Page 17 - Aruba Today
P. 17

                                                                                                                                         Tuesday 26 January 2016

Upping the Andy

Andy Murray of Britain celebrates after defeating Bernard Tomic of Australia during their fourth round match at the Australian Open tennis championships in Mel-
bourne, Australia, Monday, Jan. 25, 2016.

                                                                                                                                                                                                          (AP Photo/Vincent Thian)

Murray Advances, Raonic Beats Wawrinka in Australia 

JOHN PYE                     style before advancing            any time if she went into la-   bulance and was admitted        tired,” he said. “As the day
AP Sports Writer             to the quarterfinals with a       bor — even if it meant miss-    overnight.                      went on and I decided to
MELBOURNE, Australia (AP)    scrappy 6-4, 6-4, 7-6 (4) win.    ing a chance at a drought-      “I just can’t believe some-     play, I started to focus a
— In the darker moments,     “The last few days were           breaking fifth Australian fi-   thing like that happened        little better. Certainly I was
when the medical needs of    very, very tough. A lot of        nal. The two-time major win-    a few days ago. It’s shock-     trying to just concentrate
his family were becoming     emotions, things sort of          ner was playing in the third    ing,” Murray said. “Nige        on the match when I was
more urgent, Andy Murray     changing all of the time in       round on Saturday when          is an unbelievably fit guy.     out there, but, like I said,
thought about leaving the    my head,” Murray said. “It’s      his father-in-law, Nick Sears,  Very, very scary.”              it’s been a hard, hard few
Australian Open before the   been a stressful few days,        who was in Melbourne as         Murray reported that his        days.”
fourth round.                but I’ll try to rest up the next  Ana Ivanovic’s coach,           father-in-law had been re-      Next up for Murray will be
The stress was obvious Mon-  few days to get ready for         needed sudden medical           leased from the hospital,       No. 8 David Ferrer, a two-
day, when an agitated        the next one.”                    in a nearby stadium. Sears      was feeling OK and was          time semifinalist, who held
Murray yelled and berated    Murray’s wife, Kim, is due        had to be taken from Rod        heading home. Murray was        off No. 10-seeded John Is-
himself repeatedly and       to have their first baby next     Laver Arena, where he was       staying, for now.               ner 6-4, 6-4, 7-5.
had trouble dealing with     month and he promised             watching Ivanovic play, to      “To be honest, when I woke
Bernard Tomic’s unusual      he’d fly back to Britain at       a nearby hospital by am-        up I felt quite drained, quite     Continued on page 20
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