Page 3 - Aruba Today
P. 3
Tuesday 26 January 2016
Kerry dismisses posturing ahead of peace talks on Syria
MATTHEW LEE for foes of Syrian President
Bashar Assad remains solid.
AP Diplomatic Writer “I think these are just ten-
sions. These are things you
PHNOM PENH, Cambo- hear as people are wor-
ried,” he said.
dia (AP) — U.S. Secretary Over the weekend, a se-
nior official in Assad’s ruling
of State John Kerry on Baath party said the gov-
ernment would not make
Monday dismissed Syrian any new concessions in
the peace talks at a time
government claims and when the Syrian army with
the help of Russia is making
opposition complaints as progress in different parts
of the country.
posturing ahead of U.N.- “We are not going to give
today what we did not
led peace talks that are give over the past five
years,” Hilal al-Hilal said
to begin Friday and last six late Saturday, during a visit
to troops in areas they re-
months. cently captured from insur-
gents outside the capital,
Monday’s scheduled Damascus.
Kerry said that claim was in-
start in Geneva has been consistent with the positions
of Russia and Iran. Assad’s
pushed back to Friday main backers have agreed
to a U.N.-supported politi-
due to disagreements over cal transition process that is
to form a new government
which groups can repre- over the next 18 months.
“That doesn’t make sense,”
sent the opposition. Kerry said. “If that’s their at-
titude, the war does not
Kerry said that during his end. That is not the Russian
attitude. The Russians say
short stay in Laos earlier (the Syrians) are going to
go and they are going to
Monday, he had spoken to negotiate.”
He added, however, that
the U.N. special envoy for nothing was certain. “We
are going to know very
Syria and the foreign min- quickly, in a month or two U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry speaks to U.S. Embassy staff in Vientiane, Laos, Monday, Jan. 25,
or three, whether these 2016. Kerry is in Laos on the third leg of his latest round-the-world diplomatic mission, which will
isters of Russia, Saudi Ara- guys are serious.” also take him to Cambodia and China.
Separately, Turkey’s foreign
bia, France and Turkey. The minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu, (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, Pool)
warned that any participa-
goal is to reach a consen- tion of Kurdish forces in the
Geneva talks would spell
sus on how the talks will be the end of the initiative.
Kerry, who met with the
run and a planned cease- chief opposition nego-
tiator in Saudi Arabia on
fire would proceed. Saturday, also addressed
complaints from Assad foes
“We’re going to have the who say the U.S. and others
are giving in to demands
meeting and (the talks) are from the government and
its supporters.
going to start,” Kerry told “The position of the Unit-
ed States is and hasn’t
reporters. “But what we are changed. We are still sup-
porting the opposition,
trying to do is to make ab- politically, financially and
militarily,” he said, add-
solutely certain that when ing later: “We completely
empowered them. I don’t
they start everyone is clear know where this is coming
about roles and what’s
happening so you don’t go
there and wind up with a
question mark or a failure.
You don’t want to start Day
One by not being able to
make progress.”
U.N. Special Envoy Staf-
fan de Mistura, who an-
nounced in Geneva that
the negotiations would
start Friday, told reporters
the sides will not talk direct-
ly to each other to begin
Kerry said any disagree-
ments arising in the Ge-
neva talks would be ad-
dressed by another meet-
ing of the 20-odd member
International Syria Support
Group that is tentatively
scheduled for Feb. 11.
Syrian officials have said
they will make no conces-
sions at the negotiating
table. Opposition figures
have complained that
they are being forced into
the talks.
Kerry said those recent
statements reflect only
“tensions” and “rumors.”
He dismissed suggestions
of disunity among coun-
tries that back the opposi-
tion and said U.S. support