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UP FRONTTuesday 26 January 2016

EU police warn more attacks by IS militants likely                                                                                                                  AP Report:Toronto
                                                                                                                                                                   cop found guilty of
LORI HINNANT                    leased by the Islamic State    The Nov. 13 attacks tar-                                          at the same time you have         attempted murder 
JOHN DAHLBURG                   group celebrating the killers  geted a packed concert                                            to gather sympathizers. If
Associated Press                who carried out the Nov. 13    hall, a restaurant and cafe,                                      you’re not able to have the       TORONTO (AP) — A Toron-
PARIS (AP) — Europe’s top       attacks in the French capi-    and a soccer match at the                                         two going together, then          to police officer has been
police agency issued a          tal — while also threatening   French national stadium.                                          the model fails,” he added.       found guilty of attempted
stark warning Monday: Is-       fresh bloodshed.               The video glorifying the Ka-                                      But releasing the video           murder in the shooting
lamic State extremists will     The grisly recording ends      lashnikov-wielding gunmen                                         draws attention anew to at-       death of a teen in 2013.
keep attempting lethal at-      with one militant holding a    and suicide bombers re-                                           tacks that terrorized central     The killing, caught on vid-
tacks on soft targets in Eu-    severed head, footage of       sponsible for that carnage                                        Paris and shows the group’s       eo, sparked protests in
rope as the militant group      British Prime Minister David   was probably also meant                                           ability to turn Europeans         Canada’s largest city after
increasingly goes global.       Cameron giving a speech,       as a recruitment tool.                                            against their homelands in        it was posted online.
Some 2½ months after sui-       and an IS warning that         French Interior Minister Ber-                                     a relatively short time, said     Const. James Forcillo,
cide bombers and gunmen         whoever stands with the        nard Cazeneuve said Mon-                                          Magnus Ranstorp, a coun-          however, was cleared of
killed 130 people in Paris,     unbelievers “will be a tar-    day’s Europol report did                                          terterrorism expert at the        second-degree murder
the Europol agency said,        get for our swords.”           not go markedly beyond                                            Swedish National Defence          Monday in the death of
                                                                                                                                 College. The youngest of          18-year-old Sammy Yatim.
Armed police officers stand guard at the Houses of Parliament in London. Europe’s top police                                     the group, a 20-year-old,         A murder charge against a      It di
agency issued a stark warning Monday: Islamic State extremists will keep attempting lethal at-                                   had been in Syria only since      police officer in Canada is    con
tacks on soft targets in Europe.                                                                                                 February.                         rare.                          abu
                                                                                                                                 “They were not only battle-       The video shows Yatim          “We
                                                                                                      (AP Photo/Frank Augstein)  hardened but they were            holding a knife inside a       cess
                                                                                                                                 cruel. Their threshold for kill-  streetcar, with police out-    stan
“there is every reason to ex-   The 17-minute video, re-       previous warnings and was                                         ing was low. They wouldn’t        side. Yatim goads police       lice
pect that IS, IS-inspired ter-  leased Sunday, shows the       not intended to sow fear                                          blink to kill,” Ranstorp said.    while officers yell, “Drop     and
rorists or another religiously  extent of the planning that    but “to look lucidly at real-                                     He said the video’s release       your knife!” Shortly after,    him
inspired terrorist group will   went into the multiple at-     ity.”                                                             two months after the at-          three shots are fired. After   shou
undertake a terrorist at-       tacks in Paris, which French   Gilles Kepel, a political sci-                                    tacks fell into a typical de-     a pause, six more shots are    ac
tack somewhere in Europe        authorities have said          entist who wrote “Terrorism                                       lay by Islamic State’s pro-       fired. The second-degree       ter,”
again, but particularly in      from the beginning were        in France,” said even if Is-                                      paganda apparatus.                murder charge against the      cou
France, intended to cause       planned in Syria. All nine     lamic State extremists carry                                      Expert reviews conducted          officer relates to the first
mass casualties among the       men seen in the video died     out new attacks in Europe,                                        by Europol on Nov. 29 and         three shots he fired, while
civilian population.”           in the Paris attacks or their  the video shows the group                                         Dec. 1 concluded that the         the attempted murder
The sobering conclusions        aftermath.                     is increasingly desperate                                         Islamic State “is prepar-         charge pertains to the sec-
reached by experts from         All but two of the attack-     and likely on the wane — in                                       ing more terrorist attacks,”      ond volley. Some lawyers
the European Union’s            ers were from Belgium and      part because of the indis-                                        including copycats of the         who followed the case
chief agency for law en-        France and spoke fluent        criminate killings Nov. 13.                                       so-called Mumbai method           said it appeared jurors tried
forcement cooperation           French. The two others —       “They emphasize their abil-                                       of coordinated bombings           to reach a compromise.
