toward the Republi-  support.  He  also  thanked  like building West Bank set-  Netanyahu and White House adviser Jared Kushner make state-
                                                                                                   ments to the press about the Israeli-United Arab Emirates nor-
            cans and turning Israel into  Biden  for  supporting  deals  tlements.                 malization agreement, in Jerusalem.
            a partisan issue in Washing-  brokered by Trump normal-   The Israeli leader vowed to                                           Associated Press
            ton. "What I see before my  izing  Israeli  ties  with  three  stick to his positions.
            eyes is not Democrats and  Arab  countries  —  Bahrain,  "That's  how  a  prime  minis-  groveling  and  also  not  ar-  a  person  who  fights  for  his
            not Republicans. It is just the  the  United  Arab  Emirates  ter  in  Israel  must  act,"  he  rogantly  but  with  the  wis-  people, for his land and for
            state  of  Israel,"  Netanyahu  and Sudan.                said.  "Not  by  submitting  or  dom,  courage,  dignity  of  his country," he added.q
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