Page 10 - Aruba Today
P. 10
WORLD NEWSTuesday 26 January 2016
Amid heavy security, Egypt marks 5th anniversary of uprising
Supporters of the ousted Islamist President Mohamed Morsi HAMZA HENDAWI the epicenter of the dem- tions of this size have taken
chant slogans and raise their hands with a four-fingered anti- MAGGIE MICHAEL onstrations — showing it place since 2013, but are
government gesture that commemorates the deadly crushing Associated Press filled with tens of thousands restricted to back streets of
by police of a 2013 Islamist protest camp, in the Faysal district of CAIRO (AP) — Amid heavy of protesters during the 18- poor or middle class neigh-
Cairo, Egypt, Monday, Jan. 25, 2016. Poster reads, “Military rule security Monday, Egypt day uprising. Next to them, borhoods, away from the
is a shame and a betrayal.” marked the fifth anniver- they posted photos of the eyes of the police in land-
sary of the uprising that square on Monday, show- mark squares and major
(AP Photo/Belal Darder) toppled longtime autocrat ing it empty except for thoroughfares.
Hosni Mubarak, with activ- several dozen supporters In the Mediterranean port
ists taking to social media of President Abdel-Fattah city of Alexandria, police
— but not the streets — to el-Sissi. Since 2011, when dismantled two bombs and
express frustration that their Mubarak fell after nearly arrested 15 people when
demands for freedom and three decades in power, they dispersed small pro-
democracy had not been Egypt has seen much up- tests by Brotherhood loyal-
realized. heaval: the rise of President ists, according to the of-
Many activists instead Mohammed Morsi and ficial MENA news agency.
posted photos from 2011 his once-banned Muslim In the October 6 suburb of
of Cairo’s Tahrir Square — Brotherhood; the ouster Cairo, police killed two sus-
of Morsi by el-Sissi, a for- pected militants in a raid.
mer general; and el-Sissi’s Explosives and firearms
launch of one of the harsh- were found in the raided
est crackdowns in years, apartment, MENA report-
with the jailing of thousands ed. Later, in Bani Suef prov-
of Islamists and scores of ince south of Cairo, police
liberal, pro-democracy ac- shot and killed a suspected
tivists. Despite the heavy militant when he tried to
police presence Monday, storm a checkpoint.
supporters of the Brother- The crackdown under el-
hood held at least two Sissi has forced many who
small demonstrations, with took part in the 2011 upris-
participants numbering in ing, along with hundreds
the low hundreds — both in of Morsi supporters, to flee
Cairo’s twin city of Giza. Egypt or abandon political
Brotherhood demonstra- activism altogether.q
Libyan parliament rejects the
UN-backed unity government
RAMI MUSA Cabinet formed by the
Associated Press U.N.-sponsored unity presi-
BENGHAZI, Libya (AP) — dential council. He said the
Libya’s internationally rec- council would be dissolved
ognized parliament on if it failed to meet a 10-day
Monday rejected a U.N.- deadline to form a new,
sponsored unity govern- smaller Cabinet. Another
ment with rival authorities parliamentarian earlier said
based in Tripoli, dealing a 90 out of 140 lawmakers re-
blow to months of efforts jected the deal. The parlia-
aimed at bridging a politi- ment endorsed the political
cal divide that has under- agreement underpinning
mined the fight against Is- the new government, but
lamic militants. objected to an article that
House of Representatives would dismiss Gen. Khalifa
member Abu Bakr Beira Hifter, a divisive figure who
said 89 out of 104 mem- was appointed military
bers who attended Mon- chief by the internationally-
day’s session rejected the recognized government.q