Page 19 - Aruba Today
P. 19
Tuesday 12 January 2016
Robert Allenby is seeking to
put ‘nightmare’ behind him
DOUG FERGUSON of a bloody scrape on his Jordan Spieth hits from the 18th tee during the final round of the Tournament of Champions golf
AP Golf Writer head and a swollen eye. event Sunday, Jan. 10, 2016, at Kapalua Plantation Course in Kapalua, Hawaii. Spieth finished at
KAPALUA, Hawaii (AP) — Then came the tale of be- 30 under par for the tournament win.
Robert Allenby returned to ing tossed from the trunk of
paradise with hopes of put- a car. Allenby said he was (AP Photo/Matt York)
ting a nightmare behind told that by a homeless
him. woman who helped him Spieth’s statement as big as his 8-shot win
Allenby has missed the escape from the park after
Sony Open only three times his story was questioned. A DOUG FERGUSON short of the record Els set at 35-foot birdie putt.
in his 17 years on the PGA homeless man said he saw AP Golf Writer Kapalua in 2003. “It’s incredible the way Jor-
Tour, and this would have Allenby pass out and hit his KAPALUA, Hawaii (AP) — He also joined Tiger Woods dan manages his game
been an acceptable oc- head on a rock. Jordan Spieth went on Twit- as the only players since going around all 18 holes,”
casion to miss. He went He was found unconscious ter in the final hour of 2015 full records began in 1970 Koepka said. “He doesn’t
from victim of what he first about a block from the res- to say, “Would rather this to win seven times on the seem to make a mistake.
described as a robbery taurant. year not end.” PGA Tour at age 22. Woods When he does get in trou-
and kidnapping to the butt Golf Channel cited un- Maybe it never did. was a month younger, and ble, he gets out of it and he
of jokes over a bizarre night identified sources at a strip Coming off a blockbuster he turned pro later. Spieth makes those 15-foot clutch
in Honolulu that left him club that Allenby ran up a year including the Masters, collected his seventh win putts to keep the round go-
with a bloodied forehead $3,400 tab at Club Femme U.S. Open, five victories and in his 77th start. Woods won ing. It’s impressive to watch,
and no memory of what Nu. However, Honolulu Po- the FedEx Cup, Spieth de- his seventh in only his 38th it really is. It’s fun to watch.”
happened. lice Det. John McCarthy livered a statement Sunday tournament as a pro. Koepka shot 71 and tied for
So why bother going back? said the report was not true in the Hyundai Tournament “My putting feels like it’s third.
“I’ve got so many great and the police investiga- of Champions by crushing 100 percent ready for ma- Defending champion Pat-
memories here that I wasn’t tion showed Allenby was the winners-only field at Ka- jor championships, and I’ve rick Reed had three bird-
going to let one bad one never in the strip club. palua for an eight-shot vic- just got to dial in everything ies in five holes, and he
interrupt it,” he said Sunday Allenby believes someone tory. else just a little bit more,” he pulled within three shots
night after checking into slipped a date-rape drug “I felt like it was a short said. “But I can sit here and with a birdie at No. 9. The
the Kahala Hotel at Waia- into his drink at the restau- three-week break and con- say that my putting certain- next time he saw a lead-
lae Country Club. “I also rant when he was taking tinue what we were doing ly is ready for the Masters to erboard, Spieth was five
thought for my own well- photos, which he said ex- last year,” he said. “That’s be next week. It’s a really shots in front and the gap
being that maybe I could plains the memory loss. the way I’ll keep on think- good feeling to have that only got bigger from there.
come here and face it and A month after the incident, ing about it. It worked well confidence with the flat Reed closed with a 69 and
put some closure on what police arrested a Hawaii this week. All parts were fir- stick.” was runner-up.
happened last year.” man for using Allenby’s ing.” Brooks Koepka played with “He hasn’t given anyone
He had dinner at the hotel credit cards. Owen Harbi- He made an 8-foot birdie Spieth in the final round opportunities to really
with friends and already son was sentenced in Au- putt on the 18th hole for a and started five shots be- catch up,” said Rickie Fowl-
has his dining plans laid out gust to five years. 6-under 67 and a spot in hind. On the first hole, Spi- er, who finished 10 shots
for the week. Through it all, his reputation the PGA Tour record book eth’s approach somehow behind in fifth place. “It’s
“Room service and (hotel) didn’t help. with Ernie Els. They are the settled inches away on just solid golf, and I think
restaurant,” he said. He is renowned for a fierce only two players at 30-un- the top of a steep bunker you’re going to see a lot
The 44-year-old Australian temper on the golf course. der par or lower in a 72- about 50 yards from the of that like he did last year.
last year missed the cut in Allenby once claimed An- hole event. Spieth, playing hole. His pitch rode the You’re going to have to
the first full-field event of thony Kim was out all night smart with a big lead on grain to 4 feet for par. Ko- play a good, solid golf tour-
the year, and then went before the final day of the the back nine, finished at epka three-putted for bo- nament to have a chance
to Amuse Wine Bar with his Presidents Cup — after Kim 30-under 262. That was one gey. Then, Spieth rolled in a to win.”q
caddie and a friend. He re- had beaten him badly in
calls golf fans recognizing singles. He mixed it up with
him and wanting a photo. Geoff Ogilvy over who was
He said police surveillance to blame for a team loss in
shows him leaving the res- the Presidents Cup at Royal
taurant. And that was it. Melbourne two years later.
Whatever happened that And he has gone through
night — Allenby says he still more than a dozen cad-
doesn’t remember any- dies.
thing during a 2½-hour win- Allenby, however, said he
dow — it might have gone felt as though he went from
unnoticed except that Al- the victim to the culprit and
lenby posted a photo his that it marred the rest of his
private Facebook page year.q