and  EU  member states          identified by their noms de    ity to be cruel, to kill all their                                and shootings by multiple         “This has been reflective
make clear that many, per-      guerre as Iraqis — spoke in    opponents and to terrorize                                        teams of assailants that          of a sea change of where
haps virtually all in Europe,   Arabic.                        everyone. But what is very                                        claimed 164 lives in India’s      we’re going in terms of
may be at risk.                 Seven of the militants, in-    striking is that I do not be-                                     financial capital in Novem-       police accountability,”
“Without reliable intelli-      cluding a 20-year-old who      lieve that they will have a                                       ber 2008.                         said Julian Falconer, the
gence on the intentions,        was the youngest of the        significant amount of new                                         “The attacks will be primar-      lawyer for the Yatim fam-
activities and contacts and     group, were shown stand-       sympathizers after those                                          ily directed at soft targets,     ily. “Video has made po-
travels of known terrorists it  ing behind bound cap-          videos,” he said.                                                 because of the impact it          lice accountable.” Forcillo
is nearly impossible to ex-     tives, described as “apos-     “I believe that it’s not really                                   generates,” the Europol re-       told the court he believed
actly predict when and          tates,” who were either be-    a display of strength. It’s                                       port said.                        the knife-toting teen was
where the next terrorist at-    headed or shot.                rather a display of weak-                                         “Both the November Paris          about to come off the
tack will take place, and       “Soon on the Champs-Ely-       ness. Terrorism has its politi-                                   attacks and the October           streetcar to attack him,
what form it will take,” the    sees,” says Samy Amimour,      cal economy of sorts. You                                         2015 bombing of a Rus-            which was why he fired.
Europol report said.            who was raised in a Paris      have to terrorize people.                                         sian airliner suggest a shift     Prosecutors had argued
Hours before the report was     suburb, as he holds a cap-     On the one hand, you                                              in IS strategy toward going       that Forcillo was a “hot-
issued, a new video was re-     tive’s head aloft.             have to spread terror, but                                        global.”                          head and a bully” who ig-
                                                                                                                                 Numerous independent              nored other viable use-of-
                                                                                                                                 analysts have conjectured         force options when he shot
                                                                                                                                 that as Islamic State has         Yatim.
                                                                                                                                 increasingly lost ground in       The case prompted the
                                                                                                                                 Iraq and Syria, including to      city’s police chief to launch
                                                                                                                                 a U.S.-led international co-      a review of officers’ use of
                                                                                                                                 alition and the Russian mili-     force and their response
                                                                                                                                 tary, it has lashed out at its    to emotionally disturbed
                                                                                                                                 foes abroad.                      people.
                                                                                                                                 IS commanders are given           It wasn’t immediately clear
                                                                                                                                 tactical freedom depend-          how much jail time, if any,
                                                                                                                                 ing on local circumstanc-         the officer will receive.
                                                                                                                                 es, making it much harder         Forcillo’s lawyer Peter
                                                                                                                                 to detect plots, the report       Brauti indicated he will try
                                                                                                                                 said. That degree of liberty,     to have the proceedings
                                                                                                                                 it said, makes it harder for      stayed — which happens
                                                                                                                                 law enforcement “to de-           after a finding of guilt but
                                                                                                                                 tect such plans and iden-         before a conviction is reg-
                                                                                                                                 tifying the people involved       istered. q
                                                                                                                                 at an early stage.”q
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