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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 11 november 2020
            Guatemala landslide could be final resting place for many

            By SONIA PÉREZ D.                                                                                                   ning, he said. Deforestation
            GUATEMALA  CITY  (AP)  —                                                                                            is another factor in destabi-
            Days after a landslide bur-                                                                                         lizing mountainsides.
            ied  half  the  community  of                                                                                       In  2018,  the  Volcano  of
            Queja  in  central  Guate-                                                                                          Fire  in  southern  Guate-
            mala, rescuers have recov-                                                                                          mala  erupted,  killing  some
            ered only a handful of the                                                                                          201  people.  Relatives  said
            more than 100 people be-                                                                                            there were at least another
            lieved to be buried there.                                                                                          1,000  victims  buried  under
            The  location  is  so  remote                                                                                       debris. Officially, more than
            and the conditions so per-                                                                                          200 are missing.
            ilous  that  Queja  could  be-                                                                                      In  2015,  a  landslide  in  the
            come the latest in a string                                                                                         Cambray     neighborhood
            of  Guatemalan  disaster                                                                                            inside the capital killed 250
            sites that become the final                                                                                         and  left  about  70  missing.
            resting  places  of  their  vic-                                                                                    That location had been de-
            tims.                                                                                                               clared  dangerous  before
            On Monday, the Guatema-                                                                                             the slide, but local authori-
            lan  government  said  a  to-                                                                                       ties  allowed  homes  to  be
            tal of 44 deaths had been                                                                                           built there.
            confirmed  and  99  people                                                                                          In  2009,  in  a  community
            were  still  missing  in  floods                                                                                    called  Los  Chorros,  just  six
            and  landslides  across  the                                                                                        miles  (10  kilometers)  from
            country.                                                                                                            Queja, a landslide covered
            President  Alejandro  Giam-                                                                                         the  highway,  killing  more
            mattei  said  he  would  ask                                                                                        than  35  people  and  leav-
            the  U.S.  government  to                                                                                           ing  some  20  missing.  The
            grant  "temporary  protect-                                                                                         zone  lives  under  the  con-
            ed status" to Guatemalans                                                                                           stant threat of landslides.
            living  in  the  United  States                                                                                     At some point the searches
            because  of  the  damages                                                                                           are called off and the vic-
            from Tropical Storm Eta. An                                                                                         tims  remain  buried  over
            estimated  21,000  homes                                                                                            relatives' objections. Some-
            were  damaged  by  the       A member of a search and rescue team looks for survivors through the destruction caused by a   times the sites are declared
            storm.                       massive, rain-fueled landslide in the village of Queja, in Guatemala, Saturday, Nov. 7, 2020, in the   "sacred   ground,"   other
            Eta's torrential rains did their   aftermath of Tropical Storm Eta.                                                 times that is just the de fac-
            worst damage around mid-                                                                           Associated Press   to result.
            day  Thursday,  as  residents                                                                                       Authorities in Queja are de-
            in  Queja,  a  farming  town  cal  depression,  passed.  mer  director  of  Guatema-   producing  elements  like  ciding  what  to  do.  Land-
            of  about  1,200  Poqomchi  Emilio  Caal,  a  farmer  who  la's  national  disaster  man-  Eta, but rather other factors  slides  have  continued  in
            Mayas,  were  just  about  survived  the  slide,  said  40  agement  agency,  noted  that  make  us  vulnerable  the  area,  sometimes  forc-
            to  have  lunch.  The  moun-  members of his family were  the  country  has  ranked  and are directly tied to the  ing  them  to  evacuate  res-
            tainside above them gave  missing.                        among  the  highest  risk  development of the coun-       cuers from the debris field.
            way,  sweeping  the  wood-   It  took  a  day  just  for  res-  countries  for  natural  disas-  try," he said.     "There is never going to be
            en  and  tin-roofed  down  cuers  to  reach  the  scene  ters in the hemisphere, ac-   Communities  don't  have  development in Guatema-
            the  mountain  and  burying  because  other  landslides  cording  to  the  World  Risk  the funds to invest in mitiga-  la nor reduction of poverty
            them under feet of orange  blocked  highways.  Sup-       Index.                       tion measures necessary to  if  there  is  not  an  effort  to
            mud and debris.              plies for survivors had to be  "It  is  a  structural  problem  better  develop  their  com-  reduce the risk of disasters,"
            It had been raining heavily  flown in by helicopter.      that  is  linked  no  only  the  munities.  Remote  commu-  and  that  way  save  lives,
            for days as Eta, then a tropi-  Alejandro Maldonado, for-  threat or the probability of  nities  lack  adequate  plan-  Maldonado said.q

             Falklands to be landmine free nearly 40 years after war

            LONDON  (AP)  —  Britain's  mines  does  not  end  with  will detonate the final mine
            Foreign  Office  says  the  our  territories  being  mine  in  a  ceremony on  Nov.  14
            Falklands will soon be land-  free.''  said  Wendy  Morton,  that will also include cutting
            mine free - almost 40 years  the U.K. minister responsible  down fences to reopen ac-
            after  the  1982  conflict  be-  for the Falklands. "A further  cess to beaches.
            tween the United Kingdom  36  million  pounds  ($47.6  Argentina  lost  the  war  for
            and Argentina in the South  million)  of  U.K.  funding  will  the  South  Atlantic  archi-
            Atlantic islands.            allow  demining  projects  pelago after its troops em-
            A  U.K.-funded  mine  clear-  across the world to contin-  barked on an ill-fated inva-
            ing  program  that  started  ue, protecting innocent ci-  sion.  The  conflict  claimed
            in  2009  is  set  to  end  three  vilian lives." The funding will  the  lives  of  649  Argentines
            years  ahead  of  schedule.  help  Afghanistan,  Angola,  and 255 British soldiers.
            With the completion of the  Cambodia,      Iraq,   Laos,  Argentina  still  claims  the
            program, no anti-personnel  Lebanon, Myanmar, Soma-       islands,  which  it  calls  the
            mines  will  remain  on  British  lia, Sudan, South Sudan, Sri  Malvinas.  Britain  says  the   In this Dec. 10, 1985 file photo, “Redfire,” a remote-controlled
            soil.                        Lanka,  Vietnam,  Yemen,  Falklands  are  a  self-gov-    robot, undergoes testing in a mine clearance operation by Brit-
            "Our  commitment  to  rid-   and Zimbabwe.                erning  entity  under  its   ish army troops in the Falkland Islands.
            ding the world of fatal land  People  on  the  Falklands  protection.q                                                          Associated Press
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