Page 18 - Aruba Today
P. 18
SPORTSTuesday 12 January 2016
NFL Relocation: Bengals critical of Steelers
LA’s fans have unified hope, divided loyalties
assistant coach Joey Porter
GREG BEACHAM But mere days before the have been waiting and
AP Sports Writer meetings in Houston could loyal, and they still follow JOE KAY
LOS ANGELES (AP) — The end a two-decade dis- the Rams in St. Louis,” said CINCINNATI (AP) -- Bengals players aren’t happy with
NFL has never been closer cussion, nobody is certain Randy Troy, a longtime fan Steelers assistant coach Joey Porter, who was on the
to ending its 21-year ab- what course the owners will aligned with the Bring Back field in the closing minutes of Pittsburgh’s 18-16 playoff
sence from the city that choose. the Los Angeles Rams sup- victory and wound up in the middle of an altercation.
staged the first Super Bowl Virtually any combinations porters’ group. Players and coaches from both teams were on the
and supported several of those three teams and “Other fans like me follow field after Bengals linebacker Vontaze Burfict hit An-
teams in several leagues two stadium proposals are college football and don’t tonio Brown in the head following an incompletion,
through several decades still possibilities. There are care about the NFL,” Troy leaving the receiver dazed on the ground.
of professional football. ardent backers for both the added. “But when I have Brown suffered a concussion on the play, and Burfict
Those teams all once Rams’ plan for a Hollywood the Los Angeles Rams, I was penalized for targeting a defenseless receiver.
played at the Los Angeles Park stadium and the Char- care again. There are so While players and coaches milled around on the
Memorial Coliseum, which gers’ hopes to build a Car- many football fans in Los field, Bengals cornerback Adam ‘’Pacman’’ Jones
could see the sport back son arena to share with the Angeles. The NFL is No. 1. went after Porter and drew another penalty. The two
penalties moved the Steelers in range for their win-
Rams football fans hold banners, wave signs and chant while marching around the historic Los ning field goal.
Angeles Memorial Coliseum. Saturday, Jan. 9, 2016 in Los Angeles. Boisterous Los Angeles Rams The conduct of Steelers assistant coaches - offensive
fans gathered Saturday to herald the NFL football team’s possibly imminent return to Southern line coach Mike Munchak was penalized for grab-
California after a 21-year sojourn in St. Louis. bing the hair of safety Reggie Nelson in the first half
- still bothers the Bengals.
(AP Photo/Richard Vogel) ‘’I’ve got a ton of respect for those guys,’’ left tackle
Andrew Whitworth said of the Steelers. ‘’Joey Porter
on its 93-year-old field in Raiders. What do you think will hap- is not one of them. He’s not one of the guys I respect
August. Several hundred All three teams have his- pen when the L.A. Rams very much. He’s a guy that has always run his mouth.
Rams fans — and a few tory and fan support in the return here? It’s going to He’s always been disrespectful to people.’’
Raiders and Chargers fans, city, and the franchises are blow up.” Porter was in the middle of a group of players when
too — gathered outside eager to capitalize on the There’s no definite way to Jones went after him, bumping an official and draw-
the venerable stadium last theoretically boundless tell which team has the ing the flag.
weekend under slate-gray wealth and attention to be most fan support in Los After the game, Jones made a profane Instagram
skies that made for per- found under Hollywood’s Angeles, but the two that post ripping the officials for their handling of the situ-
fect football weather. They bright lights. The owners moved after the 1994 sea- ation.
threw a pigskin, chanted will consider financial re- son both have strong cas- Jones said on Monday that coaches shouldn’t be on
slogans and looked for- wards and personal friend- es. Most observers think the the field. He also said Munchak should have been
ward to relief from a two- ships when they make their Chargers are in third place ejected from the game and fined by the league.
decade drought. decision among the three in the race for L.A. fans’ ‘’Coaches are supposed to be held to a higher
“We really can’t believe contenders, but it’s unclear hearts and minds even standard when it comes to stuff like that,’’ Jones
it’s almost time for this to whether the ability to cap- though they’re technically said. ‘’Even with Mike Munchak grabbing Reggie’s
end,” lifelong Rams fan Ray ture the heart of those L.A. the only team born here: hair. Thank God that wasn’t me. I wouldn’t have just
Ochoa said. “It’s time. We fans will play any role. Barron Hilton’s AFL team walked away.’’
just want football.” If those owners saw the played its inaugural season The teams have a history of animosity that boiled out
The NFL’s owners are ex- gathering at the Coliseum, at the Coliseum before re- during the Steelers’ 33-20 win at Paul Brown Stadium
pected to decide this week they would know the Rams locating to San Diego. on Dec. 13.
whether any combination never lost the fan base they The Rams rather hilariously There was an altercation at midfield during pregame
of the Rams, Chargers and abandoned when the late cited a Twitter poll con- warm-ups and numerous personal fouls during the
Raiders will be allowed to Georgia Frontiere moved ducted by an game. Whitworth said Porter was among those on the
move to Los Angeles, fi- her team to St. Louis after writer as proof of their pre- field pregame talking trash.
nally filling the gaping hole the 1994 season, leaving dominance while arguing Whitworth said Porter was known for trash talking
in the sports landscape of behind 49 years of stead- for relocation, but their col- when he was a player.
the nation’s second-largest fast support. ors still show up regularly at ‘’To me, Joey Porter just doesn’t have a lot of class,’’
media market. “There are many fans who local sporting events.q Whitworth said. ‘’As a coach, there’s a different stan-
Lewis declined to address Porter being on the field,
but said he’s strict about making sure his assistants
keep to the sideline.
‘’I’m clear with our coaches all the time: We’ve got
to stay back,’’ Lewis said on Monday. ‘’I know ev-
erything’s been written about what happened with
coach Munchak and Reggie and Joey but again, all
of that out of the way, let’s win a football game and
let’s do it the way we’re coached to do it.’’
After the ugly game on Dec. 13, Lewis emphasized
to his players that they’ve got to keep their cool. In
the week leading up to the playoff loss, Lewis had a
quote from franchise founder Paul Brown displayed
on the monitors in the locker room: ‘’The key to win-
ning is poise under stress.’’
That quote was still displayed on Monday, a reminder
of why they let another playoff game get away.q