Page 13 - Aruba Today
P. 13
Tuesday 26 January 2016
Gold Coast Vacation Villas Earn’s Guest Review Award 2015
MALMOK - Gold Coast Va- tors on vacation. The resi- sonalized service. Book- is extended to qualifying mingle with second-home
cation Villas received a dence boasts a multina- honors top-rated businesses worldwide, and owners, who are repeat
Guest Review Award from tional environment, where lodging businesses, as re- Gold Coast Vacation Villas visitors to the island. While just recently, permanent residents and viewed by travelers on the would like to thank all won- owners get a handsome
which proves that guests transient visitors share a vi- website. To qualify for the derful guests who were return on their real estate
clearly love the way the brant community, in a va- award Gold Coast Vaca- motivated to comment investment, the properly
property conducts its busi- cation village atmosphere. tion Villas had to maintain and rate the residence benefits from that bustling
ness and appreciate the, one of the an average rating of 8.0 on line, making the award activity and unlike many
way they are treated there, world’s most popular book- or higher, out of a possible possible. As a community, other master planned
while on vacation in one of ing engines lists Gold Coast 10, by December 31st at Gold Coast Residence communities without per-
the condos, townhouses Vacation Villas among its 09:00AM CET. The crite- also enjoys many local manent populations, Gold
ria also include the vol- Arubans some retired, Coast Residence exudes
and luxury villas available Aruba offerings. The con- ume of reviews and how some raising families who a genuine village ambi-
for rent. Gold Coast Resi- tinuous efforts made by recently they have been live on the property full ance, with anywhere from
dence widely recognized property staffers and the submitted. The accolade time. They freely mix and 500 up to 1,200 individu-
as Aruba’s premier master- consistency in managing als calling the lushly land-
planned neighborhood, and providing exception- scaped complex, home.
with more than 200 private ally high-quality accom- Gold Coast Residence will
homes completed and oc- modation and amenities, proudly display the award
cupied, now features over earned it this important in- icon on social media, and
80 condos, townhouses ternational recognition, es- on its website. Booking.
and luxury villas in its rental pecially since it combines com delivers real guests,
pool, hosting transient visi- with professional and per- real experiences and real
reviews, which can be re-
lied on while looking for a
place to stay on vacation,
in Aruba.q