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U.S. NEWSTuesday 12 January 2016
House moves on North Korea sanctions bill after bomb test
House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Rep. Ed Royce, R-Calif. speaks on Capitol Hill in Wash- would put “targeted eco- derided the Obama ad-
ington. The U.S. House of Representatives House pushed ahead on legislation that seeks to punish nomic financial pressure” ministration for not being
North Korea for its latest nuclear test by expanding sanctions on Pyongyang, a move with strong on North Korean leader more forceful in its policy
bipartisan support despite questions over how effective the new restrictions can be. Kim Jong Un, Royce said toward North Korea. Royce
Monday ahead of the said the administration’s
(AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta) vote, arguing that a failure approach of “strategic
to respond aggressively will patience” toward North
RICHARD LARDNER Lawmakers are sched- sanctions won’t have teeth embolden Pyongyang. Korea has failed to stop its
Associated Press uled to vote Tuesday on unless China makes a ma- Rep. Eliot Engel, the com- nuclear program.
WASHINGTON (AP) — the North Korea Sanctions jor shift in policy toward its mittee’s top Democrat, It’s uncertain what the bill’s
The U.S. House of Repre- Enforcement Act, which rebellious ally. Separately, said Kim is on a “danger- prospects will be in the
sentatives House pushed proposes to deny North Ko- a panel of experts on North ous, destabilizing course” Senate if it’s passed by the
ahead on legislation that rea the hard currency they Korea said existing United and theU.S. needs to act House.
seeks to punish North Ko- say it needs for its weap- Nations sanctions against unilaterally to show the But Sen. Bob Corker, the
rea for its latest nuclear test ons programs. Holding the the reclusive country are North Koreans that “there Republican chairman of
by expanding sanctions on vote tomorrow puts it on going unenforced. are consequences for their the Senate Foreign Rela-
Pyongyang, a move with the same day as President The House bill is sponsored actions.” tions Committee, said he
strong bipartisan support Barack Obama’s final State by Rep. Ed Royce, the Re- Royce’s committee unani- wants theU.S. and its allies
despite questions over how of the Union address. publican chairman of the mously approved the “to take a more assertive
effective the new restric- But former State Depart- House Foreign Affairs Com- measure in February 2015 role in addressing North Ko-
tions can be. ment officials said any new mittee. The new sanctions and it remained there until rea’s provocation.”
last week when North Ko- A central part of Royce’s
rea announced it had con- legislation is to make so-
ducted a fourth nuclear called “blocking sanc-
test — this one detonating tions” mandatory rather
a thermonuclear device than discretionary as cur-
with massive destructive rently permitted through
power. existing regulations. The
The announcement was sanctions are mandated
met with doubt North Ko- against any country, busi-
rea had set off a hydrogen ness or individual that ma-
bomb, which would mark terially contributes to North
a major technological ad- Korea’s nuclear and bal-
vance for Pyongyang’s listic missile development,
limited nuclear arsenal. But imports luxury goods into
it could take weeks or even North Korea, or engages
longer to confirm or refute with Pyongyang in money
the claim. Yet lawmakers laundering,
are pushing ahead. the manufacture of coun-
In the wake of the an- terfeit goods, or narcotics
nouncement, Republicans trafficking, according to
the legislation.
CNN reports American detained by North Korea A similar tactic was used by
the Treasury Department a
WASHINGTON (AP) — The in spying and stealing state Kirby said he could not “We are looking into the decade ago, Royce said,
government of North Korea secrets.In an interview with confirm the report. He de- matter, and when we have and it drained North Korea
has detained a U.S. citizen a CNN correspondent, Kim clined to discuss the issue more that we can say — if of the hard currency es-
on suspicion of spying, CNN said he had traveled exten- further or confirm whether we have more that we can sential for buying the parts
reported Monday. It said a sively in recent years be- the U.S. was consulting with say — we will,” Kirby told and supplies necessary for
man identified as Kim Dong tween China and North Ko- Sweden, which handles reporters. CNN displayed weapons development
Chul was being held by the rea and had made some U.S. consular issues in North Kim’s US passport and said and missile production.
Pyongyang government trips to South Korea as well. Korea because Washing- he had lived in China for Nor did Pyongyang have
and said authorities had In Washington, State De- ton and Pyongyang do not many years, but also had enough money to pay its
accused him of engaging partment spokesman John have diplomatic relations. resided in Fairfax, Virginia.q army or police forces. q