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UP FRONTTuesday 12 January 2016
Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, US seek roadmap to peace Investigators:
Friends say that
KATHY GANNON fied because he is not au- for direct talks between small and its absence from US woman stayed
Associated Press thorized to speak to the representatives of the Gov- the battlefield is unlikely to behind at a club
ISLAMABAD (AP) — Four media, said, “some good ernment of Afghanistan be a game changer.
countries __ Afghanistan, progress” was made dur- and representatives from The Taliban have stepped FLORENCE, Italy (AP) —
up attacks across the coun- Friends of an American
Afghanistan Deputy Foreign Minister, Hekmat Khalil Karzai, right, shakes hands with Sartaj Aziz, try and while they have woman found slain in her
adviser to the Pakistani prime minister on foreign affairs, prior to meeting of delegates from Paki- been unable to hold urban rented Florence apart-
stan, Afghanistan, China and United States who hope to lay the roadmap for peace talks with the centers, the religious militia ment have told police she
Taliban, in Islamabad, Pakistan, Monday, Jan. 11, 2016. Richard Olson, U.S. Special Representa- has operated in rural areas, stayed behind at a night-
tive for Afghanistan and Pakistan is seen at left. often dispensing justice club when they left, inves-
and challenging the gov- tigators said Monday.
(Associated Press of Pakistan via AP) ernment’s authority. Coroners began an au-
Afghan security forces topsy on Ashley Olsen’s
Pakistan, China and the ing what turned out to be a Taliban groups in a peace have taken heavy casual- body Monday afternoon.
United States __ were clois- marathon session. process that aims to pre- ties, particularly since the First results, including time
tered away late into the The Taliban were not in- serve Afghanistan’s unity, withdrawal of NATO-led and cause of death, could
night Monday trying to lay vited to the talks and a sovereignty and territorial forces from Afghanistan come as soon as Tuesday.
a foundation they hope will Taliban official, in a rare integrity,” said the commu- last year. Investigators based in Flor-
eventually lead to peace face-to-face meeting with nique. They complain bitterly ence’s prosecutors’ offices
talks between the Afghan The Associated Press, said A small breakaway Taliban about inadequate supplies stressed that after ques-
government and Taliban there would be no direct group said Monday it was and still rely heavily on U.S. tioning the 35-year-old
fighters. talks with the Afghan gov- ready for talks. airpower. woman’s boyfriend, who is
But in the end, the biggest ernment without first talking The faction, which The presence of the U.S. an Italian artist in the city,
decision that appeared to to the United States. emerged following the rev- and China together at the as well as friends of Olsen
be reached was to meet The final communique, elation last year that the table reflects the urgency they haven’t put anyone
again. however, seemed to rule Taliban leader and founder of getting talks started. under investigation.
Still an Afghan official, who that out. Mullah Mohammed Omar China has historically close The investigators, who de-
was in the meeting but “The participants empha- had died two years ago, ties with Pakistan and while clined to be identified be-
did not want to be identi- sized the immediate need is believed to be relatively there were four countries cause the probe is still on-
represented at Monday’s going, said the woman’s
talks, Pakistan — which is friends told them they were
often accused of harbor- together with Olsen at a
ing Taliban leaders, Florence nightspot late
including the fierce Haqqa- Thursday. According to
ni group, a U.S.-declared their account, the friends
terrorist group — is seen as decided to leave but Ol-
the key to getting the larg- sen remained there.
est contingent of Taliban Her body was discovered
fighters to the table. on Saturday afternoon af-
Imtiaz Gul, whose Center ter the boyfriend told the
for Research and Security apartment’s owner he was
Studies has delved deeply worried because he hadn’t
into the Afghan conflict heard from her and they
and Pakistan’s decades- went together to open the
old involvement, says Paki- apartment. Police have
stan has significant lever- said the victim’s neck had
age with the Taliban, led bruises and scratches, indi-
by Omar’s replacement cations of possible strangu-
Mullah Akhtar Mansoor.q lation.
Investigators have said
Iran disputes UN finding that it worked on nuclear arms there were no signs of a
break-in, indicating that
GEORGE JAHN Atomic Energy Agency crippling economic sanc- the core of the Arak heavy Olsen likely knew her killer.
Associated Press adopted a resolution last tions. water reactor on Monday Olsen’s beagle, Scout, a
VIENNA (AP) — Iran has re- month ending the investi- Implementation day will and filled it with concrete. frequent companion of the
jected an assessment by gation, IAEA chief Yukiya come once the U.N.’s In- The probe had to be for- woman on strolls through
the U.N. nuclear agency Amano told the meet- ternational Atomic Energy mally ended as part of the Florence’s historic center,
that it did past work on ing that his investigation Agency certifies that Iran July 14 nuclear agreement. was found unharmed in
nuclear arms but is prais- couldn’t “reconstruct all has fulfilled its commit- The IAEA board closed the apartment.
ing some aspects of the the details of activities con- ments, and diplomats on the books on the investi- The woman had lived in
agency’s investigation of ducted by Iran in the past.” Monday told The Associ- gation last month, even Florence for some three
the issue, reflecting satis- But both Iran and the in- ated Press that could hap- though Amano repeated years and was known
faction that the more than ternational community pen within a week. The of- an assessment he made among the Renaissance
decade-long probe has are eager to put the is- ficials spoke on condition in his final report on the is- art city’s close-knit expatri-
ended. sue behind them in order of anonymity because they sue in November that Iran ate community.
Closure of the file means to be able to implement weren’t authorized to com- worked on “a range of ac- Her father, Walter Olsen,
that some questions about a landmark nuclear deal ment on the process. tivities relevant” to making who teaches in Florence
the alleged weapons work that commits Tehran to sig- Iran’s Fars news agency re- nuclear weapons, with co- and is known in the design
may never be resolved. Be- nificant limits on its nuclear ported a key step toward ordinated efforts up to 2003 field, laid a floral bouquet
fore the 35-nation board activities for over a decade that goal, saying that tech- tapering off into scattered and knelt for a few minutes
of the U.N’s International in exchange for relief from nicians have dismantled activities into 2009.q in front of the apartment