Page 12 - Aruba Today
P. 12
WORLD NEWSTuesday 12 January 2016
Puerto Rico’s crisis threatens to cut gas, power supplies
DANICA COTO Hernandez, a spokesman vice can be avoided only structuring. Members of the U.S. House
Associated Press for the General Services if the hospitals and clinics “We’re already seeing the Committee on Natural Re-
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) Administration. agree to a payment plan first consequences of this sources are scheduled to
— Puerto Rico’s govern- The deal is good only if the in upcoming days. situation,” Public Affairs talk about Puerto Rico’s
ment and some institutions government makes a $3 The company already cut Secretary Jesus Manuel economic problems on
face a worsening cash million payment on Mon- off power to the govern- Ortiz said at a press confer- Tuesday. U.S. House Speak-
crunch that threatens to day and another $4 million ment’s Highway and Trans- ence on Monday. “If we er Paul Ryan, a Republican
cut off their access to gas- payment before month’s portation Authority last don’t address the reality of from Wisconsin, recently
oline and electricity amid end, he said. month because of unpaid this crisis, it will only worsen.” pledged the House will
the island’s economic crisis, Puerto Rico’s heavily in- bills. Service was restored Ortiz renewed the govern- come up this year with “a
officials said Monday. debted public power com- when a payment plan was ment’s plea for the U.S. responsible solution” for the
The U.S. territory reached pany also announced it implemented. Congress to give Puerto island’s debt problems.
a tentative deal late last would cut electricity to The island’s worsening fi- Rico access to some sort Meanwhile, the U.S. Su-
week with Total Petroleum three hospitals and clinics nancial situation comes of bankruptcy mechanism. preme Court is hearing
Puerto Rico Corp. after the this week because they as Puerto Rico struggles The government already an appeal on a ruling
company warned it would have not paid their multimil- through nine years of eco- faces its first lawsuit over that barred Puerto Rico
no longer supply state vehi- lion-dollar bills. Jose Daniel nomic stagnation and fac- how it has diverted funds from giving municipali-
cles with gasoline because Echevarria, a spokesman es $72 billion in public debt to meet certain bond pay- ties the power to declare
of the government’s $16 with the Electric Power Au- that the governor says is ments as its liquidity dwin- bankruptcy.q
million debt, said Danny thority, said that cuts in ser- unpayable and needs re- dles.
Brazil’s Rousseff focuses on economy in face of impeachment
M. SAVARESE Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff listens to a question in Brasilia, Rio. “I don’t even turn on ing, and that she has little
Associated Press Brazil. With her job on the line, Rousseff is spending January of the TV anymore. All that to lose.“Let’s say she tries
RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — With 2016 developing an economic plan she hopes will restore faith I wanted was for 2015 to something and it doesn’t
her job on the line, Brazil- in her leadership and weaken looming impeachment proceed- end.” work. So what?” said Peter
ian President Dilma Rous- ings against her. Nelson Barbosa, who took Schechter, director of the
seff is spending January over as finance minister in Atlantic Council’s Adrienne
developing an economic (AP Photo/Eraldo Peres) December, is expected to Arsht Latin America Center.
plan she hopes will restore propose a stimulus pack- “Does that mean she goes
faith in her leadership and vive a faltering economy,” have combined with tank- age and fiscal reforms over from 8 percent to 7 percent
weaken looming impeach- the next several weeks. approval ratings?”
ment proceedings against said Claudio Couto from ing commodity prices to Ideas being floated include Regardless of what Rousseff
her. infrastructure projects, tax proposes, Congress may
The once-popular succes- Brazilian think tank Funda- slam the economy, which breaks for home purchases not go along. The Work-
sor of former President Luiz and a car-swap program ers’ Party has only 59 of the
Inacio “Lula” da Silva has cao Getulio Vargas. “The has suffered credit-rating to encourage buying new 513 members of the lower
fallen so far that it’s unclear vehicles. Some are propos- house and traditionally has
whether she can recover. key is to bring some confi- downgrades, a sharp cur- ing a tax on banking trans- passed legislation by form-
And she’ll have little room actions and a reform of the ing coalitions with other
to maneuver once Con- dence back.” rency devaluation and country’s pension system large blocs, which may find
gress reconvenes in Brasilia to keep workers in the job little incentive to work with
in February: Her approval That confidence has been 10-percent annual inflation. market an additional five the president now.
ratings hover in the single years. Depending on the It’s also unclear whether
digits, both friendly and shaken by a series of bal- “I can’t wait to stop hear- sector, women now can even reforms can slow the
hostile lawmakers are res- retire between 50 and 55 tidal wave of bad econom-
tive and Latin America’s looning crises over the past ing bad news from Brasilia,” years old, while men can ic news. Layoff announce-
largest economy is expect- do the same between 55 ments, from sugar mills to
ed to continue contracting year. Major scandals, some said Gabriela Malvezzi, a and 60. steel factories, are a daily
in 2016. Pension reform is sure to occurrence. Even Wal-
“Dilma will have one month of which touch Rousseff, 28-year-old psychologist in draw the ire of Rousseff’s Mart, one of the largest su-
with no major problems base. But analysts say she permarket chains in Brazil,
blowing up in Brasilia to must show she is serious said it would close 30 stores
come up with a plan to re- about tackling spend- in January.q
Official: Drug seizures in USVI and Puerto Rico increasing
DANICA COTO found at a popular beach but with fewer large ones. cent increase from the with the drug flow that
Associated Press in the town of Isabela, ac- “We’re seeing more inter- previous year. Meanwhile, got national attention,” he
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico cording to U.S. Customs dictions with smaller loads,” more than 18,000 pounds said.
(AP) — Federal authorities and Border Protection. One Capt. Robert Warren, U.S. (8,000 kilograms) of mari- The number of slayings
announced Monday that man was arrested. Coast Guard commander juana have been seized, a in Puerto Rico has since
they discovered more than It’s one of the largest sei- in San Juan, told The Asso- 138 percent increase from dropped to the lowest point
$4 million worth of cocaine zures in recent months. A ciated Press. “In the past, fiscal year 2014. in decades, but drug sei-
stashed in bushes along group of federal agencies we got primarily the big Warren attributed the in- zures have only increased.
Puerto Rico’s north coast including the U.S. Coast loads coming up from the crease in part to more fed- Puerto Rico police alone
as they find more drug ship- Guard report an increase south.” eral resources after Puerto have reported a 170 per-
ments but with smaller pay- in cocaine and marijuana More than 16,000 kilograms Rico reported a record cent jump in heroin and
loads in the U.S. Caribbean. seizures in waters around (35,000 pounds) of cocaine 1,164 killings in 2011. marijuana seizures and a
Some 340 pounds (154 ki- Puerto Rico and the U.S. Vir- were seized in the past fis- “It was the growing vio- 47 percent increase in co-
lograms) of cocaine were gin Islands in the past year, cal year, a nearly 10 per- lence and the association caine seizures.q