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                                                                                                                                                              Tuesday 12 January 2016

Clinton confronts rival Sanders as Iowa polls tighten 

     Continued from front      cal claims would be paid        Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton reaches for a smartphone for a selfie with a
                               out by the government as        supporter after a campaign rally, Monday, Jan. 11, 2016, in Waterloo, Iowa.
While she has locked up        it does with the Medicare
the vast majority of sup-      program covering seniors.                                                                                                                 (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)
port from party leaders        Clinton also announced a
and large donors, Sanders      new plan that would im-
has captured the hearts        pose a 4 percent fee on
of many in the Democrat-       taxpayers making more
ic base with his unapolo-      than $5 million — an effort
getically liberal economic     to match Sanders’ focus on
message.                       income inequality.
An NBC/The Wall Street         And she talked about guns.
Journal/Marist poll re-        When Obama said last
leased Sunday found Clin-      week he would not support
ton with 48 percent and        a Democratic nominee
Sanders with 45 percent of     who didn’t support “com-
likely Iowa caucus goers,      mon-sense gun reform,”
representing a closer mar-     Clinton’s team quickly
gin than past polls have in-   sought to turn it to their ad-
dicated.                       vantage, reminding voters
Sanders has maintained an      that Sanders had backed
edge in New Hampshire,         legislation in 2005 that pro-
which neighbors his home       tected gun-makers from
state of Vermont, making       lawsuits. Clinton — who’s
Iowa even more important       done only a select few na-
for Clinton. The NBC/ Wall     tional interviews since an-
Street Journal/Marist poll     nouncing her campaign in
showed Sanders with 50         April — called in to MSNBC’s
percent and Clinton with       “Hardball” on Friday night,
46 percent in that primary     invoking Sanders name six
which takes place Feb. 9.      times during a short inter-
Clinton still holds a strong   view to criticize his vote on
advantage among black          liability for gun-makers and
and Latino voters who play     his past opposition to other
a bigger role in the prima-    gun control legislation.
ries in late February and      Sanders, during a town hall
March. But even if Clinton     meeting in Des Moines, ex-
pulls out a win in Iowa, a     pressed his own support
narrow victory could set off   for Obama’s use of execu-
alarms among Democrats         tive actions to curb gun
about her strength against     violence, suggesting little
Sanders, who started the       daylight between him and
campaign as an obscure         the president. Sanders has
senator polling in the single  long targeted Iowa and
digits.Until now, Clinton has  New Hampshire as places
rarely mentioned Sanders       where he could trip up
by name at her campaign        Clinton, who started the
events, choosing instead to    campaign with a com-
warn voters about the risks    manding lead in national
of electing a Republican.      polls but has watched her
She has pointed to efforts     advantage in the early
by Republicans to repeal       voting states diminish. The
Obama’s signature health       senator has also pointed
care law — the president       to favorable polls showing
vetoed the most recent         him outperforming Clinton
try — as a sign of what        in hypothetical matchups
could come if Democrats        against Republicans like
lose the White House. But      billionaire Donald Trump.
on Monday, she widened         Sanders has held multiple
her health care critique to    events in the state since
include Sanders, saying he     Friday. Clinton was back in
would “rip up” the law and     Iowa after a two-day trip to
put power in the hands of      the state last week but has
states. Sanders said dur-      also held fundraisers in Cali-
ing a town hall meeting        fornia and plans to keep a
in Perry, Iowa, that many      lower profile later this week
people have inadequate         with closed fundraisers in
coverage and must pay          Washington and New York.
large fees to cover medi-      Former President Bill Clin-
cal expenses before pay-       ton returns this week, ac-
ments from private insurers    companied on Saturday
kick in. Sanders advocates     by the couple’s daughter,
a system in which medi-        Chelsea.q
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