Page 14 - Aruba Today
P. 14
LOCALTuesday 12 January 2016
Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort Introduces Spay and Neutering Campaign for Aruba
--In partnership with all is- teamed up with island vet- cats with much-needed be made to curtail the cat implanted into dogs during
land veterinarians and ac- erinarians to help reduce spay and neutering surger- and crioyo dog popula- the operation.
cessible to pet owners and the number of homeless ies thanks to generous sub- tion. Interested pet owners The significantly reduced
charity animal organiza- dogs and cats in Aruba, sidies from Bucuti.
tions. and to make responsible The only solution and organizations can go special fees for pet
EAGLE BEACH - Aruba’s pet ownership a reality. In- to the dog and to owners/animal organi-
long battle with the over- troducing “Love me. Ster- cat overpopula- to register each pet and zations are:
population of dogs and ilize me.,” this new com- tion problem is to receive the special rate --Crioyo dog (male) =
cats has a new ally. Bucuti munity outreach provides reduce the popu- on the dedicated website. Afl. 75.
& Tara Beach Resort has island dogs (“crioyo”) and lation and to have They’ll then receive a call --Crioyo dog (female) =
responsible pet with a registration num- Afl. 100.
ownership. “Love ber, which can be used to --Cat (male) = Afl. 25.
me. Sterilize me.” make an appointment at --Cat (female) = Afl. 70.
makes sterilization the veterinary clinic of their As the sponsor of “Love
more affordable by signifi- choice as all island veteri- me. Sterilize me.,”
cantly reducing the price narians are participating. Bucuti has committed to
of surgery for pet owners The veterinarian charges the program for at least
and organizations caring them a nominal fee for the two years. The resort is a
for homeless animals. In de- surgery and invoices Bucuti longstanding supporter of
creasing the animal popu- for the balance. In addi- better living initiatives and
lation, there will be many tion, Bucuti is also donat- has long had a pet adop-
less dogs and cats that ing microchips that can be tion program to help visit-
cannot be cared for that ing guests and employees
die of starvation and dis- with the cost of adopting
ease or are euthanized at homeless dogs. That alone
the island’s Kill Cage. cannot completely correct
“Love me. Sterilize me.” is the dog and cat overpop-
intentionally simple and ulation issue. This new steril-
accessible to every pet ization campaign will aid in
owner and homeless ani- a long-term solution to the
mal organization on Aruba island issue and ultimately
so that a major impact can ensure that every pet has a
family to love them.q