Page 13 - Aruba Today
P. 13
Tuesday 12 January 2016
Benefiting the Donkey Sanctuary:
A New Route for Aruba’s Traditional Annual Donkey Walk
BRINGAMOSA - The tradi- welcome to join the beau- course: some of our don- donkey sanctuary. Sponsor Reasons enough to walk
tional donkey Walkathon, tiful trip through the Aruban keys love the Walkathon. SuperFood is taking care of along with us, make a good
the 6K walk through the gor- countryside. The fee is ten florins per fresh fruit at the finish and start of a healthy year and
geous Aruban countryside Participants will be joined person and this amount each participant also gets meet some really nice peo-
will be held on Saturday, by several quadrupeds, of goes entirely towards the a small gift. ple along the way.q
January 16. This time a new
route will be followed: the
starting point is the donkey
sanctuary’s new location
Bringamosa, where some
70 donkeys already find a
home. Bringamosa is easy
to find: coming from Santa
Cruz you take the turn to-
wards the Frenchman’s
Pass and then the signs will
lead you to the sanctuary.
Participants can register
at the entrance starting
from 4pm; the start of the
Walkathon is at 5pm. Run-
ners as well as walkers are