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A22                                                                                                                                           Fowler eyes major
                                                                                                                                                                   to merit inclusion
  SPORTSTuesday 26 January 2016                                                                                                                                    in golf’s new elite 

Extra Time:
PSG’s dominance removes drama from French league 

JEROME PUGMIRE                     Saturday’s 5-1 hammer-        bia’s World Cup star James     Dreyfus is increasingly keen                                       STEVE DOUGLAS
AP Sports Writer                   ing of Angers extended        Rodriguez to Real Madrid,      to sell — the asking price is                                      AP Sports Writer
PARIS (AP) — Fuelled by            an unbeaten league run        France midfielder Geof-        around € 85-100 million eu-                                        ABU DHABI, United Arab
funding from Qatar, Paris          dating back to March 15,      frey Kondogbia to Inter        ros — with potential buyers                                        Emirates (AP) — Golf’s
Saint-Germain’s crushing           matched a club record         Milan, speedy winger Yan-      from Kazakhstan, Kuwait                                            new “Big Three” has
dominance this season has          for 11 straight wins and im-  nick Ferreira Carrasco to      and China showing an in-                                           been around for only a
removed all suspense from          proved PSG’s whopping         Atletico Madrid, lynchpin      terest, according to a re-                                         few months, and already
the French league with 16          goal difference to + 46. At   defender Aymen Abden-          port Sunday on football                                            there’s talk of the exclusive
matches remaining.                 the ripe age of 34, Zlatan    nour to Valencia, and ris-     show Telefoot.                                                     group being expanded.
Unless you are a PSG fan,          Ibrahimovic is on course for  ing star Anthony Martial to    However, any buyer would                                           Rickie Fowler is back in
the excitement factor has          his best ever tally — he has  Manchester United — as         have to invest considerably                                        the conversation after his
evaporated. PSG already            17 league goals so far, de-   well as letting once-feared    more to attract the likes of                                       fourth worldwide victory in
leads closest rival Monaco         spite missing five games —    striker Radamel Falcao join    Di Maria and Edinson Ca-                                           the last nine months, over
by a colossal 21 points and                                                                                                                                        a stellar field at the Abu
has only setting domestic          PSG’s Lucas, center, celebrates with Zlatan Ibrahimovic, right, and Blaise Matuidi, after scoring                               Dhabi HSBC Champion-
records to worry about.            during the League One soccer match between Paris Saint Germain and Angers, at the Parc des                                      ship.
At the current rate, PSG           Prince stadium in Paris, Saturday, Jan. 23, 2016.                                                                               On Monday, the American
will finish on 104 points —                                                                                                                                        found himself at a career-
smashing its own record by                                                                                                              (AP Photo/Thibault Camus)  high No. 4 in the rankings,
15 — while coach Laurent                                                                                                                                           with only Jordan Spieth, Ja-
Blanc’s side is on course to       while winger Angel di Ma-     United on loan.                vani — PSG’s €64-million                                           son Day and Rory McIlroy
score around 100 league            ria has already beaten his    For a club hoping to chal-                                                                        above him.
goals and concede the              league scoring record as      lenge PSG, that is a funny     striker who now sits on the                                        But to merit inclusion in
least ever in a season.            well as setting up the most   way of showing it.                                                                                the  sport’s  golfing elite,
A second straight domes-           goals in Ligue 1.             Instead, Monaco has now        bench.                                                             Fowler knows he needs to
tic treble is odds-on, with        PSG’s only defeat any-        become purely a profit-                                                                           add a major to his increas-
PSG playing in the League          where was 1-0 away to         making club — and a very       Buying Marseille comes                                             ingly impressive resume.
Cup semifinals on Tuesday,         Real Madrid in the Cham-      good one — using its vast                                                                         He gets his first chance at
and if PSG avoids defeat           pions League on Nov. 3.       scouting network to re-        with another snag: the                                             the Masters in April.
at Saint-Etienne on Sunday         In boxing terms, PSG’s        cruit exceptionally talent-                                                                       “I’d like to jump in and
it will equal the longest un-      dominance would be the        ed young players and sell      Stade Velodrome is owned                                           be a part of that crew,”
beaten league run of 32            equivalent of a heavy-        them for a profit.                                                                                said Fowler, sitting beside
games, set by Nantes 21            weight champion knock-        Even if Monaco does finish     by the city and mayor                                              the huge Falcon Trophy
years ago.                         ing out petrified middle-     second, it would be hard to                                                                       awarded to the Abu Dhabi
