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WORLD NEWSTuesday 12 January 2016

China: Giant Mao Zedong statue demolished

BEIJING (AP) — A Chinese           sitivities in the country sur-   from cultural management                  leader during the 1980s,       swath of the population,
village has abruptly de-           rounding a historical figure     authorities, though it also               openly rebuked the cult of     particularly the dissatisfied,
molished a statue of com-          alternatively revered and        cited an official as saying               personality that had been      rural poor, drawing notice
munist  China’s  founder,          criticized by both the pub-      that did not appear to be                 built around Mao and           of central authorities.
Mao Zedong, after images           lic and the government.          the reason. Local officials               warned cadres about the        Last month, the Global
of the structure covered in        The project, reportedly fi-      could not be reached for                  risk of overly concentrated    Times, a Communist Party
gold paint and looming 37          nanced by entrepreneurs,         comment on Monday, and                    influence.                     tabloid, reported on the
meters (120 feet) high over        cost $460,000 and was near       some agencies’ publicly                   Even as  China’s  cur-         latest Mao statue to rise in
farmland attracted heated          completion last week when        listed telephone numbers                  rent president, Xi Jinping,    rural northwestern  China,
discussion on social media.        it was nixed by local officials  appeared to be discon-                    consolidates power to a        where villagers sang revo-
Although the official rea-         after images of the statue       nected.                                   degree that has drawn          lutionary songs in a quasi-
son for the demolition is          elicited mixed reactions on      Since his death in 1976,                  comparisons to Mao, he         religious ceremony that
unknown, with even a               Chinese social media, and        Mao has been both re-                     warned in a 2013 speech        featured “ecstatic dance”
high-level Communist Party         the story was picked up by       vered as a founding father                against “worshipping” rev-     and a shamanistic figure
newspaper struggling to            domestic and international       and blamed for political                  olutionary leaders without     brandishing a sword.
explain the episode, the           media.                           turmoil and disastrous eco-               pointing out their mistakes.   “Building Mao temples is
rise and fall of the Mao           The People’s Daily, the of-      nomic policies that claimed               Still, Mao, known as the       not encouraged by the
monument in central  Chi-          ficial Communist Party           millions of lives. Succes-                “Great Helmsman,” has          central government or lo-
na’s  rural Henan province         newspaper, said the statue       sors including Deng Xiaop-                kept a firm grip on the        cal authorities,” the article
highlights the political sen-      may have lacked approval         ing,  China’sparamount                    imagination for a large        noted.

Philippines, US to discuss new Chinese islands 

JIM GOMEZ                          A China Southern Airlines jetliner lands at the airfield on Fiery          pines opposed the Chinese      The U.S. sent a guided-mis-
Associated Press                   Cross Reef, known as Yongshu Reef in Chinese, in the Spratly               flights.                       sile destroyer close to one
MANILA, Philippines (AP) —         Islands, known as Nansha Islands in Chinese, of the South China            “They can declare it offi-     of the Chinese-built islands,
The Philippine foreign and         Sea. An official says Philippine and U.S. foreign and defense              cially or we may witness a     called Subi Reef, in Oc-
defense chiefs will discuss        chiefs will discuss new security concerns arising from China’s             de facto ADIZ,” Jose said      tober in one of its boldest
with their American coun-          completion of artificial islands in the disputed South China Sea,          by telephone. In 2013, Chi-    challenges yet to Beijing’s
terparts ways to address           on Tuesday, Jan. 12 in Washington.                                         na declared such an avia-      territorial claims, sparking
new security concerns aris-                                                                                   tion security buffer zone      warnings from  China. U.S.
ing from  China’s  comple-                                                      (Cha Chunming/Xinhua via AP)  over the East  China  Sea,     officials vowed to contin-
tion of artificial islands in the                                                                             where Beijing and Tokyo        ue maneuvers to protect
disputed South  China  Sea,        test a runway on one of the      fense identification zone                 have been contesting           freedom of navigation and
an official said Monday.           seven man-made islands,          over the South  China  Sea,               ownership of a chain of un-    overflight.
Department of Foreign Af-          Fiery Cross, have raised         officially or otherwise, Jose             inhabited islands. The U.S.    China  has said it built the
fairs spokesman Charles            concerns that Beijing may        said.                                     and its allies led by Japan    islands primarily to foster
Jose said the Philippines          plan to impose an air de-        Vietnam and the Philip-                   protested the action and       safe civilian sea travel and
will ask the United States to                                                                                 announced they would not       fishing but added they may
continue patrols to ensure                                                                                    recognize the Chinese de-      also be used militarily.
freedom of navigation in                                                                                      fense zone.                    Analysts say the new islands
the area, a strategic pas-                                                                                    In the South  China  Sea,      will give Beijing a much
sageway for many com-                                                                                         Beijing shooed away U.S.       stronger security grip over
mercial and military ships,                                                                                   and Philippine planes even     a vast stretch of the South-
during Tuesday’s talks in                                                                                     while it was building the is-  China  Sea farthest from
Washington.                                                                                                   lands from previously sub-     the Chinese mainland, in
The possibility of joint patrols                                                                              merged reefs and atolls in     an area where Vietnam,
by the U.S. and its Asian se-                                                                                 the Spratly Islands, indicat-  the Philippines, Taiwan and
curity allies may also be dis-                                                                                ing its intention to control   Malaysia have stationed
cussed, he said.                                                                                              access to the region, Philip-  forces on islands and reefs
Recent Chinese flights to                                                                                     pine diplomats said.           which China also claims.

Kim’s nuke test proves gift of sorts for S. Korean president 
FOSTER KLUG                        weeks.                           ity by doing something she                tentious complaints against    border to begin cranking
Associated Press                   Park’s swift, hard-line re-      has proven herself adept                  Park, said Yoon Tae-Ry-        out South Korean K-pop
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) —          sponse, including a return       at: Standing tall in the face             ong, a professor at Seoul’s    songs and criticism of the
North  Korea’s  nuclear test       of cross-border propagan-        of what Seoul sees as a                   Konkuk University.             North’s leadership.
has provoked global out-           da broadcasts that Pyong-        provocation from its north-               “Some members of the rul-      She could have done more
rage, a push for sanctions,        yang loathes, has, for the       ern rival. A survey showed                ing party must be grinning     to punish the North, by
even fear. But Kim Jong            time being, overshadowed         her approval rating rose                  inside.” Shortly after the     slapping them with bilat-
Un’s decision to conduct           criticism of her leadership      slightly last week, for the first         North’s test, Park put her     eral punitive measures and
it has also handed a gift of       style, her alleged abuse of      time in five weeks.                       front-line troops on their     ending the South’s partici-
sorts to his rival in the South.   workers’ rights and her pur-     While the boost is likely                 highest alert, reportedly      pation in the factory park,
In an instant, Wednesday’s         ported submission to Tokyo       temporary, the timing of                  moved missiles, artillery and  which is a rare cash cow for
explosion shifted the focus        in a deal meant to end a         the nuclear test may help                 other weapons closer to the    the impoverished, widely
of debate about the presi-         dispute over Japan’s war-        Park and her ruling party.                border, partially banned       shunned North. The park,
dency of Park Geun-hye,            time sexual enslavement of       Crucial parliamentary elec-               South Koreans from a joint-    however, is also the last
who has faced several              Korean women.                    tions loom in April.                      ly run factory park in the     major inter-Korean project
mass protests condemn-             Park has temporarily             The test is “immediately qui-             North and allowed huge         from an earlier era of rap-
ing her leadership in recent       stopped a slide in popular-      eting down” the most con-                 green speakers along the       prochement.
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