Page 6 - Aruba Today
P. 6
U.S. NEWSTuesday 26 January 2016
Candidates seek final edge in unpredictable race US court upholds
4-year-old energy
JOSH LEDERMAN President Barack Obama speaks in Detroit. During an interview with Politico posted on its website savings program
CATHERINE LUCEY Monday, Jan. 25, 2016, Obama was extremely cautious in discussing the presidential campaign
Associated Press to avoid showing explicit favor in the Democratic race. SAM HANANEL
IOWA FALLS, Iowa (AP) — Associated Press
The 2016 presidential can- (AP Photo/Paul Sancya) WASHINGTON (AP) —
didates opened their final The U.S. Supreme Court
push Monday before pri- ed performance can pro- up as the Republican and the appearance of favor- has upheld a 4-year-old
mary voting begins, seek- vide a momentum boost Democratic nominees. itism in the race, Obama federal program that pays
ing any edge in a race heading into New Hamp- Bloomberg’s assessment of said Sanders had clearly large electric customers to
brimming with unpredict- shire, where the Feb. 9 pri- the race underscores con- tapped into many Demo- save energy during times
ability for both Democrats mary will provide the best cerns in both parties about crats’ hunger for a candi- of peak demand.
and Republicans. opportunity for an alterna- whether they can win a date who speaks bluntly The justices ruled 6-2 on
Hillary Clinton and Bernie tive to the front-runners to general election with out- and loudly about liberal Monday that the Federal
Sanders, locked in an un- rise. side-the-box candidates values. Energy Regulatory Com-
expectedly tight race, de- Adding a new flavor of un- like Sanders and Trump. “You know, that has an ap- mission had the authority
livered their final-stretch certainty was word over Obama, in an interview peal,” Obama said. “And I to issue directives aimed
pitches Monday evening the weekend that former with Politico, praised Clin- understand that.” at conserving energy and
in a televised town hall New York Mayor Michael ton as “wicked smart” but Sanders, who has been on preventing blackouts.
forum, while President Bloomberg is considering said she faced enormous an aggressive Iowa tour in The ruling is a win for the
Barack Obama delivered an independent bid, eye- expectations that had the final days, returned his Obama administration,
his own blunt assessment ing an opportunity if Trump taught her to be more cau- focus to his plan for govern- environmental groups and
of their contest. Obama and Sanders should end tious. Carefully avoiding ment-run health care.q other supporters who said
praised Sanders for ener- the plan saved billions in
gizing liberals while saying energy costs, improved re-
that Clinton’s perceived liability of the power grid
dominance in the race and reduced air pollution
had been both an advan- since it was put in place
tage and a burden. in 2011. Utility companies
Republicans who have challenging the rule ar-
spent months courting gued it was too generous
voters in Iowa, where the and trampled state rights
primary season begins, over retail electricity sales.
working to ensure their sup- A federal appeals court
porters make it to the cau- ruled 2-1 last year that
cuses next Monday. With the plan intrudes on state
insurgent candidates Don- power over retail electric-
ald Trump and Ted Cruz ity sales.
battling for victory in Iowa, Federal law gives the com-
the remaining Republican mission authority to regu-
contenders are hoping late wholesale markets,
that a better-than-expect- while retail sales are gov-
erned by states.q