Page 17 - Aruba Today
P. 17

                                                                                                                            Tuesday 12 January 2016

Messi, Lloyd Win FIFA World Player Awards

Carli Lloyd of the USA and Argentina’s Lionel Messi pose with their trophies after winning the FIFA soccer player of the year 2015 prize during the FIFA Ballon d’Or
awarding ceremony at the Kongresshaus in Zurich, Switzerland, Monday, January 11, 2016.

                                                                                                                                                                                                 (Walter Bieri/KEYSTONE via AP))

GRAHAM DUNBAR                  extending fifth after being     23-candidate ballot. Ronal-  tugal coach Fernando San-     ing a stunning hat trick in
AP Sports Writer               runner-up to his great rival    do received 27.76 percent    tos did put Messi second      the opening 16 minutes of
ZURICH (AP) — Now score        for the past two years.         and third-place Neymar,      to Ronaldo. It was a stellar  a 5-2 rout of Japan in the fi-
it Lionel Messi 5, Cristiano   “It’s a very special moment     Messi’s Barcelona team-      night for Barcelona and the   nal. At first unable to speak
Ronaldo 3.                     for me to be back here on       mate from Brazil, got 7.86   World Cup-winning United      with emotion, Lloyd was
Messi won the Ballon d’Or      the stage,” Messi said in       percent. Voting was by na-   States women’s team.          loudly applauded as she
trophy on Monday as the        Spanish in his acceptance       tional team captains and     Luis Enrique was named        prepared to begin her ac-
world’s best player in 2015,   speech, “after being there      coaches, plus invited jour-  best coach after guid-        ceptance speech.
ending Cristiano Ronaldo’s     in the audience watching        nalists, from FIFA member    ing Barcelona to win          “I honestly wouldn’t be sit-
two-year hold on soccer’s      Cristiano win.”                 countries.                   the Champions League,         ting up here, standing up
top individual honor.          Five major titles for Barcelo-  As usual, Argentina captain  Spain’s La Liga and cup,      here, without my incredible
“It’s incredible that it’s my  na last year — leaving none     Messi and Portugal captain   UEFA Super Cup and Club       teammates,” said Lloyd,
fifth,” said the 28-year-old   for Ronaldo’s Real Madrid       Ronaldo ignored each oth-    World Cup.                    who made the three-play-
Barcelona and Argentina        — brought the golden ball       er on their own ballot pa-   The women’s awards were       er shortlist for the first time at
forward, who won four          back into Messi’s hands. It     pers. Messi voted for three  won by U.S. captain Carli     age 33.
straight FIFA awards from      was not even close.             Barcelona teammates and      Lloyd and coach Jill Ellis.
2009-12.                       Messi got 41.33 percent         Ronaldo listed three Madrid  Lloyd stood out by scoring        Continued on page 22
Messi earned his record-       of total voting points in a     colleagues. However, Por-    six World Cup goals, includ-
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