Page 23 - Aruba Today
P. 23

                                                                                                                 Tuesday 12 January 2016

Driverless taxi on Seoul campus offers glimpse of future 

YOUKYUNG LEE                    that scan road conditions.      A researcher from the Intelligent Vehicle IT Research Center at Seoul National University shows the
AP Technology Writer            Seo’s team outfitted the        smartphone application for the driverless car called Snuber with a fixture on its roof with devices
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) —       Genesis sedan with a cam-       that scan road conditions at Seoul National University’s campus in Seoul, South Korea. The South
A South Korean university       era, laser scanners and         Korean university is testing the sedan that can pick up and transport passengers without a human
is testing a sedan that can     other sensors. For now, due     driver, giving a glimpse into the future of autonomous public transport.
pick up and transport pas-      to regulations banning au-
sengers without a human         tonomous vehicles on the                                                                                                                  (AP Photo/Lee Jin-man)
driver, giving a glimpse into   roads, a driver is behind the
the future of autonomous        steering wheel and can          ly controlled campus envi-     He said in early 2020, a        2030, he said.
public transport.               override the automation in      ronment.                       driverless car will be run-     Experts said such servic-
Seo Seung-Woo, director         emergency situations. The       “It will take a huge amount    ning between tollgates on       es have the potential to
of the Intelligent Vehicle IT   car cannot travel faster        of time and effort,” said      highways. A door-to-door        change delivery business-
Research Center at Seoul        than 30 kilometers per hour     Seo. “We need more tests       pickup service using a self-    es, not only mass transport.
National University, said       (18.6 miles per hour) be-       in real traffic conditions.”   driving car is likely in early  q
the university has been         cause of the speed limit on
testing the driverless taxi to  campus. There are no full
transport disabled students     traffic lights but researchers
around campus.                  have programmed Snuber
The vehicle, called Snuber,     to navigate around other
has been navigating the         challenges.
4,109 square meter (44,200      The vehicle applies a
square foot) campus for         brake pedal at a red stop
the past six months without     sign and at a pedestrian
any accidents. It works in      crosswalk. When another
conjunction with a hailing      vehicle stops in the middle
app created by the uni-         of the road, the automat-
versity. Companies around       ed sedan will scan the oth-
the world are betting that      er lanes to detect vehicles
automated driving  tech-        traveling from the opposite
nology will transform public    direction. If there are no
transportation.                 other vehicles, the Snuber
In Japan, a company             moves into the oncoming
called Robot Taxi Inc. plans    lane to pass the vehicle.
to offer a full commercial      However, it is not yet ready
service in 2020. In Greece,     for use outside the relative-
driverless buses called City-
Mobil2 have been tested in      Feds:
real traffic. General Motors
Co. said Monday it is in-       Non-Jeep car radios aren’t vulnerable to hacking 
vesting $500 million in ride-
hailing company Lyft Inc.       TOM KRISHER                     hackers to remotely take       But the fear of widespread      identified by FCA,” NHTSA
and forming a partnership       AP Auto Writer                  over a Jeep Cherokee.                                          said in the documents.
that could eventually lead      DETROIT (AP) — U.S. safety      The hack by security ex-       vulnerability to hackers ap-    In addition, the agency
to on-demand, self-driving      regulators have deter-          perts Charlie Miller and                                       said Sprint, Fiat Chrysler’s
cars. South Korean com-         mined that only Fiat Chrys-     Chris Valasek touched off      pears to be unfounded.          wireless provider, blocked
panies, however, have           ler radios have a security      the investigation in July and                                  access to a radio commu-
been slow to embrace the        flaw that allowed friendly      raised fears that millions of  NHTSA investigators said        nications port that was un-
self-driving  technology.       hackers to take control of a    cars and trucks could be                                       intentionally left open. q
The country’s largest car-      Jeep last year.                 vulnerable.                    in documents that similar
maker, Hyundai Motor Co.,       The National Highway Traf-      They were able to change
said it expects to roll out     fic Safety Administration       the Cherokee’s speed           radios made by Harman
a fully automated car in        said in documents posted        and control the brakes, ra-
2030. Only this month, Sam-     online this weekend that it’s   dio, windshield wipers and     International went to Volk-
sung Electronics created a      ending a five-month inves-      transmission through the
team to focus on autono-        tigation into the vulnerabili-  Uconnect infotainment sys-     swagen, Audi and Bent-
mous driving.                   ties of automotive radios.      tem.
On the campus of Seoul          The agency also said last       The hackers informed Fiat      ley, but that those vehicles
National University, many       summer’s recall of 1.4 mil-     Chrysler of their findings
heads turn as the grey          lion Jeep, Chrysler, Dodge      and detailed them at a cy-     have safety systems that
sedan passes. It has tur-       and Ram vehicles closed         ber conference, triggering
ret on its roof with devices    the opening that allowed        the investigation.             would stop hackers.

                                                                                               “Based on a thorough re-

                                                                                               view of technical informa-

                                                                                               tion supplied during the

                                                                                               course of this investigation,

                                                                                               there does not appear to

                                                                                               be a reason to suspect that

                                                                                               the infotainment head units

                                                                                               Harman supplied to other

                                                                                               vehicle  manufacturers

                                                                                               contain the vulnerabilities
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