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U.S. NEWSTuesday 12 January 2016

Michigan governor pledges contact with every Flint household 

DAVID EGGERT                   for additional money for       An officer with the Genesee County Sheriff’s office carries water filters as he along with fellow
Associated Press               the emergency before his       officers and a work detail of people sentenced to community service hand out water filters and
LANSING, Mich. (AP) — An       budget proposal in Febru-      gallons of water to residents of Flint’s north side on Thursday, Jan. 7, 2016, in Mich.
apologetic Gov. Rick Sny-      ary.
der pledged Monday that        Flint switched from Detroit’s                                                                     (Sean Proctor /The Flint via AP)
officials would make con-      water system to river wa-
tact with every household      ter in a cost-cutting move     by Snyder have faulted            has investigated the Flint     residents were “basically
in Flint to check whether      in 2014, while under state     the Department of Environ-        situation posted online an     getting blown off.” Snyder
residents have bottled wa-     financial management.          mental Quality for not re-        email obtained through a       said Monday he wanted
ter and a filter and want to   That was intended as a         quiring Flint to treat the river  public records request that    to “push on (state) depart-
be tested for lead expo-       temporary step while a         water for corrosion and           shows Snyder’s chief of staff  ments” after hearing con-
sure while his embattled       pipeline was built from Lake   belittling the public’s fears.    expressing concerns in July    cerns from the community,
administration works on a      Huron. The city returned to    Former DEQ Director Dan           to Department of Health        and the agencies “reaf-
long-term solution to the      Detroit’s Lake Huron wa-       Wyant resigned last month.        and Human Services Di-         firmed they didn’t believe
city’s water crisis.           ter in October after vari-     Last week, a professor who        rector Nick Lyon that Flint    there was an issue. q
He also said he first clearly  ous problems, but officials
knew of Flint’s lead prob-     remain concerned about
lem around Oct. 1, when        the corrosion caused by
state health authorities       the Flint River water. Extra
confirmed elevated blood-      anti-corrosion controls be-
lead levels in children that   gan last month.
were detected by a local       “We don’t want people to
doctor. Exposure to lead       assume anything’s good
can cause behavior prob-       until we have a chance to
lems and learning disabili-    do extensive testing and
ties in children. It was the   confirm that publicly,” Sny-
Michigan Republican’s first    der said.
visit to the 99,000-resident   Michigan Department of
city since October, when       Environmental Quality In-
he called for a switch back    terim Director Keith Creagh
to Detroit’s water after       gave no timeline for when
more corrosive Flint River     the tap water would be OK
water leached lead from        to drink, saying additional
15,000 service lines and       testing is needed.
into homes. Snyder said he     The state auditor general
may ask state lawmakers        and a task force created

High court seems ready to scrap mandatory public union fees 

SAM HANANEL                    fornia teachers who say        lawsuit is part of a conser-      “free riders” — workers who    said all the items negotiat-
Associated Press               those mandatory fees vio-      vative agenda to weaken           reap the rewards of union      ed in a collective bargain-
WASHINGTON (AP) — The          late the free-speech rights    unions, which are known           bargaining and grievance       ing agreement “are neces-
Supreme Court appears          of workers who disagree        for reliably supporting Dem-      procedures without paying      sarily political questions.”
ready to deliver a ma-         with a union’s positions.      ocratic candidates and            for it. “The union basically   Arguing in support of the
jor setback to American        Labor officials fear unions’   policies. The challengers         is making these teachers       union, California Solicitor
unions as it considers scrap-  very existence could be        are backed by the conser-         compelled riders for issues    General Edward DuMont
ping a four-decade prece-      threatened if workers are      vative Center for Individual      on which they strongly         said the state needs a reli-
dent that lets public-sector   allowed to get all the ben-    Rights.                           disagree,” Kennedy said,       able bargaining partner
labor organizations collect    efits of representation with-  But Justice Anthony Ken-          noting the political nature    that is funded by all the
fees from workers who de-      out at least paying fees to    nedy rejected arguments           of bargaining issues like      workers it represents. He
cline to join.                 cover the costs of collec-     by lawyers for the state of       teacher salaries, merit pro-   said the fees for collective
During more than an hour       tive bargaining. The case      California and the Califor-       motions and class size.        bargaining typically apply
of oral arguments Monday,      affects more than 5 million    nia Teachers Association          Even Justice Antonin Sca-      to non-political issues such
the high court’s conserva-     workers in 23 states and       that the current fee system       lia, who in the past has ex-   as mileage reimbursement,
tive justices seemed likely    Washington, D.C.               is needed to prevent non-         pressed some sympathy for      working hours and other
to side with a group of Cali-  Union advocates say the        members from becoming             the free-rider argument,       mundane matters. q
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