Page 21 - Aruba Today
P. 21
Tuesday 12 January 2016
Cardinals sign Korean pitcher Seung Hwan Oh to bolster ‘pen
R.B. FALLSTROM St. Louis Cardinals Senior Vice President/ General Manager John Mozeliak introduces the newest deal with Hanshin prior
AP Sports Writer Cardinals pitcher Seung Hwan Oh on Monday, Jan. 11, 2016, during a news conference at Busch to last season. He led the
ST. LOUIS (AP) — Seung Stadium. At right is agent and translator Douglas Kim. Japanese Central League
Hwan Oh has been such in saves in 2014 and ‘15,
a dominant pitcher in Ja- (J.B. Forbes/St. Louis Post-Dispatch via AP) setting the record for most
pan that he has two nick- saves by a Korean pitcher
names: “Final Boss” and market in recent seasons. been scouting Oh since sion for casino gambling in Japanese League play.
“Stone Buddha.” Earlier this winter, they un- 2009. Manager Mike Ma- had he returned to pitch in In 498 career games in Ko-
The St. Louis Cardinals proj- successfully bid on Korean theny said he’s seen Oh Korea. He said he hadn’t rea and Japan, Oh is 32-20
ect the Korean with 357 first baseman Byung-Ho on videotape and was im- been aware that casino with a 1.81 ERA with 772
career saves as a reliever Park, who landed with the pressed, saying “Good stuff gambling was illegal in that strikeouts in 646 1-3 innings.
who’ll get the ball to their Twins, and last year, they is good stuff.” country. Mozeliak said the He also was a member of
own record-setting closer, bid on shortstop Jung Ho The 5-foot-10, 205-pound sides came to an agree- the Gold medal-winning
Trevor Rosenthal. Kang, who plays for the Pi- Oh — his name is pro- ment before that suspen- Korean Olympics team in
“We felt like we wanted rates. nounced “SEWN-whan”— sion was announced. 2008 and played for Korea
to do something to ramp Mozeliak said the team has had been facing a suspen- Oh signed a free agent in the World Baseball Clas-
it up,” general manager sic in 2006, ‘09 and ‘13.
John Mozeliak said Mon- The Cardinals will hire a full-
day at a news conference time interpreter to help Oh
to announce the signing adjust to the United States.
of Oh to a one-year con- Matheny said it shouldn’t
tract with a club option for be a big deal with mound
a second year. “He really conferences because he
matched up well for what and pitching coach Derek
we were trying to accom- Lilliquist aren’t big on mak-
plish.” ing “a whole lot of me-
The 33-year-old Oh, who chanical adjustments,” but
had 41 saves last year, rather giving the pitcher
said through an interpreter a chance to take a deep
that playing in the major breath.
leagues has long been Though other rivals have
a dream and now “the been more active in the
dream comes true.” offseason, Mozeliak said
“I’ve achieved everything he’s confident taking this
in Korea and Japan as a team to spring training next
closer,” Oh said. “I wanted month.
a new environment and “Ultimately, I’m not all that
was looking for motiva- bullish on necessarily chas-
tion.” ing something right now,”
Rosenthal set a franchise the GM said.
record with 48 saves last
season for the NL Central Milestone: Capitals’ Alex Ovechkin scores 500th goal
champions. The Cardinals
also have Jonathan Brox- WASHINGTON (AP) — Alex acknowledging the cheer- Lemieux (605), Mike Bossy named an All-Star in each
ton and Kevin Siegrist for Ovechkin scored his 500th ing crowd that included his (647) and Brett Hull (693). of his 11 seasons and was
late-inning work although goal Sunday night, becom- parents. He later drew an- “He is one of a kind,” Hull voted a captain for this
Mozeliak said the team ing the 43rd player in NHL other roar while waving to told the AP in a phone in- year’s All-Star game. He’s
doesn’t know the availabil- history to reach the mile- fans from the bench. terview last week. “I admire won three straight Richard
ity of Jordan Walden, who stone. He added No. 501 midway what he does because Trophies as the league’s
missed much of last year Ovechkin reached the through third, beating a he’s a pure goal scorer.” leading goal scorer and
with a shoulder injury. mark in vintage fashion, defender with a sweeping Ovechkin has filled the five overall. He’s also won
“Success in the postseason scoring from just beyond deke at the top of the zone net more often than any- three Hart Trophies as
is based on having a very the left hash marks during a before smacking a shot one since he entered the league MVP.
strong bullpen,” Mozeliak second-period power play past goalie Andrew Ham- league in 2005, scoring 149 The 30-year-old Ovechkin
said. “You look at that core to give the Washington mond for a 7-1 lead. more goals than the next is the NHL leader in career
and you have to have a Capitals a 5-1 lead over the At 801 games, the Russian closest player, Jarome Igin- goals by a Russian-born
lot of confidence going Ottawa Senators. winger is the fifth-fastest la. player.
forward.” Ovechkin got an extended player to 500 goals, trailing Ovechkin was the first over- Ovechkin has 26 goals this
The Cardinals have been standing ovation and took only Hall of Famers Wayne all pick in the 2004 draft season, including five over
devoting more energy to a skate around the rink, Gretzky (575 games), Mario by Washington. He’s been his past three games.q
finding talent in the Asian