PSG’s Qatari owners, Qa-           weights within a minute of    bet against the club selling   Jean-Claude Gaudin does                                            champion.
tar  Sports  Investments,          the opening round.            more of its promising assets.                                                                     “The goal right now with
have pumped hundreds of            Seven-time French cham-       Monaco has achieved            not want to sell it.                                               where my game’s at — it’s
millions of dollars into the       pion Lyon and nine-time       one thing PSG never has,                                                                          the best it’s been this early
club since taking over in          champ Marseille did chal-     though — reaching the          “As long as I’m mayor of                                           in the season in my career
June 2011 in a bid to join         lenge last season, but both   Champions League final, in                                                                        — I’m working on getting
Europe’s elite.                    languish 30 points behind.    2004 — and Marseille won       Marseille, it won’t change,”                                       ready for Augusta.
The club is worth around           Monaco threatened to up-      it in 1993.                                                                                       “I’d like to have my shot at
€480 million in terms of rev-      stage PSG after a massive     But Marseille only has an      he told Telefoot.                                                  getting the green jacket
enue, making it the fourth         cash outlay under Russian     outside shot of qualifying                                                                        there.”
richest behind Manchester          billionaire owner Dmitry Ry-  for next season’s Cham-        The example of Lens should                                         Fowler had never previous-
United, Barcelona and No.          bolovlev three years ago,     pions League and, hav-                                                                            ly won a tournament in the
1 Real Madrid, according           but then did everything to    ing spent several seasons      be a warning sign to clubs                                         first four months of a year.
to Deloitte’s rankings.            undermine that bid.           clearing debts, it has scant                                                                      He’s been a slow starter to
It’s all too easy, meaning         In the past two seasons,      funds available.               hoping for a miracle inves-                                        seasons — he tied for 66th
that Blanc’s side will ulti-       Monaco has sold Colom-        Owner Margarita Louis-                                                                            in Abu Dhabi in 2015, 17
mately be judged on how                                                                         tor, too.                                                          shots behind unheralded
well it does in the Cham-                                                                                                                                          French winner Gary Stal —
pions League — having                                                                           Having secured consider-                                           making the Masters even
lost in the quarterfinals for                                                                                                                                      tougher to win.
the past three seasons —                                                                        able backing from major                                            But this is a different Fowler,
rather by how many points                                                                                                                                          who acknowledges that
it wins its fourth straight title                                                               shareholder Hafiz Mam-                                             his work on the range with
by. Therefore, it is under-                                                                                                                                        celebrated coach Butch
standable that Blanc has                                                                        madov of Azerbaijan, all                                           Harmon is starting to pay
spent the past two weeks                                                                                                                                           off.
talking about the impor-                                                                        seemed promising when                                              His playoff win at The Play-
tance of being ready to                                                                                                                                            ers Championship last
face Chelsea in the last 16                                                                     the northern club won pro-                                         May started his winning
— even though the first leg                                                                                                                                        run that has also taken
is not until Feb. 16.                                                                           motion back to the first divi-                                     in the Scottish Open and
But in doing so he may as                                                                                                                                          the Deutsche Bank, and
well grab a megaphone                                                                           sion two seasons ago.                                              made him believe more in
and tell everyone how                                                                                                                                              himself.q
weak the domestic com-                                                                          That was until the league’s
petition is.
                                                                                                financial          watchdog

                                                                                                (DNCG) spotted a 10-mil-

                                                                                                lion euro hole in the club’s

                                                                                                proposed budget for 2014-

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