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                                                                                                           LOCAL Wednesday 11 november 2020

            Experience Aruba deep under

            SAN  NICOLAS  —  Explore  one  of
            Aruba’s  most  precious  hidden
            gems, the Phosphate Mine hosted
            by  The  Shack  Aruba.  The  tour  will
            be presented by Mario Perez who
            has and is still exploring this Mine
            for more than 20 years now. After
            the  introduction  you  will  take  a
            ladder  down  approximately  30ft
            deep and start exploring.

            Date:  Sunday,  November  15th,  (APC) was founded. The company
            2020                                very quickly realized that shipping
            Time:          8:30 AM              the ore by donkey to San Nicolas
            Duration:      1 hour               harbor  and  then  by  lighter  to  the
            Meeting  Point:  Entrance  Mine  at  larger  ships  would  be  a  problem,
            Seroe Colorado.                     and  as  a  result  it  was  decided  in
                                                1880  to  build  a  modern  L-shaped  much that in 1882 a more powerful  cutting off supplies and disrupting
            Bring  your  own  flashlight  and  refill  steel pier at San Nicolas, linked to  0-4-2T, capable of hauling 30 cars,  shipping, the company made the
            bottle. Sportive clothing and shoes  the  mines  by  a  30  inch,  762mm,  was ordered from H.K. Porter. Work-  decision  to  shut  down.  The  mines
            are  required.  Rules  and  regula-  gauged railway. A steam tug was  ers  were  able  to  load  up  to  300  were closed and the locomotives
            tions according to the department  also  ordered  to  assist  steam  ships  tons per day, which was the aver-  abandoned  on  a  siding  a  Seroe
            of  health  will  be  strictly  followed.  to dock. By the end of 1881 the 7  age capacity of the three-masted  Culebra. In 1915, a representative
            Maintain  social  distance  at  all  km railway serving the mines at Se-  ships in the West Indian phosphate  for  Shell  Oil  signed  a  deal  to  buy
            times.    Reservations  are  required.  roe Colorado and Seroe Culebra,  trade.  Aside  from  91  tipping  cars,  the rails and tipping cars for use at
            Call or whats app at +297-597-4267  with  one  small  English-built  steam  the APC also owned a one-axle in-  the  Shell  Oil  refinery  construction
            for more information                locomotive,  was  completed.  By  spection coach lettered ‘A’.          site in Curaçao. Only some rails re-
                                                the end of 1881 a second loco of                                        mained on the pier and in the har-
            About the Phosphate Mine            the same type was ordered, each  However, due to large discoveries  bor area at San Nicolas. In the mid-
            Phosphate  was  discovered  at  Se-  could  haul  10-12  loaded  tipping  of phosphate in the U.S. and else-  1930s  the  locos  were  pushed  into
            roe  Colorado,  at  the  southeast-  cars downhill to the pier, where the  where for fertilizer, by the mid-1880s  the mine pit at Seroe Culebra and
            ern  tip  of  the  island,  in  1874,  and  ore was unloaded directly into the  demand started to decline. Follow-  covered with trash by crews of the
            in  1879  the  Aruba  Phosphate  Co.  waiting ships. Business boomed so  ing  the  outbreak  of  WWI  in  1914,  Lago refinery.q
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