Page 11 - Aruba Today
P. 11

                                                                                                                 Tuesday 12 January 2016

Apparent relaxation of security before drug lord’s recapture 

FRANK BAJAK                     the meeting she arranged,     A police truck sits parked outside the home where marines en-                    taken.
AP Technology Writer            said Vigil, who was briefed.  gaged in a gun battle during the search for Mexican drug lord                    In Rolling Stone, he de-
LIMA, Peru (AP) — As the        Mexico’s attorney gen-        Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, in Los Mochis, Mexico.                                scribed “labeling Trac-
world’s most hunted man,        eral, Arely Gomez, said                                                                                        Phones (burners), one per
Joaquin “El Chapo” Guz-         Friday that cartel security                                                        (AP Photo/Christian Palma)  contact, one per day, de-
man had to know the most        had been compromised                                                                                           stroy, burn, buy, balancing
sophisticated information       during contacts between       ably used to arrange the      article: He did not carry his                      levels of encryption, mirror-
and surveillance technol-       El Chapo’s lawyers and        visit.                        cellular phone to Mexico                           ing through Blackphones,
ogy available was mar-          “actresses and producers”     “Can’t speak to that,” Penn   from Southern California.                          anonymous e-mail ad-
shalled against him: satel-     hoping to make a biopic.      responded curtly when         “My comms were not in the                          dresses, unsent messages
lites, unmanned aircraft,       She presumably meant          asked via email if he knew    mix,” he said.                                     accessed in draft form.”
NSA and DEA eavesdrop-          Del Castillo, who Penn said   of the phone. Penn also re-   Penn did not address spe-                          He also called himself “the
pers, malware-sowing Mex-       was contacted by a Guz-       iterated what he said in his  cifics on security measures                        single most technologically
ican state hackers.             man lawyer in 2014 on the                                                                                      illiterate man left standing.”
Yet Guzman may have let         matter. Mexican agencies                                                                                       “OPSEC (Operational Se-
his guard down before re-       possess commercial spy-                                                                                        curity) is not easy even for
ceiving Hollywood actors        ware from firms including                                                                                      experts, bringing in a gross
Sean Penn and Kate del          Hacking Team that could                                                                                        amateur like an actor is
Castillo three months ago       have been used to infect                                                                                       just insanely reckless,” said
on a remote central Mexi-       computers or cellphones of                                                                                     Nicolas Weaver, a Univer-
co mountaintop in appar-        people involved. Such pro-                                                                                     sity of California, Berkeley
ent hopes of getting get a      grams harvest keystrokes,                                                                                      cybersecurity expert.
biopic made to his liking.      voice calls, emails and text                                                                                   While Blackphone calls are
Authorities are not identify-   messages.                                                                                                      encrypted, their location
ing whatever information        Vigil said El Chapo’s nar-                                                                                     and an owner’s identity
security missteps may have      row Oct. 6 escape from a                                                                                       can be determined. q
led to Guzman’s being re-       government attempt to
captured Friday in a sea-       capture him in the same
side town not far away.         mountains where he met
“Whatever mistake or            with Penn and Del Castillo
screw-up played a role,         was not directly related to
presumably the govern-          his meeting with the Hol-
ment is going to keep it se-    lywood stars. The military
cret. Because if El Chapo       was simply tightening the
made this mistake others        noose, he said.
will make it in the future,”    Penn said he felt he was
said Christopher Soghoian,      being watched after ar-
a surveillance expert with      riving in central Mexico for
the American Civil Liberties    the meeting.
Union.                          “There is no question in my
Mike Vigil, a former head of    mind but that the DEA and
international operations for    the Mexican government
the U.S. Drug Enforcement       are tracking our move-
Administration, said the        ments,” he wrote.
Oct. 2 visit likely went unde-  Mexican news media on
tected because Penn took        Monday published images
“extraordinary” measures        of him and Del Castillo that
beforehand, changing dis-       apparently came from a
posable phones daily.           security camera in Gua-
Neither actor took elec-        dalajara. Penn said he was
tronics to the meeting.         “bewildered” by El Cha-
Instead, previously inter-      po’s willingness to risk the
cepted communications           visit and imagined a “wea-
between Del Castillo and        ponized drone” hovering
Guzman’s lawyers were           above as he drank tequila
key — authorities knew          with the capo.
about the movie plans and       The Mexican newspaper
were closing on him well        El Universal said Monday
before Penn, on assign-         that a cartel lawyer in Sep-
ment for Rolling Stone, ac-     tember gave Del Castillo a
companied Del Castillo to       “special phone” presum-
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